Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
- Accessory Meter Assembly , Multi-Display Assembly
- Certification ECU
- Clock Assembly
- Combination Meter Assembly
- Combination Switch Assembly
- Door Control Battery
- Electric Parking Brake Switch Assembly
- Engine Stop and Start ECU
- Engine Stop and Start ECU
- Engine Stop and Start ECU
- Engine Switch
- Fold Seat Switch Assembly (Rear No. 2 Seat)
- Front Console Box Light (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly)
- Front Power Window Regulator Switch Assembly RH
- Front Refreshing Seat Switch
- Glove Box Light Assembly
- Headlight Dimmer Switch Assembly
- Headlight ECU Sub-Assembly LH
- Headlight ECU Sub-Assembly RH
- Integration Control & Panel Assembly
- Integration Control & Panel Assembly
- License Plate Light Assembly LH
- License Plate Light Assembly RH
- Main Body ECU
- Map Light Assembly
- Mobile Wireless Charger Cradle Assembly
- Multiplex Network Master Switch Assembly
- No. 12 Junction Connector
- No. 14 Junction Connector
- No. 14 Junction Connector
- No. 14 Junction Connector
- No. 16 Junction Connector
- No. 2 Air Conditioning Control Assembly
- No. 22 Junction Connector
- No. 28 Junction Connector
- No. 30 Junction Connector
- No. 33 Junction Connector
- No. 34 Junction Connector
- No. 5 CAN Junction Connector
- No. 6 Junction Connector
- No. 7 Junction Connector , No. 37 Junction Connector
- No. 9 Junction Connector
- No. 9 Junction Connector
- Option Connector (Trailer Towing)
- Radio Receiver Assembly
- Radio Receiver Assembly
- Rear Combination Light Assembly LH
- Rear Combination Light Assembly RH
- Rear Console Box Light (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly)
- Rear Light Assembly LH
- Rear Light Assembly RH
- Rear Refreshing Seat Switch
- Rear Seat Heater Switch
- Remote Operation Switch
- Remote Operation Switch
- Seat Memory Switch LH
- Seat Memory Switch RH
- Shift Position Indicator
- Spiral Cable with Sensor Sub-Assembly , Steering Pad Switch Assembly
- Spot Light Assembly
- Steering Pad Switch Assembly , Spiral Cable with Sensor Sub-Assembly
- Trip Switch
Engine Stop and Start ECUDoor Control BatteryNo. 12 Junction ConnectorMain Body ECUHeadlight Dimmer Switch AssemblyNo. 14 Junction ConnectorOption Connector (Trailer Towing)No. 28 Junction ConnectorNo. 34 Junction ConnectorRear Light Assembly LHRear Light Assembly RHLicense Plate Light Assembly RHLicense Plate Light Assembly LHNo. 33 Junction ConnectorCombination Meter AssemblyMultiplex Network Master Switch AssemblyNo. 14 Junction ConnectorSeat Memory Switch LHNo. 6 Junction ConnectorMap Light AssemblyEngine Stop and Start ECUSpot Light AssemblyNo. 30 Junction ConnectorNo. 