Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
Short ConnectorTire Pressure Warning Reset SwitchCombination Meter AssemblyMain Body ECUFront Tire Pressure Warning AntennaJunction ConnectorTire Pressure Warning ECU and Receiver (Electrical Key & Tire Pressure Warning System Receiver Assembly)Certification ECU AssemblyJunction ConnectorSkid Control ECU with Actuator AssemblyJunction ConnectorJunction ConnectorTire Pressure Warning ECU and Receiver (Tire Pressure Warning Receiver Assembly) d=" M 297.45, 316.80 L 297.45, 477.71 L 654.39, 477.71 L 654.39, 494.70 L 671.39, 511.70 L 671.39, 513.68 d=" M 331.44, 77.71 L 331.44, 61.28 L 1393.77, 61.28 L 1393.77, 350.23 d=" M 348.44, 384.22 L 348.44, 418.22 d=" M 348.44, 316.80 L 348.44, 369.21 d=" M 569.40, 316.80 L 569.40, 358.73 L 356.94, 358.73 L 348.44, 367.22 L 348.44, 369.21 d=" M 1087.82, 375.72 L 1087.82, 562.69 L 671.39, 562.69 L 671.39, 528.70 d=" M 671.39, 513.68 L 671.39, 316.80 d=" M 705.38, 195.27 L 705.38, 256.18 d=" M 705.38, 120.77 L 705.38, 180.26 d=" M 1274.79, 350.23 L 1274.79, 197.25 L 883.85, 197.25 L 883.85, 239.75 L 866.86, 239.75 L 858.36, 248.24 L 858.36, 256.18 d=" M 858.36, 256.18 L 858.36, 129.26 L 1325.78, 129.26 L 1325.78, 350.23 d=" M 1155.81, 375.72 L 1155.81, 588.19 L 1818.70, 588.19 L 1818.70, 443.71 L 1801.70, 443.71 L 1793.20, 435.21 L 1793.20, 427.28 d=" M 1325.78, 375.72 L 1325.78, 443.71 L 1274.79, 443.71 L 1274.79, 375.72 d=" M 1470.25, 375.72 L 1470.25, 537.20 L 1793.20, 537.20 L 1793.20, 427.28 d=" M 1470.25, 350.23 L 1470.25, 282.24 d=" M 1470.25, 258.73 L 1470.25, 214.82 d=" M 1470.25, 129.26 L 1470.25, 179.69 EL1EL1EL1EL1EL1EL1EL1EL1AL4EA1EA3EA1EL1EL1EA4EA1EA4EA1EL1L5C1E1C2E3WWBR237B1B12B3BBW-B(LHD)(*2)(*2)L69(B)PRGRDALGLG4B5B(*2)7473W-B210A ECU-IG NO.2(IG)W-B(RHD)(*2)57(*2)BB(*3)R(*2)(*2)* 2 :FMVSS138 Type* 3 :ECE-R64 TypeE115Tire Pressure Warning Reset SwitchRDAE118(B)G(*3)L(*3)W(*3)BR(*2)R(*2)W(*2)B(*2)LG(*2)L6B2B8BB+5DATALGRSSILCANHR9B(*2)(*2)B10WCANL4B5BPRG122JIG(BAT)2272J10A J/B-AM NO.1+BGNDCLSW21BRB(*3)Main Body ECU(*2)(*2)(*2)(*2)Tire Pressure Warning ECU and Receiver (Electrical Key & Tire Pressure Warning System Receiver Assembly)B14CANHB13CANLGWGW(*9)(*8)247* 8 :Before Aug. 2017 Production* 9 :From Aug. 2017 ProductionIGCLSWBWJunction ConnectorPRG2RDA2G(*3)GNDBR(*3)(*3)(*3)A1BRL7224A5A12A3AEC1W1B1A881FR1WG(*3)L(*3)RCANHCANLW3132A9A10(*3)(*3)(*3)W(*2)BR(*2)R(*2)WB(*2)LG(*2)LRWCANLLLGB19B20B18BC78CBRCORDAMLGCSELCANHLCertification ECU AssemblyE150(B),E151(C)L82(A),L86(B)W(RHD)W(LHD)B(LHD)B(*3)Front Tire Pressure Warning Antenna(*2)(*2)(*2)(*2)(*2)(*2)(*2)Tire Pressure Warning ECU and Receiver (Tire Pressure Warning Receiver Assembly)GW453WBE188515111SBWWR(RHD)(RHD)(RHD)(RHD)WB717616WW13Skid Control ECU with Actuator AssemblyA2425CANLW17B33AWShort ConnectorA49(A),A50(B)111(LHD)B(RHD)Junction ConnectorE161(RHD)B24321531W(RHD)(RHD)WB(LHD)(LHD)BW(LHD)(LHD)WWWRRWB(LHD)(LHD)212WGGGWWBR67(RHD)(LHD)A10B14(*5)(*4)A19(*4)(*5)B1(*6)BR(*7)* 5 :1VD-FTV w/ DPF* 4 :3UR-FE, 1VD-FTV w/o DPF* 7 :LHD 1VD-FTV* 6 :3UR-FE, RHD 1VD-FTV46VBRBRA37(A),C52(B)Junction Connector67AET20IG+BCombination Meter AssemblyE120(A)TFTPower Supply CircuitIGBIG+5A METER2I2(IG)10A MPX-B NO.212(BAT)A4049ACANHCANLVBEA22Tire PressureA3921CAN INPUTE1583LLCANH11B4BE7Junction Connector4ALSUB(LHD)(LHD)BE(LHD)WW(RHD)(RHD)BE(RHD)(LHD)BE(LHD)(LHD)BEW(LHD)(LHD)WBE(RHD)(RHD)BEW(RHD)(RHD)W