Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
No. 3 Junction ConnectorHeadlight Cleaner Motor and Pump AssemblyNo. 3 Junction ConnectorHeadlight Cleaner Control RelayWindshield Washer Motor and Pump AssemblyNo. 26 Junction ConnectorWindshield Wiper Switch Assembly d=" M 883.85, 426.71 L 883.85, 494.70 d=" M 883.85, 353.06 L 883.85, 409.72 d=" M 892.35, 418.22 L 926.35, 418.22 L 926.35, 588.19 L 203.97, 588.19 L 203.97, 401.22 AG12ACGDBLYVWW-BW-BRYRRW3251111H-LP Relay(BAT)2150A H-LP- MAIN31No. 3 Junction ConnectorA72(BAT)230A H-LP CLN2M12Headlight Cleaner Motor and Pump AssemblyA4754No. 3 Junction ConnectorA721HDLO5FRWA4E3IG6PBHeadlight Cleaner Control RelayA482(IG)7.5A ECU-IG NO.33B42RW-BRRWPLWLWWM21A45Windshield Washer Motor and Pump Assembly46No. 26 Junction ConnectorG114EWWFFront Washer OnOffWR+B2Washer Switch+B2WFWREW10D7C5D4CWindshield Wiper Switch AssemblyG10(C),G11(D)73B43C15A WSH3C62(IG)12