Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Diode (Back Door Courtesy) Fold Seat Switch Assembly Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly RH Junction Connector Junction Connector Front Door Lock Assembly LH Rear Door Lock Assembly LH Diode (Rear No.2 Seat RH) Door Control Switch Assembly Diode (Front Door Courtesy Switch LH) Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Junction Connector Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Outer Mirror Control ECU Assembly No.1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly Step Light Assembly RH Junction Connector Junction Connector Outer Rear View Mirror Assembly RH No.2 Multiplex Network Body ECU Junction Connector Junction Connector Front Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Rear Door Courtesy Light Assembly RH Outer Rear View Mirror Assembly LH Engine Switch Junction Connector Junction Connector Diode (Power Back Door) Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly LH Front Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly RH No.1 Luggage Compartment Light Assembly No.2 Interior Illumination Light Assembly Rear Door Courtesy Light Assembly LH Junction Connector Rear Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly LH Main Body ECU Front Foot Light LH (No.1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly) Front Foot Light RH (No.1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly) Power Back Door Unit Assembly Rear Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly RH Step Light Assembly LH Back Door Lock Assembly No.3 Room Light Assembly Visor Assembly RH Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Overhead Module Rear Door Lock Assembly RH Rear Foot Light RH (No.1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly) Diode (Rear Door Courtesy Switch LH) Diode (Front Door Courtesy Switch RH) Diode (Rear Door Courtesy Switch RH) No.1 Room Light Assembly Visor Assembly LH Junction Connector Certification ECU Assembly Front Door Lock Assembly RH Junction Connector Rear Foot Light LH (No.1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly) DL 3 1 W-B W-B W-B W-B 36 B VR2 W-B 9 A GND 55 9 11 LSSR LSSR E E Unlock Detection Unlock Detection Unlock Detection Unlock Detection W-B W-B 7 8 16 BE I14 8 7 LSWP 27 B Y Y I6 J13 J6 W-B 16 A 9 LSWD BE Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH 20 LSWL 16 6 2C 1 BE BE 10 W-B BE 6 9 10 W-B 9 16 38 BE LSWR 5 B W-B W-B BE Rear Door Courtesy Light Assembly RH G G R G 6 2 1 2 1 J5 B Diode (Rear Door Courtesy Switch RH) J7 L2 Rear Door Lock Assembly RH 1 21 7 RCTY B G Rear Door Lock Assembly LH Front Door Lock Assembly RH Front Door Lock Assembly LH G A W 5A AM2 1 2 AM1 W W AM2 Junction Connector E59 36 W 77 87 97 13 BR GND3 1 C BR 11 Dome Light Dome Light 18 W W R W-B 13 Overhead Module R7(A),R12(B) 2 B 14 B 27 A 10 A 8 B 7 B 4 A 3 A 15 A 18 B 7 G 1 R R G +B3 6 25A DR/LCK (BAT) ALTB MLP 8 BR 21 15A MIR 2D 54 14 R R (BAT) 15 8 P 37 LP 15 21 B 23 RE1 LE1 B BR 3 BR BR B P 18 P No.3 Room Light Assembly W-B Visor Assembly RH Visor Assembly LH 1 B 6 (BAT) E R +B1 DB W-B B 1 R 2 R1 E W-B R 2 1 R3 B 25A DOOR NO.2 2 1 (BAT) 2B 20 L BATB 2 2 L RRVT 1 R R6 E62 Junction Connector 2D 62 1 4 GND2 4 W-B W-B 22 IG 15 7.5A ACC (ACC) (IG) R ACC Map Light 10A ECU-IG No.2 3 Junction Connector E62 R 29 23 E61 63 43 Junction Connector 13 3 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH 22 R 2 R 1 7.5A DOME2 (BAT) 15 Diode (Front Door Courtesy Switch LH) I16 Diode (Front Door Courtesy Switch RH) I8 R R R R P 3 2 1 2 1 P P L1 1 I13 I5 B L P L 2 B 21 PCTY B P 3 2 1 2 1 L L K2 1 24 DCTY A L Front Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly RH P FSPT 1 C 3 R R L 11 I20 1 2 1 2 13 24 34 2 1 