Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Rear Door Courtesy Switch Assembly LH Luggage Door Opening Cancel Switch Assembly Main Body ECU Junction Connector Junction Connector No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly LH Multiplex Network Master Switch Assembly Junction Connector Door Control Receiver Junction Connector Junction Connector Engine Hood Courtesy Switch Assembly Junction Connector Front Door Courtesy Switch Assembly RH Luggage Compartment Door Lock Assembly Front Door with Motor Lock Assembly RH Front Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH Front Courtesy Light Assembly RH Map Light Assembly Front Courtesy Light Assembly LH Junction Connector Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly RH No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly RH No. 2 Interior Illumination Light Assembly LH Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Luggage Electrical Key Switch Security Horn Assembly Junction Connector No. 1 Luggage Compartment Light Assembly Rear Door Courtesy Switch Assembly RH Junction Connector Junction Connector Certification ECU Assembly Low Pitched Horn Assembly Junction Connector Junction Connector Front Door Courtesy Switch Assembly LH No. 2 Interior Illumination Light Assembly RH Junction Connector Junction Connector High Pitched Horn Assembly No. 2 Door Control Receiver Turn Signal Flasher Assembly 27 9 FSPT FLCY FRCY ILE No. 1 Luggage Compartment Light Assembly L17 2 No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly LH F12 L L B B Front Door Courtesy Switch Assembly LH L10 26 Front Door Courtesy Switch Assembly RH M10 Rear Door Courtesy Switch Assembly RH M12 LG LG R Rear Door Courtesy Switch Assembly LH L12 LG 4 L R GR L Y LG L 1 W 13 +B1 CTY 28 A 11 SB 17 2A 27 16 LIN2 12 7 12 W-B W-B W-B 2 SB 9 (BAT) 14 2A 25A D FR DOOR 11 LSWR L A 2 E 2 39 SB 12 C SLF+ 3 9 Luggage Compartment Door Lock Assembly L34 8 7 10 2 W-B W-B W-B Junction Connector F99 7 12 7 2 W-B W-B W-B Junction Connector F97 2C 4 4 7 C R 12 1 Junction Connector F97 (*2) 40A P/I 2 1 2 (BAT) 1H 7 1G 2 W Integration Relay BATT HLPL 20A H-LP HI MAIN 1 2 (BAT) 5 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 Y 10A H-LP LH HI 1 2 1 G 10A H-LP RH HI 1 2 1 W G 1 1 2C 32 HRLY 15 P Y 8 A (*1) 21 A RLEW LLEW L (*1) 3 A W-B GND2 Main Body ECU F7(A), F8(B), F9(C) DIM Relay W-B L 10A A/C 2C 28 (IG) 1G 14 1G 22 1H 3 W-B W-B W-B GND1 GND2 IG1 V Main Body ECU 1 1 High Pitched Horn Assembly A5 Low Pitched Horn Assembly A6 1G 5 1G 6 HRNH HRNL GR B 77 L DB Y P F7(A), F8(B), F9(C) Main Body ECU F7(A), F8(B), F9(C) 3 B G 1 19 12 C 6 Front Map Light Front Map Light 11 BCYL LG L Y 8 66 11 2B B H3 Front Courtesy Light Assembly RH (BAT) 2 1 F13 No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly RH 10A DOME W 2B 13 2B 18 2B 17 2 1 2 1 2A 49 2D 21 2C 40 B SB 1 2B 31 1 1 1 DL 49 1 2 2B W V ASEL 4 # No. 2 Door Control Receiver M18 CANH CANL V B B 3 A 1 B 2 A 2 5 B 3 B 4 B 6 B Junction Connector F89(A), F90(B) G B Certification ECU Assembly F49(A), F50(B) 13 C 