Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Outer Mirror Switch Assembly Skid Control ECU Assembly Front Absorber Control Actuator LH Junction Connector Rear Absorber Control Actuator LH Yaw Rate Sensor Short Connector (Height Control) Front Acceleration Sensor Assembly DLC3 Junction Connector Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Junction Connector Headlight Swivel ECU Assembly Junction Connector Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Front Height Control Valve Front Height Control Sensor Sub-Assembly LH Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Combination Meter Junction Connector Main Body ECU Height Control Compressor Motor Junction Connector Rear Absorber Control Actuator RH Stop Light Switch Assembly Rear Speed Sensor LH , Rear Height Control Sensor LH ECM Height Control Exhaust Valve Rear No.2 Height Control Valve Sub-Assembly Front Absorber Control Actuator RH Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Steering Sensor Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU Junction Connector Front Height Control Sensor Sub-Assembly RH Rear Acceleration Sensor Assembly Junction Connector Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Rear Height Control Sensor RH , Rear Pad Wear Indicator Switch , Rear Speed Sensor RH Suspension Control ECU Junction Connector Junction Connector Crankshaft Position Sensor Junction Connector Combination Switch Assembly d=" M 25.50, 103.77 L 25.50, 367.22 d=" M 127.48, 281.67 L 127.48, 163.26 L 637.39, 163.26 L 637.39, 281.67 d=" M 467.42, 375.72 L 467.42, 477.71 d=" M 705.38, 103.77 L 705.38, 281.67 d=" M 968.84, 452.21 L 968.84, 350.79 d=" M 2702.55, 596.69 L 2702.55, 673.17 L 1733.71, 673.17 L 1733.71, 350.79 d=" M 1733.71, 220.77 L 1733.71, 281.67 d=" M 2277.62, 205.75 L 2277.62, 95.27 L 1733.71, 95.27 L 1733.71, 205.75 d=" M 1852.69, 256.74 L 1852.69, 622.18 L 2320.11, 622.18 L 2320.11, 512.27 d=" M 1929.18, 376.29 L 1929.18, 417.65 d=" M 1980.17, 315.67 L 1980.17, 263.26 d=" M 1980.17, 248.24 L 1980.17, 163.26 L 3331.44, 163.26 L 3331.44, 196.69 d=" M 2124.65, 520.20 L 2124.65, 478.27 d=" M 2447.59, 322.75 L 2447.59, 367.22 d=" M 2881.02, 384.22 L 2881.02, 197.25 L 2447.59, 197.25 L 2447.59, 307.73 d=" M 2702.55, 418.78 L 2702.55, 479.69 d=" M 2796.03, 537.20 L 2796.03, 409.72 d=" M 2957.51, 409.72 L 2957.51, 647.68 L 4470.25, 647.68 L 4470.25, 418.22 d=" M 3271.95, 409.72 L 3271.95, 528.70 L 3331.44, 528.70 L 3331.44, 257.31 d=" M 3679.89, 358.73 L 3679.89, 409.72 d=" M 3679.89, 307.73 L 3679.89, 257.31 SLEX C 3 C 13 E E RR C 20 E RL GND C 8 TD C 7 RBR- C 6 RBR+ RAR- B 26 RAR+ RBL- B 25 RBL+ RAL- A 17 RAL+ FBR- A 18 FBR+ FAR- A 13 FAR+ FBL- A 14 FBL+ FAL- A 15 FAL+ RM- A 16 RM+ SLRL A 9 SLRR A 11 E A 3 A 4 A 10 A 8 SHG A 9 SHB SHFR A 3 SHB SHG 7 A SHFL A 11 2 3 1 1 