14 Junction ConnectorFront Refreshing Seat SwitchRear Refreshing Seat SwitchMobile Wireless Charger Cradle AssemblyClock AssemblyElectric Parking Brake Switch AssemblySeat Memory Switch RHCombination Switch AssemblyEngine Stop and Start ECURemote Operation SwitchRemote Operation SwitchShift Position IndicatorRadio Receiver AssemblyFront Console Box Light (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly)Rear Console Box Light (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly)Accessory Meter Assembly , Multi-Display AssemblyGlove Box Light AssemblyRadio Receiver AssemblyIntegration Control & Panel AssemblyTrip SwitchNo. 16 Junction ConnectorCertification ECUEngine SwitchHeadlight ECU Sub-Assembly LHNo. 5 CAN Junction ConnectorHeadlight ECU Sub-Assembly RHRear Combination Light Assembly LHRear Combination Light Assembly RHFront Power Window Regulator Switch Assembly RHSpiral Cable with Sensor Sub-Assembly , Steering Pad Switch AssemblySteering Pad Switch Assembly , Spiral Cable with Sensor Sub-AssemblyNo. 2 Air Conditioning Control AssemblyFold Seat Switch Assembly (Rear No. 2 Seat)Rear Seat Heater SwitchNo. 7 Junction Connector , No. 37 Junction ConnectorNo. 9 Junction ConnectorNo. 9 Junction ConnectorNo. 22 Junction ConnectorIntegration Control & Panel Assembly d=" M 50.99, 205.75 L 50.99, 267.22 d=" M 339.94, 316.80 L 339.94, 630.68 L 5838.52, 630.68 L 5838.52, 477.71 d=" M 450.42, 375.72 L 450.42, 460.71 d=" M 705.38, 299.24 L 705.38, 282.24 L 832.86, 282.24 L 832.86, 324.73 d=" M 832.86, 401.22 L 832.86, 341.73 d=" M 943.34, 341.73 L 943.34, 401.22 d=" M 1104.82, 392.72 L 1104.82, 341.73 d=" M 1206.80, 486.20 L 1206.80, 477.71 L 1215.30, 469.21 L 1240.79, 469.21 d=" M 1206.80, 384.22 L 1206.80, 486.20 d=" M 1249.29, 460.71 L 1249.29, 401.22 L 1215.30, 401.22 L 1206.80, 392.72 L 1206.80, 384.22 d=" M 1963.17, 460.71 L 1963.17, 393.29 d=" M 2813.03, 511.13 L 2813.03, 486.20 d=" M 2813.03, 433.23 L 2813.03, 471.19 d=" M 2813.03, 418.22 L 2813.03, 409.72 L 2821.53, 401.22 L 2847.02, 401.22 d=" M 2813.03, 341.73 L 2813.03, 418.22 d=" M 2813.03, 341.73 L 2813.03, 350.23 L 2821.53, 358.73 L 2855.52, 358.73 L 2855.52, 392.72 d=" M 2957.51, 333.23 L 2957.51, 401.22 L 2864.02, 401.22 d=" M 3798.87, 511.13 L 3798.87, 334.36 d=" M 5490.08, 528.70 L 5490.08, 350.23 d=" M 5745.04, 172.32 L 5745.04, 248.24 d=" M 5872.52, 172.32 L 5872.52, 452.21 d=" M 6093.48, 452.21 L 6093.48, 392.72 d=" M 6552.41, 154.76 L 6552.41, 120.77 L 6535.41, 120.77 L 6526.91, 112.27 L 6526.91, 103.77 d=" M 6671.39, 486.77 L 6671.39, 545.69 L 5617.56, 545.69 L 5617.56, 350.23 d=" M 6968.84, 486.77 L 6968.84, 630.68 L 6093.48, 630.68 L 6093.48, 477.71 RJ1RJ1ZS1JS1NS1NS1UJ1UJ1UJ1JR1JR1MR1MR1Jg1Jg1JR5SR4SR4JR5JR5JR5Rx2Vx1Vx1Rx2JR5JV1JV1JA1JA1JCJDSBSCZAJCJFJEJFAAAGJCJFB(*13)GGRB(*13)(*13)(*13)WW(*17)BW-BVW-BW-BLWWL(*13)4BECU3EDORR33Door Control Battery69J110No. 12 Junction Connector13BCANL22BTAIL14BCANHMain Body ECUJ8(B)BECUACCIGGND1TRLYLight Control SwitchELTAUTOTailATHeadHELOff18B15BJ28(B)Headlight