Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Junction Connector Rear Speaker Assembly RH Front No.2 Speaker Assembly LH Rear Speaker Assembly LH Front No.3 Speaker Assembly Rear No.2 Speaker Assembly RH Stereo Component Amplifier Assembly Disc Player Assembly and Headphone Terminal Radio Receiver Assembly Video Adapter Terminal Junction Connector Rear Header Speaker Assembly RH Front No.1 Speaker Assembly LH DCM (Telematics Transceiver) Multi-Media Interface ECU Rear No.2 Speaker Assembly LH Television Display Assembly Junction Connector Rear No.3 Speaker Assembly LH Rear No.3 Speaker Assembly RH Video Terminal Junction Connector Rear Header Speaker Assembly LH Front No.1 Speaker Assembly RH Junction Connector Floor Stereo Component Speaker Assembly Junction Connector Front No.2 Speaker Assembly RH Display & Navigation Module Display d=" M 152.97, 475.72 L 152.97, 520.20 d=" M 152.97, 435.21 L 152.97, 460.71 d=" M 152.97, 399.24 L 152.97, 420.20 d=" M 152.97, 359.29 L 152.97, 384.22 d=" M 722.38, 537.20 L 705.38, 537.20 L 705.38, 409.72 d=" M 705.38, 394.70 L 705.38, 359.29 d=" M 832.86, 281.67 L 832.86, 180.26 d=" M 1801.70, 281.67 L 1801.70, 197.25 d=" M 1801.70, 182.24 L 1801.70, 69.77 d=" M 2872.52, 418.22 L 2872.52, 503.20 L 3339.94, 503.20 L 3339.94, 325.30 d=" M 3161.47, 325.30 L 3161.47, 435.21 L 3033.99, 435.21 L 3033.99, 418.22 d=" M 4385.27, 418.22 L 4385.27, 426.71 L 4376.77, 435.21 L 4359.77, 435.21 L 4359.77, 503.20 L 3492.92, 503.20 L 3492.92, 358.73 L 3356.94, 358.73 L 3356.94, 350.23 L 3339.94, 333.23 L 3339.94, 325.30 d=" M 4767.70, 69.77 L 4767.70, 222.18 d=" M 5541.07, 390.74 L 5541.07, 469.21 L 5464.59, 469.21 L 5464.59, 291.30 d=" M 5541.07, 223.31 L 5541.07, 375.72 d=" M 6407.93, 384.22 L 6407.93, 469.21 L 6067.99, 469.21 L 6067.99, 223.31 d=" M 6067.99, 223.31 L 6067.99, 231.25 L 6059.49, 239.75 L 6050.99, 239.75 L 6050.99, 256.74 L 5923.51, 256.74 L 5923.51, 571.19 L 7623.23, 571.19 L 7623.23, 384.22 d=" M 6407.93, 214.25 L 6407.93, 369.21 d=" M 7623.23, 222.75 L 7623.23, 369.21 d=" M 7623.23, 86.77 L 7623.23, 207.73 (BAT) 30A AMP PJ 5 2 3 C B +B2 (BAT) 30A AMP DD 5 2 1 C +B 3 GR GR 10A D MPX-B 2 DA 42 (BAT) 1 3 B L L Radio Receiver Assembly 3 D WUI 54 Y Y WUO 2 E WF2+ W 6 E WF2- R 5 E WF1- Y 1 E WF1+ B WF2+ 2 WF2- 4 WF1- 3 WF1+ 1 Floor Stereo Component Speaker Assembly R20 GND GND2 2 C 6 C Junction Connector R43 4 2 W-B W-B TWL+ 4 B W TWL- 11 B R 8 9 20 19 17 1 25 9 1 2 Rear No.2 Speaker Assembly LH O21 W W W R R R B Y B Y 3 FL+ E 9 FL- L LG 44 43 A 1 SL+ A 5 SL- B Y 11 10 Y B 1 2 S18 Rear Header Speaker Assembly LH A 2 SR+ A 6 SR- B Y 1 2 R18 Rear Header Speaker Assembly RH D 6 MO+ D 12 MO- L D 11 SLDO BR Y D 9 WUO SB 41 42 V P CTR- 7 E CTR+ 8 E 2 7 1 2 P V P V M1 Front No.3 Speaker Assembly 2 2 1 B Y WFL- 8 B WFL+ 6 B 1 2 Y B Y B N12 Front No.1 Speaker Assembly LH 4 Y B WFR- 2 B WFR+ 10 B RLD+ 3 RLD- 4 +TW -TW 1 2 Rear No.3 Speaker Assembly LH Q8 A 3 RL+ A 9 RL- P Y 18 17 V P 1 2 O12 Rear Speaker Assembly LH 5 4 P Y Front No.2 Speaker Assembly