3 2 5 1 4 2 5 1 4 L BR GR B V R R V LG R L R W BE W W Y B L R W BE (BAT) 40A AIR SUS 1C 3 3 1 5 2 5 5 5 5 2 1 14 13 B 12 B 19 A B 5 5 A 22 B 12 7 4 2 53 56 55 54 1 3 1 3 2 3 PA 44 (IG) B 10 B 8 2 9 B B 3 3 B 7 3 B 11 B 1 1 B 5 3 B 16 B 17 2 B 6 1 B 1 A 22 3 B 18 2 B 22 A 20 1 B 20 2 B 21 C 24 3 C 30 C 23 C 26 GR C 28 LG BR C 25 GR LG C 11 BR C 29 C 16 C 27 C 12 +LH +RH C 15 RH+ LH+ A 21 A 24 A 19 A 23 SGL2 SHRL B 4 SBL2 SGR1 B 14 SBR1 SHFR SGL1 SBL1 SHFL B C 5 RC SLFL C 4 SLFR Y G R W B G R 3 14 B W Yaw Rate Sensor Steering Sensor 55 54 NE NE- 1 2 B 22 B 13 A 15 A 19 Crankshaft Position Sensor E54 3 4 FL+ FL- C RL+ 11 A L 15 A 16 A 15 P L B C FR+ FR- RL- 10 A RR+ 11 BE R R LG L BR W-B W-B W-B Y G B BE W R L B P R B V G Y B P W-B W-B L W-B W-B W-B W Y Front Height Control Valve A59 Height Control Exhaust Valve A56 Junction Connector A63(A),A64(B) Rear Acceleration Sensor Assembly z14 Short Connector (Height Control) A38(A),L82(B) Front Acceleration Sensor Assembly A15 Junction Connector R41 Junction Connector A70 Junction Connector A61(A),A62(B) Rear Absorber Control Actuator RH A4 Rear Absorber Control Actuator LH A54 Front Absorber Control Actuator RH Suspension Control ECU A39(A),L88(B),R1(C) Suspension Control ECU A39(A),L88(B),R1(C) AIR SUS Relay 52 51 Y G DA 41 DA 40 8 1 Junction Connector L100 W-B W-B W-B BR W R 57 35 A45 3 3 2 5 1 4 2 5 1 4 4 1 5 2 1 5 2 8 6 9 L G BE BR Y G LG P Y G LG P Y G LG P L G BE BR W-B W-B W-B W-B 8 2 DA 41 DA 40 BE W-B W-B W-B Junction Connector L100 Junction Connector S54 Junction Connector R41 Front Height Control Sensor Sub-Assembly RH T1 Front Height Control Sensor Sub-Assembly LH T2 SBR2 SHRR SGR2 SGFL SGL SBL SGRR SGR3 SBR3 SHF2 SGL3 SHR2 SBL3 SGFL SGG SGB SGRR SGND SGV 15 53 31 L V R B P V L V R BR LG BE BR LG BE L GR LG BR 2 1 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 Front Absorber Control Actuator LH L17 Rear No.2 Height Control Valve Sub-Assembly R26 RAL+ RAL- RBL+ RBL- RAR+ RAR- RBR+ RBR- 4 3 P B 2 W-B FAL+ FAL- FBL+ FBL- E FL E FR FAR+ FAR- FBR+ FBR- 20A AIRSUS L R W BE BE W R L Y G Y G L W-B BR L W-B BR Headlight Swivel ECU Assembly SHFL SGR SHRL 17 21 19 A37 18 SBR L GR LG BR 4M 6 4J 6 PA 59 PA 48 3K 2 3A 2 11 OPA DLC3 L31 BE BE BE C 21 C 22 CA2L CA2H B 8 CANL B 7 CANH Suspension Control ECU A39(A),L88(B),R1(C) C 30 C 29 48 49 46 45 37 38 L21 L71 CA1H CA1L 10 21 9 20 2 13 11 22 1 12 A 7 A 6 C 8 C 9 B W Y L R G Y L W B R G B W B W CANL CANH CA2H CA2L R G L Y 1 12 3 14 19 8 20 9 14 3 21 10 22 11 15 4 CA1L CA1H CA1L CA1H 9 10 2 3 W B L Y L PA 40 W-B L Y SPORT 20 21 CANL CANH B W 25 C B STP DH 15 DH 13 (BAT) 16 DH 5A STOP 1 2 L G Stop Light Switch Assembly A35 VC 3 CA2L CA2H NE+ NE- CANH CANL VC A 14 A 13 C 18 A 17 A 18 C 27 C 34 L L G R W B L W B W B B W L Junction Connector E52(A),E53(B) Junction Connector A67 