Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector (E) Turn Signal Light and Parking Light LH (Headlight Assembly LH) A15 (LO) Headlight Assembly LH A12 (HI) Headlight Assembly LH A10 (-S) ST Relay (E) Brake Fluid Level Warning Switch (Brake Master Cylinder Reservoir Sub-Assembly) A3 (E) Front Wiper Deicer (Windshield Glass) A25 (E) Side Marker Light LH (Headlight Assembly LH) A39 (GND) Four Wheel Drive Control ECU A29 (E) Headlight Cleaner Control Relay A32 D10 Ignition Coil Assembly No.8 (GND) D13 Ignition Coil Assembly No.2 (GND) D12 Ignition Coil Assembly No.4 (GND) D11 Ignition Coil Assembly No.6 (GND) O24 Canister Pump Module (MGND) (E1) D56 ECM (ME01) H19 DLC3 (SG) H54 Spiral Cable Sub-Assembly (ECC) D8 Ignition Coil Assembly No.7 (GND) 1 2 3 5 W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B 4 Junction Connector A54 12 13 9 W-B W-B W-B 4 5 16 17 19 20 22 (Shielded) (Shielded) (Shielded) (Shielded) (Shielded) (Shielded) (Shielded) BR BR BR BR BR BR BR 6 18 BR 21 A 22 B 13 2 A 12 A 11 B 7 BR W-B BR BR W-B W-B BR BR BR BR Junction Connector A61(A),D55(B) Junction Connector D53 Junction Connector D53 (2UZ-FE) (2UZ-FE) 6 17 3 BR W-B W-B BR BR (Shielded) W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B D56 ECM (E01) W-B W-B B W-B B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B 13 Junction Connector D53 (2UZ-FE) (2UZ-FE) (E) A37 Fog Light Assembly RH (E) A36 Fog Light Assembly LH (E) A40 Wireless Door Lock Buzzer 10 W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B (4WD) (E) A16 Turn Signal Light and Parking Light RH (Headlight Assembly RH) Headlight Assembly RH A13 (LO) (HI) A11 Headlight Assembly RH Side Marker Light RH (Headlight Assembly RH) A38 (E) A35 Security Courtesy Switch (E) A31 Level Warning Switch Assembly (E) W-B W-B 5 11 W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B D5 Ignition Coil Assembly No.1 (GND) D6 Ignition Coil Assembly No.3 (GND) D7 Ignition Coil Assembly No.5 (GND) D37 Air Switching Valve (Bank 1) (GNDL) Windshield Wiper Motor Assembly A23 (E) IG2 Relay EFI MAIN Relay A/F Relay (GND1) A19 ABS and Traction Actuator Assembly (IGN) Noise Filter (Ignition Bank 1) D9 (IGN2) (E03) D56 ECM (E02) D56 ECM Noise Filter (Ignition Bank 2) D14 (E05) (E04) D56 ECM (GND) F1 Differential Vacuum Actuator Assembly 1 W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B 1B 7 1B 3 1A 3 W-B 6 BR H19 DLC3 (SG) H54 Spiral Cable Sub-Assembly (ECC) BR BR ECM D56 (E05) (E03) B D35 W-B (E04) 7 B 11 A Junction Connector A61(A),D55(B) (3UR-FE) 12 A W-B B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B 2 13 B 22 A BR W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B Air Switching Valve (Bank 1) D37 (GND) Ignition Coil Assembly No.8 D10 (GND) (3UR-FE) (E) 5 (-) Outer Rear View Mirror Assembly RH L6 (E) Door Control Switch Assembly L5 (E) Front Door Lock Assembly RH L4 4 (E) I22 Accessory Meter Assembly Tire Pressure Warning ECU H40 (GND) Front Seat Heater Switch LH H47 (E) Option Connector (Glass Breakage Sensor ECU) H64 (GND) (E) H48 Front Seat Heater Switch RH (E) H52 Tire Pressure Warning Reset Switch H83 W-B (EL) Headlight Dimmer Switch Assembly H11 W-B (LFG) (E) Transmission Control Switch H31 (E) Clearance Warning ECU Assembly H43 (EW) Windshield