Dimmer Switch Assembly1222No. 14 Junction ConnectorJ1136CTLAOption Connector (Trailer Towing)S267118109No. 28 Junction ConnectorS802100A J/B-AM(BAT)225A ECU-DCC NO.22B2(BAT)31(*13)(*14)2B23(ACC)232(IG)10A ECU-IG1 NO.45A ECU-ACC3021132B1B1222D2A5314TAIL Relay12E10A TAIL2D3025A PANEL211314GNo. 28 Junction ConnectorW-BBBRW-BS80W-BWWW-BW-BBWSBWL38910Z27No. 34 Junction ConnectorEBTail/ Stop12Rear Light Assembly LHZ21BETail/ Stop12Rear Light Assembly RHZ208173Z26No. 33 Junction ConnectorSide MarkerEBTail/ Stop31Rear Combination Light Assembly LHS31Side MarkerEBTail/ Stop31Rear Combination Light Assembly RHS3311*14 :w/o Door Control Battery*17 :w/ Trailer Towing*13 :w/ Door Control BatteryGSBSBNo. 33 Junction ConnectorBWW-BBGLGLVW(*7)G(*7)(*8)(*8)(*7)(*7)Z26WW(*7)G(*7)GGZ27No. 34 Junction ConnectorWWLLBE21Z9License Plate Light Assembly RHBE21Z4License Plate Light Assembly LHILL-ILL+133Multiplex Network Master Switch AssemblyN7ILL-ILL+42Seat Memory Switch LHN5254125W-BW-BW-BW-BGRPGRYWGSBWWLLBBSBSBRILLMain BoardILLBLILLRLMPGND9Door SwitchIntrusion Sensor Off SwitchSliding Roof Switch20B10A17A8A16AU11(A),U12(B)Map Light Assembly20CILLJ46(C)Engine Stop and Start ECUEILLB45Spot Light AssemblyU1312U17No. 30 Junction Connector1213J113No. 14 Junction Connector11B8B10B4B3B6B7B2B5A5B1A9A7A6A10A3A1B8A4A11A2A9BNo. 9 Junction ConnectorJ104(A),J105(B)191615* 2 :8AR-FTS* 7 :w/ Seat Position Memory* 8 :w/o Seat Position Memory(*2)BGRNo. 9 Junction ConnectorBE(*5)P(*4)(*5)BGRG(*4)GBEJ104(A),J105(B)WWLLBBGRGRILL-ILL+53Front Refreshing Seat SwitchJ82ILL-ILL+97Rear Refreshing Seat SwitchJ159ILL-10TAILJ78Mobile Wireless Charger Cradle Assembly12B15B14B20A15A18A17A13A16B21A19A13B14A16A19B20B22ANo. 9 Junction ConnectorJ104(A),J105(B)GWWGW(*7)G(*7)(*8)(*7)(*7)(*8)GVW(*7)G(*7)WVYLYWNo. 9 Junction ConnectorJ104(A),J105(B)No. 9 Junction ConnectorJ104(A),J105(B)WWLL8ILL-3ILL+Clock AssemblyJ79ILL-ILL+73Electric Parking Brake Switch AssemblyJ85ILL-ILL+24M5Seat Memory Switch RHILL-ILL+LockUnlock61M6Front Power Window Regulator Switch Assembly RH44272647* 8 :w/o Seat Position Memory* 7 :w/ Seat Position Memory* 5 :w/ Power Seat (Rear Seat)* 4 :w/ Seat Heater (Rear)(*2 *12)G(*12)B(*1 *12)VRLG(*2 *11)WWLLNo. 9 Junction ConnectorJ104(A),J105(B)No. 9 Junction ConnectorJ104(A),J105(B)(*18)(*18)(*2)(*2)ILL-ILL+610Combination Switch AssemblyJ3525CIL41J46(C)Engine Stop and Start ECU8ILL-1ILL+J59Remote Operation Switch* 2 :8AR-FTS*18 :4WD*30 :From Aug. 2016 Production*12 :w/o LEXUS Navigation System*11 :w/ LEXUS Navigation System# :There is no wire color information.* 9 :w/ Rear No. 2 Seat* 1 :2GR-FKS(*11)B(*1 *11)VWJ104(A),J105(B)(*11)#(*11)#GGRLGLNo. 9 Junction ConnectorWWLLNo. 