Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 No. 20 Junction Connector Windshield Washer Motor and Pump Assembly Windshield Wiper Switch Assembly Rear Wiper Motor Assembly d=" M 127.48, 426.71 L 127.48, 382.24 d=" M 127.48, 367.22 L 127.48, 324.73 d=" M 169.97, 426.71 L 169.97, 382.24 d=" M 169.97, 367.22 L 169.97, 324.73 d=" M 365.44, 511.70 L 365.44, 503.20 L 373.94, 494.70 L 441.93, 494.70 L 450.42, 503.20 L 450.42, 511.70 d=" M 365.44, 511.70 L 365.44, 375.72 L 433.43, 375.72 L 450.42, 361.56 L 450.42, 353.06 d=" M 450.42, 511.70 L 450.42, 503.20 L 458.92, 494.70 L 484.42, 494.70 L 484.42, 375.72 L 467.42, 375.72 L 450.42, 361.56 L 450.42, 353.06 d=" M 450.42, 443.71 L 450.42, 511.70 d=" M 450.42, 426.71 L 450.42, 353.06 2 1 2 5A WASHER-S 9 8 No. 20 Junction Connector I92 M 2 1 A23 Windshield Washer Motor and Pump Assembly +1R C1R On EW +1R EW C1R WR +B2 WF Rear Wiper Switch Rear On Off Washer Switch EW WR Intermittent Off Front On WF +B2 2 A 7 A 5 B 10 B 4 A 3 A Windshield Wiper Switch Assembly I124(A),I125(B) E W C1 LS +B Windshield Wiper Relay M Rear Wiper Motor 4 1 5 3 2 Rear Wiper Motor Assembly Y3 (IG) 2 5 4A 15A WIPER RR 2 15A WASHER 4D 1 (IG) 1 1 14 16 8 13 15 7 11 11 12 2 13 * 7 :w/ Headlight Cleaner * 8 :w/o Headlight Cleaner *10 :From Sep. 2017 Production * 5 :w/ Headlight Light Control ECU Sub-Assembly * 6 :w/o Headlight Light Control ECU Sub-Assembly * 4 :w/o Auto Wiper System * 9 :Before Sep. 2017 Production * 3 :w/ Auto Wiper System (*5) W R V (*6 *7) W (*6 *7) W (*5) W B P P L L L L W R L W-B R B R LA-R P L P L L P W W W-B LA-Y Y W-B W LA-R LA-Y W (*6 *8) V (*4) V (*3) (*9 *3) (*4) V (*3) V (*4) V (*3) V (*4) B R (*10 *3) ZY3 ZQ3 ZY3 ZQ3 IQ3 ZY3 ZQ3 IQ3 ZY3 ZQ3 AQ4 AI1 AI14 YA IB