Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Main Body ECU Junction Connector Rear Console Switch Junction Connector Junction Connector Combination Switch Assembly , Integration Control and Panel Assembly Junction Connector Junction Connector Park/Neutral Position Switch Junction Connector Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Rear Junction Block ECU Junction Connector Junction Connector Outer Mirror Switch Assembly Combination Switch Assembly , Integration Control and Panel Assembly Rear Console Switch Junction Connector Rear Window Shade Assembly d=" M 390.93, 290.74 L 390.93, 52.78 L 1104.82, 52.78 L 1104.82, 197.25 d=" M 569.40, 163.26 L 569.40, 290.74 d=" M 569.40, 163.26 L 569.40, 171.76 L 577.90, 180.26 L 773.37, 180.26 L 773.37, 224.73 d=" M 1104.82, 443.71 L 1104.82, 452.21 L 1121.81, 469.21 L 1121.81, 494.70 L 1189.80, 494.70 L 1189.80, 596.69 L 654.39, 596.69 L 654.39, 341.73 d=" M 773.37, 281.67 L 773.37, 239.75 d=" M 1104.82, 528.70 L 1104.82, 554.19 L 875.35, 554.19 L 875.35, 350.79 d=" M 1104.82, 513.68 L 1104.82, 443.71 d=" M 1104.82, 367.22 L 1104.82, 418.22 d=" M 1104.82, 305.75 L 1104.82, 350.23 d=" M 1104.82, 290.74 L 1104.82, 222.75 d=" M 1257.79, 443.71 L 1257.79, 630.68 L 1708.21, 630.68 L 1708.21, 274.31 d=" M 1257.79, 197.25 L 1257.79, 138.33 W-B E 7 MPX A 5 C 3 C 9 G-Y B Rear Sunshade Switch 39 PA 40 PA W-B W-B W-B 5I 3 5F 3 DA 29 DA 51 A 1 B B 10A P MPX-B (BAT) R Combination Switch Assembly L75(A),z75(C) Rear Console Switch A 14 4 Junction Connector S57 W W (*4) (*4) B z54(A) W-B 13 CANH (*3) 5A RR MPX-B 2 LA RSB 5 10A RR S/SHADE 14 1 12 3 Junction Connector S59 60 59 45 46 9 11 4 3 MPX A 3 B 2 CANP CANN 3 W L L L L B B * 3 :4-Seater 1 E 14 CANL A 5 R (*4) CANH (*4) W CANL 4 A B (*3) (*3) W W(*4) R(*4) W(*3) B(*3) W(*3) B(*3) R(*4) W(*4) Junction Connector L95 Main Body ECU L11(A) 15 4 15 20 21 10 14 3 14 22 15 4 A 16 CANL CANH 15 A A 15 A 16 A 5 A 6 CANN CANP CANH CANL B W B W R G W B R G L Y B W B W B W B B B MU 4 A B 20 CANP Y RSE 4 Junction Connector S54 Rear Junction Block ECU S61(A),S62(B) (*3) (*3) (*4) (*4) 13 16 W B Junction Connector S60 2 5 PA 22 Outer Mirror Switch Assembly L6 Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU A74(A),E55(D) R +B R RV MJ D 16 BR R +BS P 1 D 7 5 6 4 D 12 V MJ RV L 27 57 (BAT) B 8 W (*3) Rear Sunshade Switch Rear Console Switch S15 LA 43 LA 29 4 17 7 W-B W-B W-B W-B 1 PGND SG (IG) IG 8 (BAT) LGLB 15 (BAT) MPXB 7 10A RR-IG1-2 5A RR MPX-B 2 10A RR MPX-B 1 S25 CANN 28 B A 3 MD P L RSL LMT 22 A 1 3 RSMU RSMD 2 Rear Window Shade Assembly LA 31 (BAT) E (*4 *1) Junction Connector z90 7 Junction Connector S54 23 24 Integration Control and Panel Assembly z75(C) Rear Sunshade Switch D Park/Neutral Position Switch E65 Junction Connector L97 Junction Connector A67 Note : Please refer to the Multiplex Communication System (CAN) section for information regarding the shielded communication lines. Note : Please refer to the Multiplex Communication System (CAN) section for information regarding the shielded communication lines. * 4 :5-Seater * 3 :4-Seater * 4 :5-Seater * 1 :w/ Ottoman * 2 :w/o Ottoman W W B B W W R G W B B W W W 11 8 Junction Connector L196 19 20 Junction Connector L196 L194 Junction Connector 5 2 1 W-B (*4 *1) W-B 4 1 A 9 W-B W-B 4 (*4 *2) (*4) zS5 zS5 LS1 LS1 LA1 LA1 zS5 zS5 L1 S2 S1 S1 L3