14 C CANL CANH W P W P Junction Connector F91(B) Headlight Assembly RH Headlight Assembly LH P P GND1 11 W-B 6 2B Headlight Assembly RH Headlight Assembly LH 18 C P LG LSFL LSFR P BR Front Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH I9 2 4 W-B W-B Junction Connector M19 6 57 6 GR GR 5 LSR 20 9 4 W-B W-B 2D 25 6 44 6 GR GR GR HCTY 2C 38 W 1 Engine Hood Courtesy Switch Assembly A47 * 1 : LED Type * 3 : w/o Daytime Running Light * 2 : w/ Daytime Running Light W(*3) (*2) (*2) (*3) (*3) B (*2) 2C 35 DRL 25 G 6 4 2 1 5 HLOR HLOL +B H DRLS (*2) 3 C HAZ B 10 43 Y R TMSW F95 Junction Connector F7(A), F8(B), F9(C) Main Body ECU F7(A), F8(B), F9(C) Main Body ECU R B (*3) L(*3) V V 1 1 1 1 1 D+ Courtesy Unlock Detection R-W R E B GND Control Circuit Door Lock Switch Lock Unlock Junction Connector F97 E DRL Relay 3 1 24 C 9 UL3 BR GR L2 C 10 11 P L B UL 6 5 Key Lock Key Unlock W-B (*2) 2 W-B 2 B DIM 2 V 59 60 2 12 L 2 1 F97 Junction Connector F94 Junction Connector F55 Luggage Door Opening Cancel Switch Assembly W-B W-B W-B B Map Light Assembly P10 10 B 5 CSPT SB P 24 B L 1 ILL- ILL+ 2 1 2 ILL+ ILL- LG B No. 2 Interior Illumination Light Assembly RH M17 5 No. 2 Interior Illumination Light Assembly LH L25 75 Junction Connector F95 24 14 BR 34 L L 44 RCTY LCTY GR LG 46 Y W B FLCL 1 1 23 78 48 41 2 2B 20 I3 L Front Courtesy Light Assembly LH W LG P P 1 HMW+ + 10A S-HORN 1 2 (BAT) 3 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 S-HORN Relay L 1 B A48 Security Horn Assembly W-B L TKUL B 16 11 1 2 Luggage Electrical Key Switch L35 B W-B SB 7 19 LGCY C W W-B W F94 Junction Connector UL E 2 18 L W-B W-B W-B E 4 HWM- 3 W-B SW B LG LG LG 46 66 36 56 68 67 Junction Connector F96 SW B SHFT +B 12V 5V 1G 9 HL4 HLPR 1 1G BR B P Headlight Assembly LH Headlight Assembly RH R A50 Junction Connector 8 30 BECU R (BAT) 2 1 7. 5A ECU-B 18 2C ALTB 31 (BAT) 25A DOOR NO. 1 9 32 IG 29 ACC (ACC) 10A ECU- ACC (IG) 10A ECU-IG NO. 1 W-B 5 3 2 RSSI DATA +5 R SB G 6 GND M16 Door Control Receiver R RSSI L RDA G RCO 75 74 73 ANT ANT 7 4 W-B M19 Junction Connector 1 ASEL 72 71 61 Junction Connector F94 Turn Signal Flasher Assembly F15 HAZ 8 B 8 LSSR E 7 Front Door with Motor Lock Assembly RH H9 LSSR Unlock Detection E Unlock Detection LSSR Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH K5 J5 Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly RH LSSR Unlock Detection E (BAT) 125A DC/DC 1D 1 2 TRLY 14 2E 1 W TAIL Relay 6 18 LG W LG L L LG W W W BR BR Multiplex Network Master Switch Assembly I1 17 P 20 BR F7(A), F8(B), F9(C) Main Body ECU F7(A), F8(B), F9(C) Main Body ECU Main Body ECU F7(A), F8(B), F9(C) F7(A), F8(B), F9(C) Main Body ECU F7(A), F8(B), F9(C) Main Body ECU LIN1 9 12 F97 Junction Connector W-B 10 14 GND9 W W-B 14 A 5 A 15 A 16 A 9 B 10 B SH (*2) FRCL 23 (*2) # : There is no wire color information. FL1 FL1 HF1 PF2 FM1 FM1 FM1 FM1 FM1 PF2 AF6 FL1 FL1 FL1 IF1 IF1 FM1 FL1 FM1 FM1 FL1 PF2 IF2 IF2 HF2 IF2 IF2 HF2 JM1 JM1 FM1 KL1 KL1 FL1 HF2 FL1 IF1 IF2 IF2 AF6 PF1 A2 F3 L2 L1 F1 F1 M1 F1 A2 A1 M1 M2 A2 F1 F1 A1 L2 F1