Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
- AA1
- AA1
- Certification ECU
- Combination Meter Assembly
- DA2
- DA3
- DA3
- DA3
- DCM (Telematics Transceiver)
- Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH
- Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH
- Front Door Lock Assembly LH
- Front Door Lock Assembly RH
- Front Electrical Key Antenna LH
- Front Electrical Key Antenna RH
- HA2
- HA2
- HA2
- HA3
- HA3
- HA3
- HA3
- HA3
- HA3
- HA3
- HA8
- HA8
- Hh1
- Hh1
- High Pitched Horn Assembly
- HP1
- HP1
- HP1
- HP1
- HP1
- HP2
- HP2
- HP3
- HP3
- HP3
- HP3
- HP3
- HP3
- HP3
- HP3
- HP3
- HP3
- HQ1
- HQ1
- HQ1
- HQ1
- HQ1
- HQ2
- HQ2
- HQ2
- HQ2
- HQ2
- HQ2
- HQ2
- HQ2
- HQ2
- HQ2
- HQ4
- HQ4
- HQ4
- HQ4
- HT1
- HT1
- HT1
- HT2
- Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU Assembly
- ID Code Box
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- LH1
- LH1
- LH1
- LH1
- LH1
- LH2
- LH2
- LH2
- LH2
- LH2
- Low Pitched Horn Assembly
- Luggage Compartment Door Lock Assembly
- Luggage Electrical Key Switch
- Main Body ECU
- MH1
- MH1
- MH1
- MH1
- MH1
- MH2
- MH2
- MH2
- MH2
- MH2
- No. 1 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly (Front Floor)
- No. 1 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly (Inside Luggage Compartment)
- No. 1 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly (Rear Floor)
- NQ1
- NQ1
- NQ1
- NQ1
- NQ1
- NQ1
- NQ1
- NQ1
- NQ1
- NQ1
- OP1
- OP1
- OP1
- OP1
- OP1
- OP1
- OP1
- OP1
- OP1
- OP1
- Power Switch
- PU2
- QA1
- Radio Receiver Assembly
- Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH
- Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH
- Rear Door Lock Assembly LH
- Rear Door Lock Assembly RH
- Rear Electrical Key Antenna
- Rear Electrical Key Antenna LH
- Rear Electrical Key Antenna RH
- Roof Console Box Assembly
- Security Horn Assembly
- Shift Lever Position Sensor
- Shift Lock Control ECU (Lower Shift Lever Assembly)
- Skid Control ECU with Actuator (Brake Booster with Master Cylinder Assembly)
- Spot Light Assembly
- Steering Lock Actuator Assembly
- Stop Light Switch Assembly
- Tire Pressure Warning ECU and Receiver (Door Control & Tire Pressure Monitoring System Receiver Assembly) , Door Control Receiver
- UQ1
- UQ1
- UQ1
- Wireless Door Lock Buzzer
 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Tire Pressure Warning ECU and Receiver (Door Control & Tire Pressure Monitoring System Receiver Assembly) , Door Control Receiver Junction Connector No. 1 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly (Front Floor) Junction Connector Junction Connector Luggage Electrical Key Switch Luggage Compartment Door Lock Assembly Spot Light Assembly Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Certification ECU Radio Receiver Assembly Rear Door Lock Assembly RH Skid Control ECU with Actuator (Brake Booster with Master Cylinder Assembly) Combination