LH GND W-B A 4 RR+ A 10 RR- W R R W 1 2 O1 Rear Speaker Assembly RH L9 LG L 2 1 E (*6) 22 20 21 19 (*5) R (*5) W (*5) B VV- Y (*6) (*6) BR 5 VV+ 6 (Shielded) (*6) ADPG 8 L (*6) 8 9 10 11 49 48 50 47 (*6) BR (*6) Y (Shielded) (*6) Multi-Media Interface ECU R81(A),R82(B) Video Terminal L78 VV+ ADPG 8 5 VV- 6 5 8 6 7 (*5) (Shielded) BR (*5) (*5) Y L (*5) (*5) (Shielded) BR (*5) (*5) Y (Shielded) (*5) SG 7 VAL+ 2 VAR+ 1 W (*5) B (*5) VA- 3 R (*5) 24 23 21 22 1 2 3 4 (Shielded) (*5) W (*5) B (*5) R (*5) (Shielded) (*5) W (*5) B (*5) R (*5) R73(D),R74(A),R75(B),R76(C),R77(E) R73(D),R74(A),R75(B),R76(C),R77(E) Display & Navigation Module Display L132(D),L133(F),L134(E),L135(H),L137(B),L150(M) Multi-Media Interface ECU R81(A),R82(B) 1 2 1 5 SB LG BR W B R B(*5) W(*5) R(*5) (Shielded) (*5) B(*5) W(*5) R(*5) (Shielded) (*5) L (Shielded) BR Y L (Shielded) BR Y L(*6) L(*5) L (*5) * 5 :w/ Disc Player Assembly * 6 :w/o Disc Player Assembly * 5 :w/ Disc Player Assembly * 5 :w/ Disc Player Assembly * 6 :w/o Disc Player Assembly L130 * 8 :w/ LEXUS ENFORM or Safety Connect * 9 :w/o LEXUS ENFORM or Safety Connect R73(D),R74(A),R75(B),R76(C),R77(E) (*6) (Shielded) (*5) 10 HP2R 12 11 GR (*5) L (*5) Y (*5) G (*5) (*5) LG 8 9 7 1 2 BE 3 HP1L A 15 17 A HP1R 16 A SLD1 HP2L 8 A WUO 15 16 17 21 SGN2 BR (Shielded) Y 1 2 B Y N4 Front No.1 Speaker Assembly RH Display & Navigation Module Display L132(D),L133(F),L134(E),L135(H),L137(B),L150(M) R G L MI+ MI- SLDI L (Shielded) GR WUI E 3 MO+ E 7 MO- E 6 SLDO E 8 WUO W B NTSC GND SLD (Shielded) F 9 VV+ F 20 VV- GND1 D 10 W-B 10A P-IG1-1 PA 53 (IG) V 3 D 2 D 1 D 5B 12 5A 12 V IG ACC +B1 5A P-ACC PA 33 (ACC) LG 5B 11 5A 11 LG 20A RADIO NO.1 PA 1 (BAT) R L94 Junction Connector 1 2 R MI+ Y E 1 5 E MI- L 2 E SLDI G (Shielded) 52 53 51 GR L (*6) URO+ R W (Shielded) UGD1 USD1 2 A 1 A 4 A 9 8 7 B ACC ULO+ 3 A 10 BR BE GND 11 A 7 A 11 46 LG +B 12 A 12 BR GND 7 H 4 B B 7 VA- AGND 1 B H 11 ACC SB LG +B 12 H VAL+ 3 B VAR+ W R (Shielded) B VGN 10 B L (*6) R 2 B SGND VLI 9 B W (*6) (*6) B 1 B VRI Y (Shielded) BR B 6 B 8 2 B 5 B ADPG VV- VV+ SG (Shielded) (*6) (Shielded) (*6) SG 7 VAL+ 2 VAR+ 1 W (*6) B (*6) VA- 3 R 14 * 5 :w/ Disc Player Assembly * 6 :w/o Disc Player Assembly 10A RR MPX-B 1 LA 12 (BAT) P V B B +B +B2 Junction Connector R42(A),R44(B) 28 A 14 A WUI HP2L HP2R SGN2 +B HP1L HP1R SGN1 SLD1 MI- MI+ GND MO+ MO- SLD2 HP1L HP1R SGN1 Headphone Terminal RH Headphone Terminal LH SLD1 MI- MI+ GND MO+ MO- SLD2 WUI +B (Shielded) (Shielded) Disc Player Controller TWR+ 5 B TWR- 12 B BR BR LG SB L (Shielded) BR Y L (Shielded) BR Y L (Shielded) BR Y L (Shielded) BR Y B(*5) W(*5) R(*5) (Shielded) (*5) B(*5) W(*5) R(*5) (Shielded) (*5) (*5) (Shielded) BR (*5) (*5) Y (*5) (Shielded) B(*6) W(*6) R(*6) (Shielded) (*6) B(*6) W(*6) R(*6) (Shielded) (*6) (Shielded) (*6) (Shielded) (*6) BR(*6) Y(*6) BR(*6) Y(*6) L(*6) L(*6) B(*5) W(*5) R(*5) B(*5) W(*5) R(*5) 5 16 15 14 L(*5) L(*5) BR(*5) BR(*5) Y(*5) Y(*5) * 5 :w/ Disc Player Assembly 58 59 60 (Shielded) (Shielded) (Shielded) R (Shielded) R