Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
- Back Door Control Switch
- Back Door Lock Assembly
- Back Door Lock Assembly
- Diode (Back Door Control Switch)
- EA1
- EK1
- EK1
- EK2
- EK2
- EK2
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL5
- EL5
- EL5
- EL5
- Foot Illumination LH (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly LH)
- Foot Illumination RH (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly RH)
- Foot Light (Rear No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly LH)
- Foot Light (Rear No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly RH)
- Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly LH
- Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly RH
- Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH
- Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH
- Front Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly LH
- Front Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly RH
- Hood Courtesy Switch
- IE1
- IE1
- IE2
- IE2
- IE4
- IE4
- IE5
- IE5
- Ii1
- Ii1
- Ii2
- Ii2
- JK1
- JK1
- JK2
- JK2
- JL1
- JL1
- JL2
- JL2
- Jn1
- Jn1
- Jn2
- Jn2
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Kc1
- Kc1
- KL2
- Lc1
- Lc1
- Main Body ECU
- No. 1 Room Light Assembly
- No. 3 Room Light Assembly
- Overhead Module
- Power Back Door Unit Assembly
- RE1
- RE2
- RE2
- Rear Door Courtesy Light Assembly LH
- Rear Door Courtesy Light Assembly RH
- Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH
- Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH
- Rear Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly LH
- Rear Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly RH
- Scuff Illumination (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly LH)
- Scuff Illumination (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly RH)
- SK3
- SK4
- SK5
- SK5
- Visor Assembly LH
- Visor Assembly RH
 Visor Assembly LH No. 1 Room Light Assembly Scuff Illumination (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly RH) Foot Light (Rear No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly RH) Overhead Module Front Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly LH Main Body ECU Back Door Control Switch Junction Connector Back Door Lock Assembly Junction Connector Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Visor Assembly RH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Power Back Door Unit Assembly Junction Connector Hood Courtesy Switch Foot Illumination RH (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly RH) Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Scuff Illumination (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly LH) Rear Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly RH Rear Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly LH Junction Connector No. 3 Room Light Assembly Front Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly RH Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly RH Rear Door Courtesy Light Assembly RH Rear Door Courtesy Light Assembly LH Junction Connector Foot Light (Rear No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly LH) Foot Illumination LH (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly LH) Diode (Back Door Control Switch) Junction Connector Back Door Lock Assembly d=" M 815.86, 392.72 L 815.86, 348.24 d=" M 815.86, 333.23 L 815.86, 273.74 d=" M 815.86, 188.75 L 815.86, 256.74 d=" M 960.34, 239.75 L 960.34, 275.72 d=" M 960.34, 224.73 L 960.34, 171.76 d=" M 2439.09, 256.74 L 2439.09, 265.24 L 2430.59, 273.74 L 2362.61, 273.74 L 2362.61, 316.23 d=" M 2439.09, 316.23 L 2439.09, 256.74 d=" M 2439.09, 188.75 