9 Junction ConnectorJ104(A),J105(B)R(*30)SB(*9)(*9)SBSB(*9)SBLVL(*9)RL(*9)(*9)(*9)V(*9)(*9)(*9)16ILL-9ILL+Remote Operation Switchg19ILL-10ILL+Shift Position IndicatorJ81513KEILL-(*12)(*11)1410BKILL+(*12)(*11)J50(K),J52(B),J76(E)Radio Receiver Assembly10ILL-8ILL+No. 2 Air Conditioning Control AssemblyS904ILL-5+BFold Seat Switch Assembly (Rear No. 2 Seat)R61765No. 22 Junction ConnectorR4316924162319W-BVW-BLGW-BVW-BVBRBELAVWWLLLLNo. 9 Junction ConnectorJ104(A),J105(B)R(*30)R(*30)GR(*9)(*9)GR(*9)R(*9)R(*9)L(*9)(*9)LBB(*9)+BGND12V2Front Console Box Light (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly)+BGND12V1Rear Console Box Light (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly)1313BAGND1(*27)(*28)22BAILL(*27)(*28)J56(A)J137(B)Accessory Meter AssemblyMulti-Display AssemblyBL12Glove Box Light AssemblyJ639ILL-7ILL+Rear Seat Heater SwitchV613155414712SBLLLW-BWWLLLLNo. 9 Junction ConnectorJ104(A),J105(B)(*29)(*29)(*29)(*29)R(*30)R(*30)127BKGND1(*11)(*12)3223CKSWG(*11)(*12)Radio Receiver AssemblyJ50(K),J52(B),J53(C)IL+2EAUILL-3A4A13A9B5BB8J29(A),z4(B)Spiral Cable with Sensor Sub-AssemblySteering Switch LHSteering Switch RHSteering Pad Switch Assemblyz4(B)*29 :Before Aug. 2016 Production*28 :w/ 8 inch Display*12 :w/o LEXUS Navigation System*30 :From Aug. 2016 Production*27 :w/ 12.3 inch Display*11 :w/ LEXUS Navigation System(*22)GRWGRPLR(*26)WWLLLLNo. 9 Junction ConnectorJ104(A),J105(B)(*22)(*26)(*26)ILL-ILL+(*24)(*24)(*23)(*25)(*23)(*18)(*26)(*25)(*18)158Integration Control & Panel AssemblyJ84TripA/BDownUpERVILL-ILL+83547J1Trip Switch13141512No. 16 Junction ConnectorJ115(*22)ILL-ILL+(*19)(*21)(*19)(*20,*33)(*22)(*21)(*20,*33)127J83Integration Control & Panel AssemblyWVBEBGRWRPWLWWWLLLLGGVVWWBEBEG(BAT)2130A H-LP LH5132111H-LP LH Relay10BSWIL11BAGND1BCANH2BCANLCertification ECUJ41(B)AGNDSWIL96Engine SwitchJ14IGGNDCANHCANLECUBLINLDRL/Clearance13242312204A49Headlight Light ECU Sub-Assembly LH471831417615No. 5 CAN Junction ConnectorJ97*25 :w/ Heated Windshield Defroster*20 :w/ Automatic High Beam System*18 :4WD*24 :w/ Panoramic View Monitor System*19 :w/ Power Back Door*23 :w/ Heated Steering Wheel System*21 :w/ Headup Display*33 :w/ Adaptive High-Beam System*26 :*18, *23, *24, *25*22 :*19, *20, *21, *33BBW-BW-BW-BW-BRRRLG(*1)(*2)RWYGRWHeadlight Light ECU Sub-Assembly LHA49WWGRGRLLGGVVWWBEBER(*2 *32)P(*31,*1 *32)110A ECU-IG1 NO.82(IG)IGGNDECUBLINLDRL/Clearance2041213Headlight Light ECU Sub-Assembly RHA503759GRBELW-BVWWW-BG(*2)GRJ10(A)RSBCombination Meter AssemblyWWWGRGRLLGG10CIG12J46(C)Engine Stop and Start ECU30A H-LP RH12(BAT)3251111H-LP RH Relay5V+BTRILL-EPI/FSW3I/FODOESBIG+5V ICTelltalesLED DriverCPUCAN I/FCANLCANHIL2-CPU25A4A26A38A40A21A30A29A22A31A39AJ10(A)Combination Meter Assembly16J113No. 14 Junction Connector* 1 :2GR-FKS* 2 :8AR-FTS*32 :From Dec. 2017 Production*31 :Before Dec. 2017 Production(*1)GRVGW-BW-B110J100No. 6 Junction Connector1119BA1018BANo. 37 Junction ConnectorJ141(B)No. 7 Junction ConnectorJ101(A)(*32)(*31)(*32)(*31)105A METER- IG22B2(IG)5A METER2A2(BAT)32