G G R R (Shielded) G (Shielded) G (Shielded) (Shielded) W(*6) B(*6) L(*5) B(*6) Y(*5) W(*6) Y(*5) L(*5) G(*5) G(*5) G(*5) G(*5) L(*5) Y(*5) W(*6) Y(*5) B(*6) L(*5) 17 1 25 9 1 2 Rear No.2 Speaker Assembly RH O10 V V P P B Y B Y RRD+ 3 RRD- 4 +TW -TW 1 2 Rear No.3 Speaker Assembly RH Q3 19 20 V P R73(D),R74(A),R75(B),R76(C),R77(E) (Shielded) B W (*5) (Shielded) (*5) W (*5) B 9 A VMTR A 21 22 A 23 A SLD SGN1 NTSC G R BE (Shielded) E 4 VMTR NTSO F 4 14 F SGND SLD2 F 15 G (Shielded) R GR (*6) 1 A MI+ MI- A 2 7 A WUI BR L Y (Shielded) SB BR SLDI A 3 26 28 27 NTSC SGND SLD NTSC SGND SLD1 (Shielded) (Shielded) R G BR Y Disc Player Controller SB SB BR L Y R16 NTSC F 8 SG F 19 R (Shielded) G G R (Shielded) 14 22 20 21 19 Y L BR Y BR BE R R G G R R G G B B W W W(*5) W(*5) LG(*5) LG(*5) Y(*5) Y(*5) B(*5) B(*5) G(*5) G(*5) L(*5) L(*5) SB LG A 18 20 A 19 A HP2L HP2R SLD2 10A RR MPX-B 1 LA 11 (BAT) GR LG 11 SLDO A 4 5 A MO- (*5) LG Junction Connector R41 3 25 W-B 6 A MO+ (Shielded) (*6) W (*6) B A 11 GND2 W-B W-B 10 A GND Junction Connector R43 3 (*6) G Television Display Assembly R63(B),R89(A) R63(B),R89(A) Television Display Assembly B(*6) W(*6) (Shielded) (Shielded) (Shielded) (Shielded) (Shielded) G R BE BE R G (Shielded) (Shielded) (*5) (Shielded) (*5) (Shielded) (*5) (Shielded) (*5) Video Terminal Y3 Radio Receiver Assembly L130 L130 Radio Receiver Assembly Radio Receiver Assembly L130 Radio Receiver Assembly L130 Radio Receiver Assembly L130 Radio Receiver Assembly L130 Display & Navigation Module Display L132(D),L133(F),L134(E),L135(H),L137(B),L150(M) * 5 :w/ Disc Player Assembly * 6 :w/o Disc Player Assembly Disc Player Assembly and Headphone Terminal Stereo Component Amplifier Stereo Component Amplifier Stereo Component Amplifier Stereo Component Amplifier 4 D MI+ 30 B B 10 D MI- 31 W W (Shielded) 29 MO+ MO- SLDI BR BR (Shielded) (Shielded) (Shielded) D 5 SLDI R R Y Y L BR SB SB L BR SB SB BR L BR L Y Y (Shielded) (*5) Disc Player Assembly and Headphone Terminal R16 (Shielded) (*6) (*5) (Shielded) (Shielded) G(*6) G(*6) (Shielded) G(*6) G(*6) (Shielded) A 3 A 5 A 2 DCM (Telematics Transceiver) FR+ 4 E FR- 10 E 39 40 1 2 Front No.2 Speaker Assembly RH L84 B L LG Y V P SPO+ SPO- SPI+ SPI- L (*9) LG (*9) L127(A) (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) A 6 14 26 11 25 24 15 # :There is no wire color information. A 5 A 7 B 6 # :There is no wire color information. 9 23 10 12 8 22 7 Junction Connector L156 # # (Shielded) # (Shielded) # # GVIF+ GVIF- GND 1 B 2 (Shielded) (Shielded) # GND GVIF- GVIF+ 3 M 2 M # 1 M B 3 # B 1 2 3 OR1 OR1 RL1 RS4 RL1 RS2 RS2 OS1 OS1 OQ2 OQ2 OQ2 OQ2 RS2 RS2 OS1 OS1 OQ1 OQ1 RL1 RL1 RS2 RS2 RL1 RL1 LM1 LM1 NR1 RS2 RS2 OR1 OQ1 OQ1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL2 RL2 RL2 RL2 RL2 RL2 RL1 RL1 RL1 SY2 SY2 SY2 SY2 SY2 SY2 RS1 RS1 RS1 NS1 NS1 NR1 OR1 RS1 RL1 RS1 RL1 RS1 RS2 RS2 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL5 RL5 SY2 RS1 RS2 RL1 SY2 RL2 RL2 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL5 L3 R1 R2 L3 R2