Wiper Switch Assembly H14 (E) Shift Lock Control ECU Sub-Assembly H35 (E) Ignition Coil Assembly No.2 D13 (GND) D12 (GND) D11 (GND) Air Injection Control Driver (Bank 1) D32 (E) (GNDL) D38 Air Switching Valve (Bank 2) W-B W-B (E02) W-B Ignition Coil Assembly No.6 Ignition Coil Assembly No.4 F/PMP Relay 1 W-B W-B W-B W-B (3UR-FE) W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B B W-B 12 17 12 W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B 12 15 W-B W-B (GND1) Transfer Shift Actuator Assembly D45 (GND) Transfer Shift Actuator Assembly D46 W-B 14 (E) DEFOG Relay (DEF) (GND) NOISE FILTER 1 1 1 W-B W-B W-B 9 8 7 13 6 (-S) SUB BATT Relay W-B (*15) (E) (3UR-FE) W-B (GND) Air Switching Valve (Bank 2) D38 W-B 1 (GND1) D45 Transfer Shift Actuator Assembly (GND) D46 Transfer Shift Actuator Assembly 12 15 14 W-B W-B W-B W-B (Shielded) (Shielded) (Shielded) (Shielded) (Shielded) (Shielded) 16 17 18 19 20 22 BR BR BR BR BR BR 21 BR (GND) Radio Receiver Assembly I1 W-B (GND) (GND2) I16 Stereo Component Amplifier Assembly (GND) I9 Radio Receiver Assembly (GND) I4 Radio Receiver Assembly (GND) I20 Navigation Receiver Assembly (Shielded) W-B BR BR W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B 13 10 (E) Inner Rear View Mirror Assembly U1 (E) Vanity Light RH U4 (E) Vanity Light LH U5 J5 (E) Roof Console Box Assembly U7 Outer Mirror Switch Assembly (E) No.1 Room Light Assembly U6 (E) J7 Interior Dome Light Switch Assembly (E) J1 4 Wheel Drive Control Switch (GND) (GND) J3 Hazard Warning Signal Switch Assembly (E) DLC3 J2 Drive Monitor Switch (E) W-B J6 W-B W-B W-B Outer Mirror Switch Assembly W-B W-B W-B (E2) W-B W-B W-B 4 (MSE) W-B Key Inter Lock Solenoid (FRE) H68 Differential Lock Switch W-B (E) H72 Height Control Switch 9 H19 2 W-B W-B W-B (KLS-) H28 H85 (CG) Junction Connector (ESS) H6 Steering Sensor Main Body ECU (E) H17 Cigarette Lighter Assembly DD 30 Outer Mirror Control ECU Assembly W-B Center Airbag Sensor Assembly H56 (E1) W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B (GND) W-B W-B W-B W-B (GND2) W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B M7 W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B (GND) W-B Multiplex Tilt and Telescopic ECU W-B H57 W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B (LP-) (-) (E) Outer Rear View Mirror Assembly LH M5 (E) Front Door Lock Assembly LH M4 W-B (E) Power Window Regulator Master Switch Assembly M2 (LP-) Junction Connector W-B W-B Air Injection Control Driver (Bank 2) D34 (E2) (E) D32 Air Injection Control Driver (Bank 1) W-B W-B B B Air Pump Assembly (Bank 2) D36 (GND) B B E12 Air Pump Assembly (Bank 1) (E) Junction Connector A46 Air Pump Assembly (Bank 1) (E) B D36 Air Pump Assembly (Bank 2) (GND) W-B D7 Ignition Coil Assembly No.5 (GND) W-B D6 Ignition Coil Assembly No.3 (GND) W-B D8 Ignition Coil Assembly No.7 (GND) W-B D5 Ignition Coil Assembly No.1 (GND) W-B (E1) D56 F1 Differential Vacuum Actuator Assembly W-B ECM (ME01) BR (GND) BR BR (E) W-B Height Control Mode Select Switch H73 (E) W-B A/C Amplifier Assembly H67 (RGND) 1 1 W-B W-B Junction Connector H84 (GND) Front Power Window Regulator Switch Assembly RH L2 W-B W-B L3 Front Power Window Regulator Motor Assembly RH (GND) (GND) Front Power Window Regulator Motor