Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Glass Breakage Microphone Theft Deterrent ECU Assembly Back Door Lock Assembly Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Front Door Lock Assembly LH Front Door Lock Assembly RH Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Junction Connector Glass Breakage Sensor ECU Assembly Map Light Assembly No.1 Room Light Assembly Junction Connector Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Door Control Receiver ECM Telltale Light Assembly Junction Connector Low Pitched Horn Assembly No.2 Room Light Assembly Junction Connector Junction Connector Un-Lock Warning Switch Assembly Main Body ECU P1 Back Door Lock Assembly 4 E 3 No.1 Room Light Assembly Map Light Assembly 3 A Courtesy W-B LG GR (*1) (*1) D+ CANL CANH 22 A 12 1 Junction Connector A34 W W B B 9 20 17 6 25 9 R W 41 A ECM CANH CANL A37(A) A 49 Y W 10 21 A 23 Junction Connector E65 Main Body ECU E63(A) Main Body ECU E63(A) Main Body ECU E63(A) 10A ECU-B 1 5 2 (BAT) 2B 30 2H 12 (IG) L 7 2S 4 10A ECU-IG NO.1 E W R R 7 L BE 8 2 W-B 11 10 W-B 9 3 GB+B 3 16 13 25 MIC- 24 MIC+ BRK- BRK+ R +B1 53 IG GBSI GBS MI+ MI- B Y GND Glass Breakage Sensor Microphone E71 W 1 1 1 5 1 3 2 R-B 50A H-LP MAIN 1D 4 B R-B H-LP Relay 6 V (BAT) 7.5A ACC (ACC) 25A DOOR 1 2 (BAT) 2B 30 W 6 21 BECU ACC 2E 17 1 GND1 W-B 25 HAZ 10A ECU-IG NO.1 (IG) IG 5 10A ECU-B (BAT) ALTB W 4 W-B 1 1 1 3 2 2E 19 2E 20 21 2A DCTY 26 PCTY 20 RCTY 22 M4 M2 A 13 Y BE V BE Y 1 10 L3 B LCTY B L1 BE Y Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH 12 A 16 P 2S M13 PRG RDA +B GND 2 3 1 5 SB V V SB W-B 17 A 11 10 8 13 2B PRG RDA (BAT) 1 2 R-G 10A DOME P W-B Door Control Receiver EHW FLASHER Relay 8 10A DOME 1 2 (BAT) 2B 13 2K 5 R-G 2 1 OFF ON DOOR 6 O1 O4 2K 2 BCTY ILE P P P 7 GR GR 2A 7 LG 23 1 CTY V HRLY +B1 LG 6 9 20 W-B W-B Junction Connector E64 18 A 19 A W LG SRX STX 81 11 1 3 GBIG L 3 R Junction Connector E64 Glass Breakage Sensor ECU Assembly E70 L 2S W-B 1 2J 1 W-B Telltale Light Assembly 1 2 E60 LP E Security 15 16 Junction Connector E64 29 IND Theft Warning ECU Assembly E72 Y Y 1 2 7 2M 2E 17 W-B W-B E6 Un-Lock Warning Switch Assembly 2D 12 2E 23 KSW 7 L L W LG LG W * 1 :w/ Sliding Roof (BAT) 120A ALT 1J 2G 1 W T-LP Relay 1 TRLY 19 Unlock Detection 16 UL2 W-B UL3 LSSR L 9 7 6 Y B P 8 9 10 7 UL E A 14 2H 7 L2 14 R B L E UL 8 5 6 7 L B R 6 7 1 L LSSR LSWD B Y W-B Key Lock A LSWP 5 Key Unlock Unlock Detection Key Unlock Key Lock 21 A 2H 16 2H 15 W-B W-B P B R P Y B L Front Door Lock Assembly LH I5 Front Door Lock Assembly RH H6 10A HORN A17 1 HORN Relay (BAT) 1A 7 2 8 1A Low Pitched Horn Assembly 2B 28 HORN 15 LG LG Main Body ECU E63(A) Main Body ECU E63(A) B Main Body ECU E63(A) 4 1 2 2 W-B DOOR ON OFF 1 2 O5 P No.2 Room Light Assembly GR Dome Light P GR AE4 EM1 HE1 IE1 PL1 PL2 IE1 IE2 EM1 EL1 EM1 EM1 EM1 AE8 AE8 HE1 HE2 HE2 IE2 E1 E4 E1 M1 E1 L1 E2