Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Back Door Lock Assembly Junction Connector Junction Connector Front Door Lock Assembly RH Front Door Lock Assembly LH Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH Junction Connector Double Lock Door Control Relay Assembly Main Body ECU Crankshaft Position Sensor Junction Connector Junction Connector Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly RH Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Door Control Receiver Junction Connector Certification ECU Assembly Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Junction Connector Junction Connector ECM Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Double Lock Door Control Relay Assembly L16 25A DBL LOCK 2D 5 (BAT) 1 +B 7.5A ECU-B 1 2 (BAT) 2C 18 2A 48 3B 62 3B 50 7 CPUB Y Y R Y Y 4 11 13 1 GR ACTR L74 Junction Connector 4 3 ACTS LG 14 18 26 6 DLPP V Front Door Lock Assembly LH O5 6 2 1 5 V(**) LG(**) B(**) LG W-B(**) DLPD 26 14 18 5 4 W-B Front Door Lock Assembly RH N5 4 3 9 10 LG(**) B(**) Y(**) W-B(**) DLSR LG GR LG GR Y 13 2 9 Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly RH P1 2 1 5 6 BE GR G W-B W-B BE GR G DLPL 12 G 5 12 P MPX1 9 14 GND W-B W-B 3 9 Junction Connector L80 7 1 Junction Connector L79 W-B W-B 3 2 Junction Connector L80 W-B 7 6 Junction Connector R28 W-B DLSR DL UNDL E 11 UNDL DL E 10 3 Junction Connector S23 W-B When wiring colors are indicated with (**), either the colored wiring (general wiring) or the painted wiring is used. W-B(**) W-B(**) W-B W-B 3B 58 3B 71 2D 36 35 1 2D 35 54 1 3A 71 3A 11 36 1 3B 9 53 1 6 A 19 A 50 BCTY FRCY FLCY LRCY 4 Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH S6 B SB L Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH R6 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH S11 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH R13 Junction Connector R25(A),R26(B) 2 V BR BR G G BR BR R R G 21 22 Junction Connector L75 10 6 GR LG LG GR 19 Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH Q1 4 3 9 10 BE GR L W-B BE GR L DLPR L 4 11 5 GR Double Lock Door Control Relay Assembly L16 M Double Lock Position M Double Lock Position M M Double Lock Position Double Lock Position R 6 3 5 2 12 7 E E DLSR UNDL DL UNDL DL DLSR W-B(**) Double Lock Door Control Relay Assembly L16 When wiring colors are indicated with (**), either the colored wiring (general wiring) or the painted wiring is used. Unlock Detection GR 3A 64 3A 63 W-B CANL CANH Junction Connector S23 E 7 LSSR 8 Unlock Detection E 8 7 LSSR W-B(**) LG(**) Unlock Detection E 6 5 LSSR W-B Unlock Detection E 10 9 LSSR W-B GR W-B(**) LG(**) GR LG 9 21 20 6 C 2 A 2 1 A 1 C 5 4 V P D 1 2 D W V Junction Connector L90(A),L96(C),L97(D) F 1 H 1 F 2 H 2 Junction Connector L99(F),L103(H) V W 4 W-B BR 11 2 2 LG 7 A GR 18 A GR LG LSFL LSFR 5 3A 4 3B B 12 A 7 When wiring colors are indicated with (**), either the colored wiring (general wiring) or the painted wiring is used. L7(A),L8(B) Main Body ECU BECU 30 2C 18 P Y IG 32 (IG) 10A ECU-IG NO.1 ACC 29 (ACC) 10A ECU- ACC Main Body ECU L7(A),L8(B) 25A DOOR NO.1 (BAT) 31 ALTB 2A P 27 16 LIN2 7.5A ECU-B (BAT) 1 2 Y W-B 3 4 Junction Connector L80 3 B W-B GND2 W-B GND1 11 W-B 6 2B 7 3 Junction Connector L79 W-B 7 1 Junction Connector R28 W-B 1 Courtesy + E R18 Back Door Lock Assembly 2 LSR 5 29 2B 2D 25 28 8 GR GR 10 8 GR GR GR Main Body ECU L7(A),L8(B) 74 B 120 B NE+ NE- BR NE NE- 1 2 Crankshaft Position Sensor D27 B W W (Shielded) 5 A 13 A V P 13 A 14 A CANL CANH BR W 9 A 10 A CANH CANL W-B W-B 2 5 4 RSSI DATA +5 V GR LG 1 GND S13 Door Control Receiver 6 10 V RSSI B 16 Y RDA B 15 R RCO B 5 17 18 19 P BE ECM A56(A),D28(B) Main Body ECU L7(A),L8(B) Certification ECU Assembly L56(A),L58(B) LG(**) LG(**) GR LG(**) LG(**) LG(**) LG(**) GR Junction Connector L74 GR LG LG GR P P GR GR LG(**) LG(**) GR GR LG(**) LG(**) GR GR LG(**) LG(**) GR GR LG(**) LG(**) LG(**) LG(**) PS1 LR2 OL2 AL3 AL3 QR1 QR1 QR1 LS1 LS1 LS1 LR2 LR2 QR1 LS2 LS2 LS2 PS1 PS1 PS1 NL2 NL1 NL1 NL1 OL1 OL1 OL1 NL1 OL1 LR1 LR1 LS1 LR1 LS1 PS1 LS1 QR1 LR1 R1 D1 R1 S1 L1 L3 S1 L1 L3 L1