Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Cooling Box Illumination Light DCM (Telematics Transceiver) Seat Vibrator Switch (Main) Rear Ashtray Light LH Rear Seat Memory Switch RH Spiral Cable , Steering Pad Switch with Modulator Room Light Control Relay Junction Connector Cooling Box Illumination Light Junction Connector Seat Vibrator Switch (Sub) Rear Console Switch Junction Connector Luggage Door Opening Switch Junction Connector Rear Door Control ECU LH Junction Connector Junction Connector Overhead Module Clock Assembly Junction Connector Seat Vibrator Switch Main Body ECU Remote Operation Switch Accessory Meter Assembly Rear Ashtray Light RH Cooling Box Illumination Light Junction Connector Integration Control and Panel Assembly , Console Switch Console Switch , Integration Control and Panel Assembly Front Door Control ECU RH Front Seat Memory Switch RH Multi-Media Module Receiver Assembly Junction Connector Glove Box Illumination Light Rear Cigarette Lighter Socket Junction Connector Trip Switch Register Illumination (Driver Side) Windshield Wiper Switch , Headlight Dimmer Switch Light Control Rheostat Outer Mirror Switch Assembly Junction Connector Junction Connector Rear Door Control ECU RH Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Rear Map Light Junction Connector Combination Meter Rear Cigarette Lighter Illumination Light Electric Parking Brake Switch A/T Shift Position Indicator (Indicator Lamp Wire Sub-Assembly) No.1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly LH Windshield Wiper Switch , Headlight Dimmer Switch Console Box Illumination Light Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Light Control Rheostat Coin Box Illumination Light Front Door Control ECU LH Junction Connector Rear Console Switch Steering Pad Switch with Modulator , Spiral Cable Junction Connector Rear Console Box Light Assembly Front Cigarette Lighter Register Illumination (Passenger Side) Front Seat Memory Switch LH Rear Seat Memory Switch LH Integration Control & Panel Assembly d=" M 713.88, 375.72 L 713.88, 545.69 L 195.47, 545.69 L 195.47, 333.80 d=" M 611.90, 231.25 L 611.90, 163.26 L 441.93, 163.26 L 441.93, 264.67 d=" M 611.90, 290.74 L 611.90, 246.26 d=" M 713.88, 316.23 L 713.88, 360.71 d=" M 713.88, 246.26 L 713.88, 290.74 d=" M 713.88, 231.25 L 713.88, 180.26 L 773.37, 180.26 L 773.37, 290.74 d=" M 8396.60, 401.22 L 8396.60, 630.68 L 773.37, 630.68 L 773.37, 316.23 d=" M 2005.66, 70.34 L 2005.66, 511.70 L 900.85, 511.70 L 900.85, 316.23 d=" M 900.85, 290.74 L 900.85, 180.26 L 1113.31, 180.26 L 1113.31, 230.68 d=" M 1674.22, 435.21 L 1674.22, 494.70 L 943.34, 494.70 L 943.34, 316.23 d=" M 1478.75, 331.25 L 1478.75, 460.71 L 1648.72, 460.71 L 1648.72, 384.22 d=" M 1478.75, 274.31 L 1478.75, 316.23 d=" M 1674.22, 420.20 L 1674.22, 384.22 d=" M 1674.22, 339.75 L 1674.22, 367.22 d=" M 1674.22, 324.73 L 1674.22, 291.30 d=" M 4504.25, 392.72 L 4504.25, 375.72 L 4725.21, 375.72 L 4725.21, 316.23 d=" M 6824.36, 197.25 L 6824.36, 163.26 d=" M 6824.36, 139.75 L 6824.36, 120.77 L 7002.83, 120.77 