Front Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly LH I21 3 11 1 2 1 R 6 7 7 2 1 6 7 24 53 11 2 Front Footwell 3 E88 Front Foot Light RH (No.1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly) 4 c44 Rear Footwell Rear Foot Light LH (No.1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly) 2 1 8 ILL+ ILL- 54 25 10 20 40 45 35 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L R R R L R R R L R Junction Connector E58 11 A 1 3 6 2 9 8 7 MPR MPL Map Light SWR SWL RRMP E CTY RLMP B RRSW RLSW RGND No.1 Room Light Assembly R10 R RILL G W-B ILLB V Y LIN L Dome Light G B B B 18 LP B 17 P MLP E LSSR LSSR E W 4 W 3 13 W-B Junction Connector 20 S15 4 5 W-B 5 Courtesy LA-L E CTY W W W W-B Junction Connector E110 R MPX- 12 A A 11 MPX+ LG B BCTY 25 LG R B R LG R B R R R R G BR 13 SWIL 5 SWIL 11 25 A BR R 9 Junction Connector E110 GND Engine Switch E18 27 A A W W R R 2 3 29 19 A 2 1 A R CANH CANL R 2 12 1 13 LG Junction Connector E76 Certification ECU Assembly E29(A) 21 BR R 22 BR 5 16 6 17 R GR 28 R W 2 E 1 E R LG Junction Connector L29(A),L46(E) CANP 16 C C 15 CANN E1 E1 Outer Rear View Mirror Assembly RH I22 Outer Rear View Mirror Assembly LH I23 Outer Mirror Control ECU Assembly I17(A),I18(B) 3 A CANL CANH B B 1 B 21 BR R Main Body ECU E1(A),E2(B),E3(C) E1(A),E2(B),E3(C) Main Body ECU Main Body ECU E1(A),E2(B),E3(C) Main Body ECU E1(A),E2(B),E3(C) Main Body ECU E1(A),E2(B),E3(C) Main Body ECU E1(A),E2(B),E3(C) Main Body ECU E1(A),E2(B),E3(C) Main Body ECU E1(A),E2(B),E3(C) Main Body ECU E1(A),E2(B),E3(C) R LG R LG R LG R LG GR R R BR R BR 2 1 14 W W B W Diode (Rear No.2 Seat RH) L41 7 A 6 L L A 21 A 10 MPX B Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly RH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH 7 K3 23 W W W LCTY 17 J14 Diode (Rear Door Courtesy Switch LH) 2C 2 1 B J12 Rear Door Courtesy Light Assembly LH 1 2 1 2 Junction Connector 9 19 2 52 E59 29 6 W Step Light Assembly RH g2 2 1 No.1 Luggage Compartment Light Assembly L12 B L E ILL+ 2 1 Rear Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly LH J18 R R R R R 2 R 1 R No.2 Interior Illumination Light Assembly K15 Junction Connector E58 26 2 1 L Diode (Back Door Courtesy) K36 10 W R Junction Connector E61 LG R B R W R R P R R P R R W R B R LG R LG W W LG R R R R R R L R R P R R R R R R P R R L R R R R R 19 1 3 CTYO W W Power Back Door Unit Assembly L36 Foot Light Foot Light Back Door Lock Assembly S19 W-B W-B GND7 GND5 B 17 B 20 W-B W-B W-B 48 77 30 GR GR E60 Junction Connector E61 Junction Connector 7.5A ACC 2D 8 (ACC) GR 16 4 GR ACC A 50 GR FUL 20 W W 10 R 10 R R R 64 R 78 R W 10A DOME1 2 1 (BAT) 12 R R DOMR 18 2D 39 1 3 2 5 1 1 1 1 24 W W R W-B W-B DOME CUT Relay R 2 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R A 1 2 2 1 B L W-B L L L L L L L L W-B R R R R RBD1 LSPT RBD2 No.2 Multiplex Network Body ECU L33(A) Step Light Assembly LH g1 R Door Control Switch Assembly S22 Diode (Power Back Door) S24 L R 2 9 P A 9 R P R R R B P P L L 11 R P R R R B R Fold Seat Switch Assembly L42(A) 5 A Front Foot Light LH (No.1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly) E81 Front Footwell 2 1 1 2 c32 Rear Footwell Rear Foot Light RH (No.1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly) R R R R 4 R 22 R R R R R R R R R R 70 R R 2 1 No.1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly L47 2 1 Rear Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly RH J16 2 1 KL2 SK2 RE2 SK2 EA2 IE1 IE4 IE4 IE4 IE1 FE3 JL1 FL2 JL1 EL1 JL1 JL1 JK1 JK1 IE3 IE6 RE2 EL1 RE2 SK1 SK1 EK2 IE4 IE4 EK2 EK2 KL1 KL1 KL2 EK2 JK1 JK1 EA1 EK2 IE6 FL2 FE4 IE2 IE2 IE6 Kg1 Kg1 KL2 IE4 Kc1 JK2 JK2 KL2 Lg1 Lg1 JL2 JL2 EL1 EL1 Lc1 IE1 IE1 SK2 EL1 EK2 IE4 EK2 KL2 SK1 Kc1 IE4 Lc1 EL1 EA1 EA1 AK2 E2 A2 E1 E1 K2 E2 I1 I2 K1 L1 I2