Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
K1 Pre-Crash Safety System Cancel Switch (Pre-Crash System Cancel Switch Assembly) A36 Certification ECU Q1 Certification ECU I1 Console Box Illumination Light Assembly A61 Junction Connector A29 Headlight Leveling ECU Assembly A80 Headlight Leveling ECU Assembly A30 Accelerator Pedal Sensor Assembly G1 Instrument Panel Passenger Airbag without Door Assembly G2 Instrument Panel Passenger Airbag without Door Assembly A73 Diode (Back-Up Light) z1 A/C Amplifier Assembly , A/C Unit (A/C Harness Assembly) z5 Spiral Cable Sub-Assembly , Steering Pad Switch Assembly z6 Spiral Cable Sub-Assembly , Cruise Control Main Switch J2 Front No. 3 Speaker Assembly J3 Ion Generator Sub-Assembly c2 Power Steering ECU Assembly c1 Power Steering ECU Assembly z11 Power Steering ECU Assembly , Power Steering Torque Sensor (Electric Power Steering Column Sub-Assembly) J1 Automatic Light Control Sensor P2 Airbag Sensor Assembly Q5 Airbag Sensor Assembly z2 Spiral Cable Sub-Assembly , Driver Side Squib Circuit (Horn Button Assembly) z3 Spiral Cable Sub-Assembly , Driver Side Squib Circuit (Horn Button Assembly) z17 Spiral Cable Sub-Assembly , Steering Vibration and Heater ECU (Steering Wheel Assembly) A35 Parking Brake Switch Assembly A28 Stop Light Switch Assembly A32 Brake Pedal Load Sensing Switch (Brake Pedal Support Assembly) *1 * 1:Refer to the Service Bulletin for the * 13:From Jul. 2015 Production installation position of the parts. (*12) z18 Spiral Cable Sub-Assembly , Steering Vibration and Heater ECU (Steering Wheel Assembly) (*13) (*17) z20 Spiral Cable Sub-Assembly , Driver Side Squib Circuit (Horn Button Assembly) (*18) (*17) z19 Spiral Cable Sub-Assembly , Driver Side Squib Circuit (Horn Button Assembly) (*18) (*13) (*12) * 12:Before Jul. 2015 Production * 17:Before Aug. 2016 Production * 18:From Aug. 2016 Production