Meter Assembly Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Wireless Door Lock Buzzer ID Code Box Rear Electrical Key Antenna LH Junction Connector Junction Connector Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Front Door Lock Assembly LH Shift Lever Position Sensor High Pitched Horn Assembly Junction Connector Stop Light Switch Assembly Front Electrical Key Antenna LH Steering Lock Actuator Assembly Junction Connector Roof Console Box Assembly Shift Lock Control ECU (Lower Shift Lever Assembly) Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector DCM (Telematics Transceiver) Main Body ECU Junction Connector Rear Electrical Key Antenna RH Front Electrical Key Antenna RH No. 1 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly (Inside Luggage Compartment) No. 1 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly (Rear Floor) Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU Assembly Front Door Lock Assembly RH Junction Connector Security Horn Assembly Rear Door Lock Assembly LH Junction Connector Low Pitched Horn Assembly Power Switch Rear Electrical Key Antenna d=" M 67.99, 156.74 L 67.99, 103.77 d=" M 314.45, 95.84 L 314.45, 197.25 L 220.96, 197.25 L 220.96, 103.77 d=" M 2643.06, 95.84 L 2643.06, 333.23 d=" M 2872.52, 95.84 L 2872.52, 333.23 d=" M 3033.99, 237.76 L 3033.99, 333.23 d=" M 3033.99, 214.25 L 3033.99, 163.26 d=" M 3033.99, 95.84 L 3033.99, 139.75 d=" M 6008.50, 495.27 L 6008.50, 554.19 L 3339.94, 554.19 L 3339.94, 95.84 d=" M 7606.23, 358.73 L 7606.23, 622.18 L 4453.26, 622.18 L 4453.26, 95.84 d=" M 6365.44, 444.28 L 6365.44, 537.20 L 4495.75, 537.20 L 4495.75, 197.82 d=" M 4495.75, 95.84 L 4495.75, 154.19 d=" M 4708.21, 265.24 L 4708.21, 239.75 L 4597.73, 239.75 L 4597.73, 189.32 d=" M 4920.68, 163.26 L 4920.68, 188.75 L 5090.65, 188.75 L 5090.65, 112.27 L 5116.15, 112.27 L 5124.64, 103.77 L 5124.64, 95.84 d=" M 5558.07, 188.75 L 5558.07, 316.23 d=" M 5660.05, 173.74 L 5660.05, 95.84 d=" M 5736.54, 392.72 L 5736.54, 452.21 d=" M 5770.54, 282.24 L 5770.54, 358.73 d=" M 5770.54, 265.24 L 5770.54, 195.27 d=" M 5770.54, 180.26 L 5770.54, 95.84 d=" M 5813.03, 392.72 L 5813.03, 452.21 d=" M 5872.52, 297.25 L 5872.52, 358.73 d=" M 5872.52, 282.24 L 5872.52, 229.26 d=" M 5872.52, 214.25 L 5872.52, 188.75 L 6008.50, 188.75 L 6008.50, 358.73 d=" M 5898.01, 392.72 L 5898.01, 452.21 d=" M 6008.50, 384.22 L 6008.50, 451.64 d=" M 6076.48, 358.73 L 6076.48, 95.84 d=" M 6144.47, 384.22 L 6144.47, 605.18 L 7223.79, 605.18 L 7223.79, 95.84 d=" M 6144.47, 358.73 L 6144.47, 27.28 L 6866.85, 27.28 L 6866.85, 188.19 d=" M 7334.27, 248.24 L 7334.27, 231.25 L 7351.27, 231.25 L 7359.77, 239.75 L 7359.77, 248.24 d=" M 7359.77, 188.75 L 7359.77, 248.24 d=" M 9135.97, 386.20 L 9135.97, 299.24 d=" M 9458.92, 95.84 L 9458.92, 386.20 d=" M 9892.35, 314.25 L 9892.35, 358.73 d=" M 10002.83, 173.74 L 10002.83, 137.76 L 10036.82, 137.76 d=" M 10045.32, 