Skid Control ECU Assembly A19(A),A21(C) Junction Connector A66 Junction Connector A67 Junction Connector A65(A),A86(B) Junction Connector L99 Junction Connector S73(A) G R G R 4 15 3 14 W B B W W B Y L 16 5 7 18 Junction Connector L97 Junction Connector L95 Y L A 6 CANL A 5 CANH A 16 CANP A 15 CANN L Y B W Combination Switch Assembly L75(A) 3 CANN Y L L Y B W L Y B W L Y B W L Y B W Y L B W Y L B W R G W B B W R G W B B W G R B W W B C RR- 10 C 16 Rear Speed Sensors BR Y Y BR Front Speed Sensors 5 4 GND1 GND2 DA 40 W-B W-B DA 41 A 1 GND3 8 11 Junction Connector L100 W-B W-B (IG) IG 15 (ACC) ACC 22 (BAT) ALTB 6 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH RCTY 7 B R 17 PCTY 21 B L DCTY 24 C W 4E 4 4F 4 DA 14 DD 30 1 S6 W R 1 R6 L 1 S14 L 1 R12 R LCTY DD 12 13 14 L 10A D-IG1-3 5A D-ACC 5A AM1 Main Body ECU L11(A),L12(B),L13(C) 3 5F 3 5I W-B E 2 CANP 7 MPX A 5 L 39 PA 51 PA 4B 1 4H 1 W-B W-B W-B 40 PA 4J 1 W-B DA 29 DA 51 4B 4 4F 3 A 1 B B 5A P-D/C CUT (BAT) 4H 5 4B 6 B L L L 3 A MPX E2 4G 1 4H 1 4G 11 4H 11 PA 43 PA 58 17 W-B BR W-B BR BR W-B 18 ES PA 51 PA 39 LED DRIVER COMFORT 5A P IG2 PA 60 (IG) 10A D MPX-B 1 (BAT) 58 DA 4H 10 4G 10 4F 12 4G 12 23 22 CPU CAN CONTROLLER CAN I/F 5V IC Combination Meter L10 B L B L 13 14 B IG2 CANP CANN Signal Earth Body Earth IG2 MPX-B CPU TFT CPU TFT Panel TFT Module Back Light Buzzer I/F Master HEIGHT HIGH 4J 1 W-B R G R G B W W B G R L Y Y L 10 21 ECM A13(A),E1(C) HEIGHT HIGH Switch Suspension Control Switch Outer Mirror Switch Assembly L6 SHRR Rear Height Control Sensor LH Rear Height Control Sensor RH SHG SHRL SHB SHG SHB S65 R56 Rear Height Control Sensor LH Rear Speed Sensor LH Rear Height Control Sensor RH Rear Pad Wear Indicator Switch Rear Speed Sensor RH 15 B W-B W-B A 15 A 16 A 13 A 14 B W CANH CANL CA3H CA3L Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU A74(A),A76(C) A 13 A 2 A 12 A 1 PA 12 L11(A),L12(B),L13(C) Main Body ECU B W W B ECM A13(A),E1(C) C 29 RDY 54 W W W W W W W A 8 RDY Note : Please refer to the Multiplex Communication System (CAN) section for information regarding the shielded communication lines. Note : Please refer to the Multiplex Communication System (CAN) section for information regarding the shielded communication lines. Note : Please refer to the Multiplex Communication System (CAN) section for information regarding the shielded communication lines. Note : Please refer to the Multiplex Communication System (CAN) section for information regarding the shielded communication lines. 2 1 3 4 A57 Height Control Compressor Motor L B G-W G RM+ RM- B E B 2 B 13 A 10 A 21 A 9 A 20 RS3 TS1 LA1 LR1 LR1 AR1 AR1 LS1 LS1 LS1 LA1 LA1 LA1 LA1 RS3 LA3 LA3 LA3 LA3 RS3 RS3 TS1 TR1 LA3 LA3 LR1 LR1 TR1 TR1 TR1 TR1 TS1 TS1 TS1 RS3 RS3 RS3 LR1 LR1 LR1 zR1 zR1 zR1 LS1 A8 L4 L1 L4 L1 A9 R1 L4 R1 L3 A2 S1 L3