L 7011.33, 112.27 L 7011.33, 103.77 d=" M 7011.33, 103.77 L 7011.33, 197.25 d=" M 1113.31, 298.67 L 1113.31, 273.74 SB LG SB GR P ASH+ ASH- MSW+ A 24 15 A 16 A 22 15 B 3 11 B 6 B L R GR R L SIG CPUB BDR 10 11 1 (IG) 12 PJ (BAT) 26 PJ (BAT) 23 PJ O17 ILL- ILL+ 8 O2(A),O3(B) 3 6 23 C 24 C 11 B B 3 6 B 16 B P7 R GR L B B L BE R P LG CPUB SIG BDR BDG1 MSW- MSW+ Front Seat Memory Switch LH Rear Door Control ECU RH 16 DD 17 (BAT) 15 9 24 (IG) 8 DD (BAT) 1 DD (BAT) 4 DD Rear Ashtray Light LH ILL+ ILL- 6 2 Q2 Q7 6 O6 8 ILL+ ILL- 19 B 18 W O L EL A T z6(B) CANN CANP DA 57 DA 40 5J 1 5F 1 W-B W-B W-B 10A D-IG1-1 (IG) 21 DA 5F 12 5J 12 A 2 IG G G 3 2 59 60 W R W R 15 4 B W B W 5 2 15 22 1 24 C MSW+ BR LG BR BE 1 4 2 1 B W-B GND W-B Junction Connector R41 GND B 1 W-B 25 W-B W-B W-B 1 B W-B GND 2 Headlight Dimmer Switch A 5 Light Control Switch H AUTO Head T A AUTO EL Tail OFF (*5) Off (*6) 6 B 12 B Rear Ashtray Light RH Rear Seat Memory Switch LH Rear Seat Memory Switch RH 10A RR-IG1-2 5A RR MPX-B 2 25A D RR DOOR 5A P-IG1-2 10A P MPX-B 25A P RR DOOR 10A D MPX-B 1 10A D-IG1-3 10A D DOOR 2 25A D DOOR 1 1 W-B Y GR P ASH+ ASH- 15 C 16 C B 3 11 B 6 B L R Y R L SIG CPUB BDR 17 18 1 (IG) 12 LD (BAT) 10 LD (BAT) 2 DD L L B B B B B B B B B B W W W B B B W W B B B W W B W B B W B W B W B W W R W R Main Body ECU L11(A),L12(B) Main Body ECU L11(A),L12(B) L11(A),L12(B) Main Body ECU Main Body ECU L11(A),L12(B) R W LG G Front Door Control ECU LH N10(B),P10(C) Rear Door Control ECU LH O14(B),O15(C) 1 W-B W-B 10A D MPX-B 1 Cooling Box Illumination Light S31 1 2 R W 7 8 R W R 28 PJ R GR V R R BE V 11 A 3 A 6 A 16 A SIG BDR BDG1 CPUB 19 20 9 3 (IG) 13 PJ 25A P DOOR 1 10A P-IG1-1 (BAT) 20 PJ 10A P DOOR 2 (BAT) 19 PJ 25 W-B 1 A GND W-B 10A P MPX-B (BAT) CANP A 9 10 A CANN Front Door Control ECU RH N1(A),P4(C) 1 A B E 8 A Windshield Wiper Switch L25(A),z6(B) 12 1 W W W R R 23 C 24 C MSW- MSW+ Front Seat Memory Switch RH P12 LG P 6 3 ILL+ ILL- 5 18 A PNLI LG LG LG LG Slip OFF Switch Suspension Control Switch HEIGHT HIGH Switch 16 11 22 4 15 8 19 B W B W B W R W B 9 B 10 CANP CANN B B 10 CANP CANN 9 B 60 W 4 14 R48 2 R 13 59 15 Junction Connector W 15 7 18 3 14 W B A 15 A 16 CANN CANP 6 22 15 5 4 ALTB ACC IG GND1 GND2 10A D-IG1-3 (ACC) (BAT) 5A D-ACC 5A AM1 (IG) DA 40 W-B W-B DA 41 A 1 GND3 8 11 Junction Connector L168 W-B W-B Console Switch Outer Mirror Switch Assembly Junction Connector S57 1 LD 18 Y W-B (*19 *20) (*19 *20) LG W-B E B DA 36 5F 5 5I 5 B (BAT) B DA 21 10A D-IG1-1 5F 12 5I 12 G (IG) G 12 11 B IG DA 57 DA 40 5I 1 5F 1 W-B W-B W-B 1 E AFS OFF Switch Clearance Sonar Switch Outer Mirror Switch Main Body ECU L11(A),L12(B) Main Body ECU L11(A),L12(B) 10A RR-IG1-2 (IG) LG 6 ILL- Steering Heater Switch A 1 A 2 A 5 ILL- L75(A),z5(B) L6 4 LG CIL- B 18 PNLI 21 LG LG 17 10 LG Light Control Rheostat LG 22 23 RHUP RHDW 8 7 R L W-B W-B W-B 5 3 7 CANN CANP L8 ILL- 16 UP DOWN E Down Up PA 51 PA 39 Junction Connector L95 CUTD 1 57 PA B W R R R W W B W W B B W B W W B B W B W W B B W B W W B B W R W R W B B W W PA 35 B 10 B 9 CANN CANP 14 15 R R W W 3 14 