146.26 L 10045.32, 256.18 d=" M 10053.82, 137.76 L 10079.32, 137.76 L 10079.32, 256.18 SWIL AGND H112 Junction Connector 2 3 TXCT V R GR L P 10 8 7 6 9 B 1 B 7 B 9 B 24 B 16 CODE W-B W-B W-B LG LG 1 2 C 27 R B 18 1 B W-B LG L B 26 W-B W-B A 11 E B W-B B LG U20 Junction Connector U11 Luggage Electrical Key Switch 5 TSW5 2 1 7.5A EFI NO.1 CUTB +B 1 5A SMART (BAT) (BAT) Steering Lock Actuator Assembly H18 M SS1 SS2 AGND SS2 SS1 Free 1 5 Full Traveling Antenna Coil 2 2 B 30 SSW2 SSW1 28 B LG V UL E W-B R B 2 1C 7.5A ECU-IG2 NO.3 9 B 12 V SEUC (*1 *5) A 37 (*1 *4) J 37 Security Indicator R 4 7 1 24 19 4 12 3 Y 8 CLG1 CG1B 7 L GR SEN1 TSW1 25 R 6 B 9 POS1 Y LG P G V B TRG+ SENS ANT2 ANT1 Front Electrical Key Antenna LH M11 CG5B W CLG5 R No. 1 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly (Front Floor) H35 CG7B CLG7 No. 1 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly (Inside Luggage Compartment) Q25 W R CG6B B CLG6 W No. 1 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly (Rear Floor) P6 B W B W CLG8 V CG8B P ANTE8 CLGB Rear Electrical Key Antenna U10 15 V P RCO G CSEL R +5 CSEL RDAM Y DATA GND W-B 19 B 20 B 22 B 13 B 12 B 5 1 4 3 6 L 5 1 7 6 3 B 29 A 2 A 10 L W VC5 LIN LIN LIN1 B (BAT) 1 10A STRG LOCK IG2 GND IGE SLP SLR+ H15 ID Code Box 5 2 3 4 GND +B EFII EFIO V L W B B 17 B SLP1 4 P P H44 Power Switch VC5 CODE TXCT AGND SWIL IND B (*4) 6 A (*4) 12 A (*5) 1 B P29(A) * 5 :Korea * 4 :Except Korea W-B W-B W-B R R 25 SEN3 POS3 11 G G B B TSW3 CG3B 8 10 Y Y L L 22 POS2 B R 23 TSW2 SEN2 9 BE L CG2B CLG2 Y 11 CLG3 R W 20A D/L-AM1 ALTB 31 7.5A ECU-ACC ACC 29 ACC NO.1 Relay ACC NO.2 Relay IG1 NO.1 Relay IG1 NO.2 Relay IG1 NO.4 Relay IG1 NO.3 Relay 3B 23 3E 1 3A 27 3B 7 10A ECU-IG1 NO.2 IG 32 W-B W-B 21 2 1 2 1 Rear Door Lock Assembly RH Front Door Lock Assembly LH Junction Connector A63 51 3A 52 3A A 10A ECU-B NO.1 1 2 (BAT) 30 BECU 31 3D V W-B W-B GND2 3 G B Y L 2 ANT1 ANT2 TRG+ B SENS ANT1 B TRG+ SENS ANT2 Rear Electrical Key Antenna LH O8 Front Electrical Key Antenna RH L12 W-B 12 C 13 C 14 C 20 C 25 C 11 B 10 B 23 B 8 B 21 B W-B 6 3 1 5 4 6 5 1 4 3 B LG GR L Y 2 GND 13 GND 16 R G B Y L 22 10 12 W-B W-B W-B W-B L 7 CLG4 CG4B 6 Y R SEN4 TSW4 22 B G 12 10 POS4 L Y V P P 2 B TRG+ SENS ANT2 ANT1 13 Rear Electrical Key Antenna RH N8 22 C 16 C 26 C 4 C 3 C 2 W-B 5 1 4 3 6 GND GND 5 CANL CANH ACCD IG1D W L B 4 B 6 W SPD W H114(A),H115(B) Junction Connector 14 B 15 B W V 27 B W W Main Body ECU H9(A),H10(B),H11(C) 19 Combination Meter Assembly CPU B Speaker I/F Display Driver CAN I/F 5V IC LED Driver Telltales CANH CANL B 29 30 SI ES IG+ B 2 (IG) GR B 3B 26 3D 31 10A ECU-B NO.1 1 2 (BAT) G G 22 B 21 B W 31 B 20 B L BR R H13(A),H14(B) +S W V CANH CANL B 14 B 13 W W B A 13 A G 7 LR Flasher Circuit 1 2 (BAT) R 1 A 26 SB LL Combination Meter Assembly H13(A),H14(B) V W G A 13 B 21 15A TURN&HAZ 7.5A ECU-IG2 NO.1 3A 17 L L LG LG L L LG LG L L LG LG L LG L LG