Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Junction Connector Front Power Window Regulator Motor LH Front Power Window Regulator Motor LH Rear Power Window Regulator Motor LH Front Door Courtesy Switch RH Power Window Regulator Master Switch Front Power Window Regulator Motor RH Junction Connector Front Power Window Regulator Motor RH Front Power Window Switch RH Rear Power Window Regulator Motor RH Power Window Regulator Switch (for Back Window) Junction Connector Main Body ECU Rear Power Window Switch LH Rear Power Window Switch RH Front Power Window Switch RH Back Window Regulator Motor Front Door Courtesy Switch LH Junction Connector d=" M 560.91, 78.84 L 560.91, 241.73 d=" M 739.38, 316.23 L 739.38, 443.71 d=" M 1223.80, 155.33 L 1223.80, 384.22 d=" M 2881.02, 494.70 L 2881.02, 562.69 L 2902.55, 562.69 d=" M 2983.00, 265.24 L 2983.00, 392.72 (*29) 7 B A 4 12 B 3 A 10 B 16 A 16 B 15 A (*7) 18 B (*6) 6 A (*7) 15 B 12 A 13 A 10 A 18 A 2 Front Power Window Switch RH 2 W-B 1 A 10 B V *26 :w/ Auto Up *28 :Double Cab 2 (*29) B 1 (*28) B 2 (*28) J2(B),J3(C),J4(D) 25A DR/LCK Main Body ECU (IG) ALTB 6 7.5A ECU-B1 2 1 GR 26 (BAT) BECU GR 13 DB 15 (BAT) IG (ACC) 22 ACC 7.5A ECU-IG No.2 7.5A ACC Main Body ECU J2(B),J3(C),J4(D) Main Body ECU J2(B),J3(C),J4(D) Main Body ECU J2(B),J3(C),J4(D) J2(B),J3(C),J4(D) Main Body ECU J64 Junction Connector SB BR P5 Front Door Courtesy Switch LH 1 16 24 DCTY D GR 13 14 (*29) 1 21 DB 11 1 32 U D E W-B N2(A),(B) V BE 12 13 D SD SU D U Down Up 1 4 2 5 U 5 2 4 1 Up Down U D SU SD B 3 B 3 12 13 1 B 5 LG D U 11 7 12 LG L BR LG BE BR BE BR BR O11 O5 2 12 R P G LG G R Y G R Y P/W Relay PWS 18 DC 19 P DD 33 V BR (BAT) 19 Y 12 (*6,*27) (*24) L P W-B 5 2 4 1 Up Down U D SU SD B 3 12 D U 2 Y L B G Y G M2 8 9 B R L 31 DD DD 1 L 1 2 M BR LG N3 Front Power Window Switch RH Front Power Window Regulator Motor LH Rear Power Window Switch RH Rear Power Window Switch LH Power Window Regulator Master Switch M Rear Power Window Regulator Motor LH O9(A),(B) M Rear Power Window Regulator Motor RH O3(A),(B) M 1 2 Front Power Window Regulator Motor RH M3 2 30A POWER No.1 B * 6 :Except Regular Cab * 7 :Regular Cab 1 A (*26) 8 A (*26) (*26) 5 A 4 A 13 3 9 10 8 GR (*26) (*26) B (*26) L L (*26) (*26) 6 7 8 1 GND AUTO DOWN Front Power Window Regulator Motor LH UP LED M M11 2 1 W G P 9 B LED UP DOWN AUTO B GND 5 10 7 4 LIN W-B L 11 W-B W-B V R (BAT) 1 4 Front Power Window Regulator Motor RH M10 10 W-B W-B 7 BR 2 (*26) (*26) (*26) (*26) (*26) (*26) (*26) (*26) (*26) (*26) (*26) (*26) (*26) 20A POWER No.3 25A POWER NO.4 (*27) (*27) *27 :w/o Auto Up (*27) (*27) (*27) (*27) (*27) (*27) (*27) (*27) (*27) D 15 A B (*6 *27) B (*6 *26) Q10(A),Q13(B) D 16 A (*6 *27) LG (*6 *26) (*28) (*24) BACK P/W NO.1 Relay (*27) B 13 A (*27) P (*26) (*27) Back Window Regulator Motor B 1 A 1 A 2 B 2 *24 :w/ Back Power Window Power Window Regulator Master Switch N2(A),(B) *29 :CrewMax 2 *28 :Double Cab (*24) (*6) 19 (*6) (*6) P (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) Junction Connector J65 (*6) (*7) *27 :w/o Auto Up *26 :w/ Auto Up L (*26) L (*26) BR P (*6) Y (*6) L (*27) L (*27) Y (*6) P (*6) BR * 6 :Except Regular Cab BE Q5 Front Door Courtesy Switch RH 1 21 PCTY C W 3 A 1 (*29) (*28) 1 B 2 A (*29) A (*28) 2 B 4 GND2 BE BE 5 GND1 7 1 1 3 2 5 4 1 L L BE P 30A POWER NO.2 1 (BAT) 1 1 1 W-B 15 14 5 1 3 2 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 6 7 Junction Connector J60 W-B 2 E UP DOWN 6 4 R BE B P W P GR L SB B W-B BE W 9 W-B W-B 5 G L LIN2 Power Window Regulator Switch (for Back Window) J8 Junction Connector A44 BACK P/W NO.2 Relay M (*29) (*28) (*24) (*6) (*24) (*6) (*24) (*24) (*24) (*24) (*24) (*24) (*24) (*24) (*24) (*24) (*24) (*24) (*24) (*24) (*24) (*24) (*24) (*24) (*24) *29 :CrewMax DD 35 (BAT) W-B BE BR 3 Y W G L G Y B LIN2 LED DOWN UP LIN1 B LIN LED DOWN UP GND L 2 9 5 7 10 1 M N12 W-B (*26) (*26) 6 A (*26) (*26) 3 A (*26) (*26) 7 A (*26) PJ2 QJ2 QJ1 OQ1 AJ11 MJ2 PJ1 OQ1 NJ2 OQ1 NJ3 NJ3 NJ1 OP1 OP1 NJ3 QJ2 OP1 AJ11 MJ1 MJ1 NJ1 NJ1 PJ1 MJ1 NJ1 QJ2 QJ2 QJ2 AJ10 AJ10 AJ11 AJ11 NJ1 MJ2 NJ3 MJ1 A1 A2 J3 J1 J1