Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Vanity Light Assembly LH Shift Lever Position Sensor Diode (Courtesy LH) Visor Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly RH Vanity Light Assembly RH Map Light Sub-Assembly LH Visor Assembly RH Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Back Door Lock Assembly Outer Rear View Mirror Assembly LH Outer Rear View Mirror Assembly RH Junction Connector No.2 Room Light Assembly Back Door Lock Assembly Back Window Lock Assembly Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Front Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH Junction Connector Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Junction Connector Junction Connector Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly LH Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Junction Connector Map Light Sub-Assembly RH Diode (Courtesy RH) No.1 Room Light Assembly Power Switch Junction Connector Junction Connector Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU Roof Console Box Assembly Junction Connector Junction Connector Main Body ECU 4 B V Back Window Lock Assembly (*1) B 4 B 14 D57 5 D52 Junction Connector Q1 Roof Console Box Assembly Junction Connector 14 B 11 T5 W-B D7(A), D8(B), D9(C) (IG) (ACC) 7. 5A ECU-ACC 10A ECU IG NO. 1 15 IG 22 ACC 7 8 15 5 5 GR W-B H6 GR 1 L A 1 2 3 GR BCTY (*5) LG 6 25 E O O W-B B (*7) (*6) +B1 W-B O O +B 1 Y 2 Q7 E W-B Q3 7 1 2 2 1 Q6 Q5 1R 5 SB B Q8 1 2 +B 25A DOOR1 2 2 (BAT) 1D 16 W ILE 21 ALTB 6 W-B 2 3 (*6) W-B (*7) Y 4 Y W-B Q4 GND CTY 2 3 Y 2 1F 7 Q2 10 1 O O 6 1R 3 B 2 W-B 1F 10 GND1 5 4 3 D7(A), D8(B), D9(C) (*4) W-B 2 B 9 LSWD W-B GR 7 21 15 24 LCTY 17 L 17 SB 1 9 1 GR L DCTY B PCTY A RCTY A G 1O 7 SB B SB 17 Back Door Lock Assembly W-B GR T4 19 3 4 Courtesy (*5) W-B Detection OFF ON DOOR B E CTY Main Body ECU D7(A), D8(B), D9(C) Main Body ECU C Main Body ECU Front Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH (*4) W-B OFF W Visor Assembly LH Map Light Sub-Assembly RH Map Light Sub-Assembly LH Visor Assembly RH Vanity Light Assembly LH Vanity Light Assembly RH No. 1 Room Light Assembly W-B 1M 9 3 GND2 4 (*4) Map Light Courtesy (*3) (*3) (*3) (*3) 7 (*7) W LG W B R L Q9 No. 2 Room Light Assembly E 14 1 2 2 1 H2 Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly RH G2 7 14 3 5 W-B W-B W-B W-B E23 Junction Connector W-B W-B 22 21 SB O 1 1 18 5 O SB 17 17 SB O 9 8 Junction Connector D56 D7(A), D8(B), D9(C) (*3) (*6) Y Main Body ECU 1 B (*5) (*5) 6 DOOR ON B O (*3) T14 Junction Connector 2 Junction Connector T15 20 B 12 8 1 8 (*2) P P 2 (*2) (*2) Courtesy 4 W-B (*2) (*2) P GCTY P 10A G/H 2 2 (BAT) 5 5 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 4 A MLRY R G L 13 4 W-B 8 5 2 (*1) 1 MRR- MRL- (*1) MRR+ 4 MRL+ L MIR LP Relay (*1) 2 5 G4(B) W-B Outer Rear View Mirror Assembly RH W-B W-B W-B W-B L BR BR H4(B) R Outer Rear View Mirror Assembly LH (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) R P (*1) Main Body ECU D7(A), D8(B), D9(C) SIG SB D56 Junction Connector 1 2 2 O O (*6) CTY DOOR ON Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH O8 Junction Connector T15 B E N7 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH O2 OFF Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH N2 B CTY CTY E Foot Light Foot Light 7 O SB CANH 5 F C Power Switch D25 CANL F 33 R W-B W B 25 11 GND COM 5 4 SWIL 25 B SWIL 12 1 1 12 8 19 16 5 W B B B50 W W Shift Lever Position Sensor B L R R 7. 5A IGCT NO. 2 3 +B P 8 3 D 12 CANL CANH P Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU B2(C), B3(D), D36(F) Junction Connector D55 Junction Connector D59 * 2 : w/ Glass Hatch Opener * 1 : w/ Outer Mirror Foot Light (*2) W-B (*4) * 5 : w/o Power Back Door * 4 : w/ Power Back Door * 3 : w/ Vanity Light * 6 : w/ Rear Reading Light * 7 : w/o Rear Reading Light Main Body ECU D7(A), D8(B), D9(C) Main Body ECU D7(A), D8(B), D9(C) SB SB O SB 8 P (*1) 10A DOME 2 2 (BAT) 1D 13 LG LG (*6) W-B GND BDCY W-B O O (*6) Map Light O SB R L 2 1 2 1 Diode (Courtesy RH) G9 Diode (Courtesy LH) H7 T3 Back Door Lock Assembly Junction Connector D52 O O O O O O 8 Y Y Y Y Note : Please refer to the Multiplex Communication System - CAN section for information regarding the shielded communication lines. 2 A 6 (BAT) B 7. 5A AM2 1 2 AM1 GR B AM2 GND3 1 C W-B 15 B B R R 10 C MJ P MJ 5 G L 3 13 4 Junction Connector A58 G 3 IGCT Relay 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 5 (BAT) 2 2 30A IGCT B 2 Y BR G 1 LG LG XO2 XT3 HD1 XO1 DO1 QE1 DN2 GD1 HD1 XT3 XO2 DO2 XT2 GD1 HD1 QE1 DN2 DO2 BA1 AD3 AD8 HD1 HD2 AD8 GD1 GD1 QE1 HD1 D3 D3 D4 T1 D4 D4 E1 T1