L L LG LG 3 BZR 22 3D W-B B 1 1H 120A DC/DC (BAT) BE L 14 2 B 3 B 2 C 1 C 8 C 9 C 10 C 11 C 5 C 17 C 6 C 1 3 1 2 3 1 3 CLGB ANTE5 CLGB ANTE7 CLGB ANTE6 6 13 7 G Y R G Y V 4 B 10 A 5 B 9 A (*5) 2 W W W L L LG LG 3D 40 3B 17 L 17 R W L W 16 W GR GR W 14 15 CA1L CA1H 38 37 H192 RR- RR+ RL- RL+ FR- FR+ FL+ FL- Front Speed Sensors Rear Speed Sensors W B B W R G W B 32 31 18 5 20 7 22 Unlock Detection Unlock Detection Unlock Detection Unlock Detection Rear Door Lock Assembly LH 1 7 8 7 W-B 13 8 15 3 4 18 B 7 B 5 9 12 18 15 2 6 15 1 4 6 1 4 4 1 9 9 7 9 11 10 8 M1 Front Door Lock Assembly RH L LG LSFR W 2 3B Y R V W-B E UL L LSSR M LSFL B B 9 3B 11 3C 8 3B W 3 16 3B GR 4 3B LG L LG L W-B E UL L LSSR L1 M L 1 3B L B G 1 18 16 L 12 3C 9 2 L B L B GR GR GR GR 53 3A B W-B 8 E L UL LSSR M LSR 17 3C W-B W-B E L UL LSSR M ACTG ACT+ ACTD ACT- GND1 ALL DR LOCK Relay D DR UNLOCK Relay L CRUSH UNLOCK Relay P&RR&RL DR UNLOCK Relay 2 3D (BAT) 2 1 25A D/L-AM2 N1 O1 4 7 Y L V G B G B 15 3C Q7 Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH P3 Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH 1 FRCY FLCY 1 2 3 LCTY 1 6 6 B 1 3 C RCTY Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Q13 P8 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH 8 W-B 13 W-B A15 Wireless Door Lock Buzzer 1 2 1 2 14 3B 4 Roof Console Box Assembly W-B W-B W-B W B B GR 2 3 U20 Junction Connector U3 Luggage Compartment Door Lock Assembly 7 A 7 A 9 A 4 4 T10(A),T11(B) 18 LGCY A 5 11 7.5A DOME 1 B 19 2 (BAT) 2 4 3 SB R V B 14 A 10 A 17 L V V L 1 9 5 35 3B C 2 DOMR ILE W-B W-B W-B W-B 20 B B 18 5 W W W L LG D+ E +B1 +B5 CILL GND9 GND5 DOOR On/Off RIFL RLMP RIFR DOOR Dome Light CTY GND1 B Map Light LH Map Light RH Spot Light Assembly T9 Main Body ECU H9(A),H10(B),H11(C) Main Body ECU H9(A),H10(B),H11(C) Main Body ECU H9(A),H10(B),H11(C) Main Body ECU H9(A),H10(B),H11(C) Main Body ECU H9(A),H10(B),H11(C) Main Body ECU H9(A),H10(B),H11(C) B B B B B B B B B B W R N 16 B 6 5 Shift Lever Position Sensor D10 5 3 2 N +B P 31 D 30 D CA3P CA3N 5 4 24 D 25 D CA1L CA1H W BE B W R W Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU Assembly A31(A),A33(B),H1(C),H2(D) Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU Assembly A31(A),A33(B),H1(C),H2(D) SP1 L 11 16 L L L W W W W L L LG LG * 4 :Except Korea STP1 V 18 A ST2 A 7 V V 9 C ST2 9 V V W W V (BAT) 30 3D 7.5A STOP 2 L W-B 3 W-B L B Stop Light Switch Assembly A28 GND 2 1 3 IC1 A 5 A 1 W A61(A) Junction Connector Junction Connector A63 W W W L L W L L W B B W V W V W V W V W V G W G W G W G W V W V W W V V W V W 5V+B Certification ECU A70(A),H57(B),Q1(C) Certification ECU A70(A),H57(B),Q1(C) Certification ECU A70(A),H57(B),Q1(C) Certification ECU A70(A),H57(B),Q1(C) Certification ECU A70(A),H57(B),Q1(C) Certification ECU A70(A),H57(B),Q1(C) Certification ECU A70(A),H57(B),Q1(C) Certification ECU A70(A),H57(B),Q1(C) 3 W V V W L L LG LG B B W V W V * 2 :w/o LEXUS Navigation System * 1 :w/ LEXUS Navigation System 3 2 10 Door Control Receiver P30(B) 22 D 23 D IMI IMO LG L Headlight Assemblies Outer Rear View Mirror Assemblies Rear Combination Light Assemblies Turn LH Turn RH W-B Courtesy 7 8 Junction Connector P35 Certification ECU A70(A),H57(B),Q1(C) R R 1 B B PSFT 1 B R (*1 *4) J 12 (*2) V 7 GND1 W-B B 5 LG B 9 3A 7.5A ECU-IG2 NO.2 IG H112 Junction Connector 10 7 1 IG2 Relay (BAT) 1 25A IG2-MAIN 2 1D 3 3A 50 2 1C 8 1C 5 11 P SB IG2D R A 9 R R R LG LG LG LG LG Junction Connector H114(A),H115(B) SLPD DCM (Telematics Transceiver) H101(A) P (*8) 29 A * 8 :w/ LEXUS ENFORM or Safety Connect 1 30A H-LP- MAIN 1 H-LP Relay 3D 12 HRLY 1 1 5 2 B B 1 (BAT) 3 15 P TAIL Relay TRLY 14 3E 1 120A DC/DC 1H 1 (BAT) B SH 17 14 3D 7.5A S-HORN 1 2 (BAT) 2 3 1 5 1 1 1 1 S-HORN Relay 1 Q19 R B R LG B Security Horn Assembly 12 P HORN 28 Low Pitched Horn Assembly 1 10A HORN W W B SB B A4 A1 1 1 SB 2 2 2 2 5 1 3 2 HORN Relay (BAT) 2 3D 15 High Pitched Horn Assembly 5 6 R H111 Junction Connector 2 1 7.5A AM2 (BAT) (*1 *5) A 12 (*2) U 16 Radio Receiver Assembly H97(J),H167(U),H168(V),h1(A) B 9 A 4 (*1 *4,*2) 37 R (*1 *5) V (*1 *5) (*1 *4,*2) P (*1 *5) W-B (*1 *5) 12 * 5 :Korea 9 Skid Control ECU with Actuator (Brake Booster with Master Cylinder Assembly) A24 W A62 G W 1 D 2 D 1 A 2 A Junction Connector H122(A),H127(D) Junction Connector W B CA2L CA2H 34 35 1 4 3 6 B 25 L P 3 P2 Shift Lock Control ECU (Lower Shift Lever Assembly) H32 P 1 8 B MJ N P W MJ 34 B 8 G W P 21 B G V W LG LG L L LG LG L L W V V W W V W V D BATT 3 E12 BR 4 D E1 BR 6 C E02 W-B 5 D E01 W-B 5 C (IG) 2 1C 7.5A ECU-IG2 NO.3 3 A IG2 B G B V (BAT) 2 1 10A ECU-B NO.1 16 20 Junction Connector H112 3D 31 3B 26 G B Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU Assembly A31(A),A33(B),H1(C),H2(D) Junction Connector 17 7 13 3 18 8 19 9 15 5 18 16 Junction Connector H112 L Tire Pressure Warning ECU and Receiver (Door Control & Tire Pressure Monitoring System Receiver Assembly) L L L L L L L L L L BE (BAT) 2 1 7.5A EFI NO.1 8 W (*6) (*7) (*7) (*6) * 6 :Before Aug. 2016 Production * 7 :From Aug. 2016 Production * 6 :Before Aug. 2016 Production * 7 :From Aug. 2016 Production (*7) (*6) 2 1 * 6 :Before Aug. 2016 Production * 7 :From Aug. 2016 Production 5 4 (*7) (*6) 12 5 16 2 (*7) (*6) 6 3 11 16 (*7) (*6) 4 8 7 23 (*7) (*6) 17 22 * 6 :Before Aug. 2016 Production * 7 :From Aug. 2016 Production (*6) UQ1 HA3 HA3 HP3 HP3 HQ2 HQ2 HQ2 OP1 OP1 MH2 MH2 MH2 MH2 MH2 UQ1 UQ1 HP3 HP3 HP3 HQ2 HQ2 HQ2 LH2 LH2 LH2 LH2 LH2 LH1 OP1 OP1 OP1 OP1 NQ1 NQ1 NQ1 NQ1 NQ1 MH1 NQ1 HA2 MH1 LH1 LH1 LH1 OP1 MH1 OP1 MH1 NQ1 MH1 HQ1 HQ1 HQ1 NQ1 OP1 NQ1 NQ1 HQ1 HP2 HQ1 OP1 LH1 PU2 HT1 HT1 HT2 HT1 HA3 HA3 AA1 AA1 DA2 DA3 DA3 DA3 HA2 HA3 HA3 HA8 HA8 HP3 HA3 QA1 Hh1 Hh1 HA2 HP1 HP2 HP3 HP3 HP1 HP3 HP1 HP1 HQ4 HQ2 HQ4 HQ2 HP3 HP1 HQ4 HQ2 HQ4 HQ2 H1 U1 H4 H1 Q1 P2 Q1 H4 H4 P2 P2 A2 H4 A2 H4 H1 H1 H1 H3 A1 H1 H5 U1