Junction Connector S60 5H 8 5B 8 B 5A P-D/C CUT (BAT) 2 BCUT 5J 8 B B 10 5E G 29 1 1G 15 40 W-B Console Box Illumination Light E 1 Junction Connector 4 16 r10 ILL+ ILL- 5K 3 R42(A),R44(B) Junction Connector 2 1 5 7 ILL+ LG 8 41 DCM (Telematics Transceiver) W-B DA L111 W-B G ILL+ E 23 4 Y6 ILL- Y Y Junction Connector 1 L170 30A D S/HTR 3D 10 3D 9 4 10 5A 9 ILL- ILL+ G LG L146(A) A 13 A 14 A 50 DR 10 5K ACAN LG G 6 R43 Junction Connector 16 B Register Illumination (Driver Side) DA PANL B 8 34 GR PANEL Relay 80A D-J/B ALT (BAT) Rear Console Switch Rear Cigarette Lighter Socket Junction Connector (BAT) Cooling Box Illumination Light Rear Cigarette Lighter Illumination Light Rear Console Switch Register Illumination (Passenger Side) Coin Box Illumination Light 16 PA 5 3K 9 Trip Switch Electric Parking Brake Switch S57 G 2 G LG L39 3F 10 P 3E 10 3E 9 G LG LG G G 9 5F 5F 10 15 DA A G LG ILL- 8 L45 ILL+ G LG 2 G LG G LG 2 3 L5 L4 2 1 5G 9 GND1 ILL+ G W-B L145 5L 10 5L 6 LG G LG 5J 10 5J 9 G 8 LG DA G 60 DA 5C 10 5C 9 49 DA 3 2 ILL- ILL+ G LG L79 5D 10 5D 8 6 9 ILL- ILL+ G LG L143 DA 38 10 3H Headlight Cleaner Switch Light Control Rheostat GR GR 19 10 2 G 2 1 G G (*2 *19) 2 G 1 (*18) W-B 4 21 (*18) G (*18) S56 5B 9 Junction Connector (*18) (*18) (*18) (*18) ILL- 10 (*18) (*18) 19 11 8 (*18) 18 S15 DD 9 G DD 29 15 Y5 S16 9 16 G Seat Vibrator Switch G LG LG 20 LG (*18) (*2 *19) 4 3 ILL- ILL+ S9 G LG r2 Y 7 5A Electronically Controlled Transmission Pattern Select Switch Electric Power Control ECU *19 :5-Seater L11(A),L12(B) Main Body ECU Main Body ECU L11(A),L12(B) B B W B B W L10 Combination Meter L L P DA 42 (BAT) 10A D MPX-B 2 (IG) 30 2C 10A P-J/B 6 IG2 B 14 13 L168 Junction Connector E2 17 40 DA 41 DA W-B W-B W-B 8 6 ES 18 BR BR 58 PA 43 PA CAN I/F I/F 5V IC CPU I/F 5V+B Light Control Rheostat Luggage Door Opening Switch Front Cigarette Lighter 1 L168 2 2 2 9 U1 1 2 L B G W-B L80 2 1 1 DF 4 5 3 L172 Junction Connector G W-B 2 L171 Junction Connector 13 10 L154 21 1 G G W-B +B DA 5M 2 5F 1 W-B Glove Box Illumination Light 57 DA ILL- 3H 9 3C 9 5J 6 LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG B B B W B W LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG B W B B B W LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG W B B LG B W B LG LG LG LG LG LG LG W B B LG B W B LG LG G G G G LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG W W LG LG B B B B W W LG LG W-B W-B LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG L11(A),L12(B) Main Body ECU LG LG (*2 *19) (*1 *19) LG LG LG (*18) LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG B B B B B B B G G ADIM A 12 G DA 33 21 CIL- LG 4 ILL+ 8 10 Junction Connector LG LG G G G G LG 16 L150 ILL+ ILL- 3 ILL+ ILL- ILL+ ILL- R ILL- 4 L144 ILL+ 2 ILL- 1 L3 ILL+ 5 ILL- 6 L8 ILL+ 8 17 LG B 5I 9 LG LA 57 5A RR MPX-B 2 (BAT) W W (*18) (*19) 8 B Rear Audio Switch Rear Power Seat Switch Rear A/C Switch Rear Seat Climate Control Switch Rear Sunshade Switch Rear Door Sunshade Switch B 14 LG *19 :5-Seater *21 :w/o Power Seat *20 :w/ Power Seat *19 :5-Seater *18 :4-Seater LG LG LG LG LG 9 5H LG LG B Junction Connector S56 PJ 17 LG 31 DA 10A PANEL 5I 6 LG * 2 :w/o Ottoman * 1 :w/ Ottoman PJ 18 LG 10 5M ILL- ILL+ 2 1 ILL- ILL+ R61 Rear Console Box Light Assembly LG B 9 A 4 G G W-B W-B Junction Connector R42(A),R44(B) 1 IL+0 8 LG 17 LG LG (*19) 2 22 B 12 A 21 B LG LG (*19) (*19) (*19) (*19) (*19) 3L 5 3M 5 G LG 1 G 13 10 5I 14 19 18 22 1 (*20) (*21) r9 IL-0 ILL+ ILL- GR Y 10 11 6 Y (*19) GR (*1 *19) 19 GR (*1 *19) Y (*1 *19) (*19) (*21) (*20) 12 12 13 14 W 12 (*1 *19) (*1 *19) LG LG (*1 *19) (*1 *19) (*2 *19) (*18) LG Junction Connector r11 G G 3C 10 G *20 :w/ Power Seat DD 28 DD 16 LG LG 11 3H 10A DOME DA 46 (BAT) 3G 11 PA 39 DA 40 PA 51 DA 57 5L 2 5F 1 4 3 14 B 15 B B 26 4 B 5 B L152 Junction Connector L169 16 2 1 9 10 7 11 14 GND2 GND R R V G P SB GR W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B ECUB INP1 INP2 INP3 INP4 OUT1 PIL1 PIL2 PIL3 PIL4 PIL5 B B B B W W G G LG LG LG LED+ DOUT DO2 DO3 Y L GR LG +B LED1 LED2 LED3 Passenger Side Illumination L152 13 B ILL- Interior Light Switch Map Light Switch Emergency Switch Sliding Roof Control Switch Rear Map Light X21 ILL- 8 12 DMB 11 A ILLB 15 B RIL- R BR CPU 11 B ILL+ Overhead Module X4(A),X6(B) Overhead Module X4(A),X6(B) LG 1 ILL- LG LG W-B (*19) Integration Control & Panel Assembly Seat Vibrator Switch (Main) Seat Vibrator Switch (Sub) Clock Assembly Accessory Meter Assembly Remote Operation Switch Room Light Control Relay Room Light Control Relay A/T Shift Position Indicator (Indicator Lamp Wire Sub-Assembly) Cooling Box Illumination Light R78 TFT Multi-Media Module Receiver Assembly L174 Rear Door Sunshade Switch Rear Sunshade Switch Rear Seat Climate Control Switch Rear A/C Switch Rear Power Seat Switch Rear Audio Switch Rear Seat Heater Switch * 6 :Except USA * 5 :USA L169 Junction Connector 4 10 W-B 2 5 Junction Connector L170 PA 40 W-B G G L178 ILL+ 8 1 ILL- Steering Pad Switch with Modulator A 14 ILL- Spiral Cable L134(A),z7(C) +B 7 A C 12 Steering Switch ECU z7(C) C 6 (*10) (*11) (*10) (*11) (*10) (*11) Steering Pad Switch LH Steering Pad Switch RH *11 :w/ Dynamic Radar Cruise Control *10 :w/ Lane Keeping Assist (*4) (*4) (*3) * 4 :w/ Front Passenger's Seat Switch * 3 :w/ Rear Door Sunshade Switch w/ Rear Seat Return Switch Integration Control and Panel Assembly B 10 B 12 B-W R Rear Sunshade Switch Rear Door LH Sunshade Switch Rear Seat Return Switch Rear Door RH Sunshade Switch z5(B) Front Passenger's Seat Reclining Control Switch Front Passenger's Seat Stowing / Return Switch (*3) Front Passenger's Seat Slide Control Switch (*4) (*4) (*4) (*4) (*4) (*4) (*3) (*3) (*3) (*3) (*3) (*3) B B G G G G G G Auto High Beam Switch Blind Spot Monitor Main Switch LG LG No.1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly LH L153 1 5 4 3 4 5 13 12 LR1 LR1 OS1 OS1 OS1 OQ1 OQ1 OR1 OR1 OR1 NS4 NS4 NS4 NS4 OQ2 OQ2 OR1 NS4 OS1 LS1 LS1 NS4 NS4 OR1 OR1 OS1 OR1 NS4 OS1 OS1 LX2 NR4 NR4 NR4 NR4 NR4 NR4 NR4 NR4 LA1 rS6 rS5 rS5 LX1 rS5 rS6 SY2 SY2 SY2 SY2 SL1 SL1 LR1 SU1 SU1 L1 L4 R3 R3 L4 R1 L4 L3 L3 S3 L4 L4 L3 S2 R2 S2 L4