Assembly LH M3 W-B Front Seat Heater Switch RH H49 (E) W-B Rear A/C Control Assembly S4 (E) W-B W-B (*9) (*9) A 3 A 5 A 6 A 11 A 7 A 12 A 8 A 13 A 2 Glove Box Light Assembly H42 DD 16 DD 28 Back Door Power Window Regulator Switch Assembly H9 (E) W-B W-B Front Blower with Fan Motor Sub-Assembly H41 (GND) W-B W-B W-B W-B Center Power Outlet Socket Assembly S3 (E) W-B Center Power Point Socket Assembly S2 (E) Center Airbag Sensor Assembly 11 H56 A/C Amplifier Assembly H24 (GND) W-B Integration Control and Panel Assembly (E2) H45 (GND) Power Source Control ECU H53 (GND) W-B Transponder Key ECU Assembly H32 (GND) Curtain Airbag Cutoff Switch H46 (E) 5 W-B 12 W-B 4 W-B W-B 10 W-B 13 W-B W-B 10 W-B W-B W-B (GND1) W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B Front Power Point Socket Assembly H51 (E) W-B W-B (E) Seat Variable Cushion Switch LH X4 (E) (E) Front Power Seat Switch LH X3 11 (E) Front Lumbar Power Seat Switch LH X1 (E2) (E) Rear Door Lock Assembly LH N11 N5 Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly RH X12 Front Seat Heater Control Sub-Assembly LH (E) (GND) Front Power Seat ECU and Switch LH X10 W-B 4 (E) W8 Front Seat Heater Control Sub-Assembly RH (E) W-B (E2) W10 Front Lumbar Power Seat Switch RH (E) W9 Front Power Seat Switch RH (E) W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B (GND2) (GND) P19 Fold Seat Control ECU RH W-B W-B W-B 3 W-B W-B W-B 4 (UN-) Un-Lock Warning Switch Assembly H21 IG1 No.3 Relay IG1 No.2 Relay IG1 No.1 Relay W-B 7 DE W-B W-B W-B 5 10 P/W Relay (*7) ACC Relay W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B (E) Pattern Select Switch Assembly H30 W-B (E) No.1 Room Light Assembly U8 (GND) Television Display Assembly U2 (E) Sliding Roof Control ECU U3 W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B Main Switch Assembly H50 (E) W-B W-B W-B (-S) AIR SUS Relay W-B A27 ECM (EC) W-B W-B (E) A34 Cooling Fan Motor Rear Washer Motor and Pump Assembly W-B (SW) A42 21 A 20 A A 19 BR A26 Laser Radar Sensor (SGND) A43 BR (SGND) Distance Control ECU Assembly (GND) BR 21 A A 20 19 A BR A26 Laser Radar Sensor (SGND) (SGND) Distance Control ECU Assembly A43 BR BR (GND) (2UZ-FE) (GND) H44 Towing Brake Controller W-B (E1) H37 Combination Meter Assembly W-B (E) H29 VSC Off Switch W-B (E) H39 Turn Signal Flasher Assembly W-B 7 8 11 3 (GND) U11 Option Connector (Display) W-B 12 6 W-B (E) No.2 Room Light Assembly U10 W-B W-B U9 No.1 Room Light Assembly (E) H69 Power Back Door Main Switch Power Steering ECU Assembly H38 3 7 9 10 5 W-B Power Back Door Opener/Closer Switch (Back Door Control Switch) H70 (E) W-B Suspension Control Switch H71 (GND) W-B No.2 Outer Mirror Switch Assembly H76 P17 (E) W-B Rear Seat Heater Switch RH P18 (E) W-B Rear Seat Heater Control Sub-Assembly RH P23 (TC) W-B (*9) W-B (*9) W-B (*19) W-B (*19) 7 (*19) (*19) (*19) Junction Connector P22 W-B Rear Window Defogger (Back Door Glass) V12 (E) Door Control Receiver O25 (GND) W-B W-B 8 W-B (*24) (*17) (*17) (*16) (GND) Seat Cushion Climate Control Blower LH X13 W-B (GND) Seat Back Climate Control Blower LH X14 W-B W-B (*18) (*18) (*18) O40 Junction Connector (GND) T1 Trailer Socket W (GND) T3 Trailer Socket W (E) O35 Fuel Pump Control ECU Assembly W-B (GND) T2 Trailer Socket W-B (GND) O33 