L 2439.09, 241.73 d=" M 2439.09, 137.76 L 2439.09, 171.76 30 IG 32 10A ECU-ACC NO.1 (ACC) (IG) E95(A),E96(B),E97(C) Main Body ECU ACC 5A ECU-IG NO.7 1 2J 11 W-B GND1 E R 3 W-B B +B1 1 R 2 R1 E W-B R 5 2 1 R3 B Hood Courtesy Switch RRVT 2 4 DL R R7 R DB Overhead Module Map Light 31 W-B W-B L G R W-B 10 5 R16 29 9 LCYL 2 10A DOME CUT (BAT) L 11 2J 23 DOMR 12 R 2 L L L A56 R 61 15 10A DOME 2 (BAT) 2K 36 2J 9 R L L Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly RH A FRCL 17 5 R I5 L L 6 1 c39 L L L L RCTY 2 L A R 6 R R 6 FSPT 26 3 R L L R 4 i4 7 8 R L 4 L R R L L 3 7 8 L R L44 c34 10 10 2K 35 11 11 E119 E112 2J 24 n2 Rear Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly RH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly LH Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH 7 Rear Door Courtesy Light Assembly RH K3 L BE LCTY 13 2K 34 1 J12 Rear Door Courtesy Light Assembly LH A K31 6 L R R 23 FLCL 1 5 BE R R L 6 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH J5 L L2 1 1 RCYL C BE R R V V L1 1 I13 L L 27 FRCY B 6 V K2 1 7 6 FLCY B V R R 16 R R +B3 9 G CTY 18 SB ILE 1 2J 30 i2 21 LED1 1 Junction Connector Visor Assembly RH Visor Assembly LH 3 A60 Rear Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly LH 2 1 HCTY 11 B 20 Dome Light Dome Light 3 GND5 W-B 17 GND9 W-B W-B C 2J 2 1 L R 31 BECU 19 2H 10A MPX-B NO.1 1 2 (BAT) 2 2 DOME CUT Relay R R R R R R R B SW 2K 23 R R B SW B SW B SW 51 42 L LA-L L 2 2 L L L 54 1 1 R R L 1 W W CTYO 3 12 Diode (Back Door Control Switch) 2 1 S35 SB + - (*3) Back Door Control Switch 1 2 S33 ILL+ ILL- R (*3) B (*3) 1 12 E135 Junction Connector W L 5 W L 16 13 2 W 1 12 L Junction Connector E133 Junction Connector L54 12 1 A 9 A 10 CANP CANN L GR L V 14 3 (*3) (*3) 13 2 L61 Power Back Door Unit Assembly 5 6 MPX1 MPX2 R 3 R (*3) R (*3) L R(*3) R(*3) L (*3) (*3) (*3) (*3) (*3) (*3) (*3) (*3) (*3) (*3) * 3 :w/ Power Back Door * 3 :w/ Power Back Door (*2) (*1) 68 19 (*2) (*1) 76 25 (*2) (*1) 39 46 * 1 :Before Aug. 2017 Production * 2 :From Aug. 2017 Production * 1 :Before Aug. 2017 Production * 2 :From Aug. 2017 Production Main Body ECU E95(A),E96(B),E97(C) 6 L Junction Connector 12 4 Junction Connector S15 W-B 5 K44 ACT- 3 S21 Back Door Lock Assembly 2 13 W Courtesy + W-B BCTY 4 2K 31 W W Back Door Lock Assembly 1 W 4 Full Latch Switch E CTY S30 W-B (*3) (*3) (*4) (*4) W-B * 4 :w/o Power Back Door * 3 :w/ Power Back Door n1 7 7 W-B W-B L L L R L L L R R R 5 L 7 W-B RGND W-B G RILL 6 32 ILLB R E 1 CTY 3 B No. 1 Room Light Assembly R14 R R Main Body ECU E95(A),E96(B),E97(C) Main Body ECU E95(A),E96(B),E97(C) Main Body ECU E95(A),E96(B),E97(C) Main Body ECU E95(A),E96(B),E97(C) L L R R R R R R R R Scuff Illumination (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly RH) Scuff Illumination (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly LH) No. 3 Room Light Assembly Front Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly LH Foot Illumination LH (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly LH) Front Door Inside Handle Illumination Light Assembly RH Foot Illumination RH (No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly RH) Foot Light (Rear No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly RH) Foot Light (Rear No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly LH) 1 2 2 1 E E 2 1 1 2 B B 1 2 2 1 Dome Light Reading Light - 2 1 + - 2 1 + - 2 1 + - 2 1 + B 2 1 L B 2 1 L B 2 1 L B EK2 JL2 SK3 SK5 EL1 JK2 Lc1 Kc1 Lc1 Kc1 Ii2 Ii2 IE4 IE4 Ii1 Ii1 IE1 IE1 JK2 JL2 EL5 IE2 IE2 EK1 EL1 EL5 EK1 EA1 RE2 JL1 IE5 JL1 IE5 EK2 JK1 JK1 RE2 RE1 EL1 EK2 Jn1 Jn2 EL1 Jn1 Jn2 KL2 SK4 EL5 EL5 SK5 EL1 EL1 EL1 EL1 EL1 E2 E2 K3 A5