Fold Seat Control ECU LH W-B 5 4 7 (E) Q7 Height Control Compressor Motor (No.1 Height Control Compressor) W-B 10 W-B W-B 8 (*9) 2 W (*14) (*15) (*15) W (*15) (E) Rear Combination Light Assembly RH O22 (E) Rear Combination Light Assembly LH O23 (E) Rear Combination Light Assembly RH (E) Rear Power Point Socket Assembly O38 (E) Rear Combination Light Assembly LH O21 W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B O20 2 Height Control Valve Q4 (E) Height Control Exhaust Valve (No.1 Height Control Compressor) Q3 (L) W-B W-B 6 W-B W-B 5 W-B (GND) O19 Suspension Control ECU W-B (GND) O17 Suspension Control ECU W-B (E) O43 Rear Seat Heater Control Sub-Assembly LH W-B (GND) O18 Suspension Control ECU W-B (GND) O10 Voltage Inverter Assembly W-B 2 3 7 12 W-B (GND) Power Back Door Unit Assembly O30 O32 Power Back Door Closer Switch (Back Door Control Switch) (E) (ILL-) O29 Rear Power Seat Switch LH (E) O33 Fold Seat Control ECU LH (GND2) W-B W-B W-B W-B Junction Connector O39 8 11 4 5 6 (*2) (*1) (*9) (*1) (*9) (*9) (*13) (*13) 1 3 W-B W-B (E) Rear Combination Light Assembly LH V8 V5 With Motor Back Door Lock Assembly (ACT-) (GND) V9 License Plate Light Assembly (E) V7 Rear Combination Light Assembly RH (E) W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B (E) V1 Center Stop Light Assembly W-B (E) V16 Center Stop Light Assembly W-B A 1 A 3 A 2 A 4 A 5 A 6 B 3 B 4 Junction Connector V19(A),V20(B) Back Door ECU V2 (*12) (*13) (*11) (*10) W-B W-B BR W-B BR BR B B W-B W-B W-B W-B B B W-B W-B W-B W-B * 7 :w/ Seat Position Memory * 1 :w/ Electronic Modulated Air Suspension * 2 :w/ Air Suspension * 9 :w/ Power Rear No.2 Seat with Stowing Function *10 :w/ Roof Spoiler *11 :w/o Roof Spoiler *12 :w/o Power Back Door *13 :w/ Power Back Door *14 :Trailer Socket 4Pin Type 1 1 W-B W-B W-B W-B *16 :w/o Seat Position Memory *17 :10Way Control *18 :w/ Climate Control Seat * 9 :w/ Power Rear No.2 Seat with Stowing Function *18 :w/ Climate Control Seat *19 :w/ Rear Seat Heater *21 :w/o Climate Control Seat Air Injection Control Driver (Bank 2) D34 (E2) W-B W-B (-S) H55 Back Up Light Relay W-B W-B INVERTER Relay (*3) * 3 :w/o Rear Seat Entertainment System *24 :w/ Seat Position Memory *22 :w/ Power Seat *23 :w/o Power Seat *25 :w/o Power Rear No.2 Seat with Stowing Function (*25) Junction Connector D53 Junction Connector H86(A),H87(B) * 8 :w/ Rear Seat Entertainment System (*8) (*8) W-B Junction Connector H86(A),H87(B) NOISE FILTER *15 :Trailer Socket 7Pin Type and 4Pin Type (MGND) Canister Pump Module O24 (E01) ECM D56 DD 62 *15 :Trailer Socket 7Pin Type and 4Pin Type (BZR-) V13 Power Slide Back Door Warning Buzzer A 4 Junction Connector W14(A) W17 Seat Back Climate Control Blower RH (GND) W-B A 9 10 A W-B (GND) Seat Cushion Climate Control Blower RH W16 (*18) (*18) (*21) (*18) 6 4 5 W-B Occupant Detection ECU P14 (GND) W-B Occupant Detection ECU W6 (GND) W-B Rear Blower with Fan Motor Sub-Assembly P10 (L) W-B Rear Blower Motor Control P11 (GND) Rear Power Seat Switch RH P13 (ILL-) (*23) 10 W-B (*22) (*22) 1 (E) W-B (*9) W-B (*9) W-B Rear Seat Heater Switch LH DF1 OA1 VO2 OQ3 OT1 VO2 PW1 NP1 PW2 NO1 OX1 SH1 MH1 LH1 HU1 HJ1 HU1 OQ1 DA1 DA1 OA1 AH3 DF1 AH3 ED2 A2 P2 I1 A4 H1 D5 D1 D7 A1 H3 E1 D2 H4 Q1 D3 P1 D6 I2 D4 O1 O2 A3 H2