Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
- AD1
- Back Door Lock Assembly
- Back Door Lock Assembly
- Back Door Opener Switch Assembly
- CA4
- Certification ECU Assembly
- Combination Meter Assembly
- Door Control Receiver , Tire Pressure Monitor Receiver Assembly
- EA1
- EA1
- EA1
- EA1
- EA1
- EA3
- EA3
- EA3
- EA3
- EA3
- EA3
- EA3
- EE2
- EE2
- EE2
- EK2
- EK2
- EK2
- EK2
- EK2
- EK2
- EK2
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- EL1
- Electrical Key Antenna
- Engine Switch
- FE1
- Front Door Control Switch Assembly RH
- Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH
- Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH
- Front Door Lock Assembly LH
- Front Door Lock Assembly RH
- Front Door Outside Handle Assembly LH
- Front Door Outside Handle Assembly RH
- High Pitched Horn Assembly
- Hood Courtesy Switch
- ID Code Box
- IE2
- IE2
- IE3
- IE3
- IE3
- IE3
- IE3
- IE3
- IE5
- IE5
- IE6
- IE6
- IE6
- IE6
- IE6
- IE6
- JK1
- JK1
- JK1
- JK1
- JK2
- JK2
- JL1
- JL1
- JL1
- JL1
- JL2
- JL2
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Junction Connector
- Low Pitched Horn Assembly
- Main Body ECU
- No. 1 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly
- No. 1 Room Light Assembly
- No. 2 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly
- No. 3 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly
- No. 3 Room Light Assembly
- Option Connector (Remote Engine Starter)
- Overhead Module
- Park/Neutral Position Switch
- PF3
- RE2
- RE2
- Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH
- Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH
- Rear Door Lock Assembly LH
- Rear Door Lock Assembly RH
- Rear Door Outside Handle Assembly LH
- Rear Door Outside Handle Assembly RH
- Shift Lock Control ECU Sub-Assembly
- SK3
- SK3
- SK4
- SK4
- SK5
- Skid Control ECU with Actuator Assembly
- Starter Assembly
- Steering Lock Actuator Assembly
- Stop Light Switch Assembly
- Telematics Transceiver
- Wireless Door Lock Buzzer
- zI3
- zI3
- zI4
- zI4
- zJ3
- zJ3
- zJ4
- zJ4
 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Junction Connector Junction Connector Rear Door Outside Handle Assembly LH Front Door Outside Handle Assembly RH Stop Light Switch Assembly Front Door Control Switch Assembly RH Rear Door Lock Assembly RH Engine Switch Back Door Lock Assembly Certification ECU Assembly Combination Meter Assembly No. 3 Room Light Assembly Rear Door Outside Handle Assembly RH Junction Connector Front Door Lock Assembly LH Back Door Lock Assembly No. 1 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly Junction Connector Main Body ECU No. 1 Room Light Assembly Overhead Module Junction Connector ECM Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Telematics Transceiver Electrical Key Antenna Shift Lock Control ECU Sub-Assembly Junction Connector Wireless Door Lock Buzzer Hood Courtesy Switch Option Connector (Remote Engine Starter) Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Door Control Receiver , Tire Pressure Monitor Receiver Assembly Starter Assembly Junction Connector Front Door Lock Assembly RH Low Pitched Horn Assembly Back Door Opener Switch Assembly Steering Lock Actuator Assembly Junction Connector No. 3 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly Rear Door Lock Assembly LH No. 2 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly Skid Control ECU with Actuator Assembly Park/Neutral Position Switch ID Code Box Front Door Outside Handle Assembly LH Junction Connector High Pitched Horn Assembly d=" M 875.35, 265.24 L 875.35, 571.19 L 2175.64, 571.19 L 2175.64, 393.29 d=" M 1215.30, 492.72 L 1215.30, 520.20 L 1274.79, 520.20 L 1274.79, 418.78 d=" M 1215.30, 477.71 L 1215.30, 409.72 d=" M 1215.30, 171.76 L 1215.30, 375.72 d=" M 5507.08, 509.72 L 5507.08, 605.18 L 1453.26, 605.18 L 1453.26, 418.78 d=" M 3017.00, 265.24 L 3017.00, 332.66 d=" M 3017.00, 205.75 L 3017.00, 250.23 d=" M 3229.46, 505.18 L 3229.46, 477.71 d=" M 3229.46, 462.69 L 3229.46, 441.73 d=" M 3229.46, 426.71 L 3229.46, 393.29 d=" M 3339.94, 505.18 L 3339.94, 435.21 d=" M 3339.94, 420.20 L 3339.94, 393.29 d=" M 5422.09, 333.23 L 5422.09, 571.19 L 4614.73, 571.19 L 4614.73, 393.29 d=" M 4912.18, 282.24 L 4912.18, 248.24 L 4988.67, 248.24 L 4997.17, 239.75 L 4997.17, 231.25 d=" M 4997.17, 282.24 L 4997.17, 231.25 d=" M 4997.17, 180.26 L 4997.17, 216.23 d=" M 4997.17, 129.26 L 4997.17, 163.26 d=" M 5473.09, 171.76 L 5473.09, 265.24 L 5413.60, 265.24 L 5413.60, 239.75 d=" M 5507.08, 435.21 L 5507.08, 494.70 d=" M 5507.08, 333.23 L 5507.08, 418.22 d=" M 5592.07, 333.23 L 5592.07, 613.68 L 8082.15, 613.68 L 8082.15, 469.77 d=" M 5592.07, 307.73 L 5592.07, 87.34 d=" M 7206.80, 367.22 L 7206.80, 409.72 d=" M 7206.80, 314.25 L 7206.80, 352.21 d=" M 7206.80, 87.34 L 7206.80, 299.24 d=" M 7597.73, 376.29 L 7597.73, 435.21 W-B 37 R (ACC) W-B L LG B 5 31 S15 R R Junction Connector A60 15 3 2 1 CLGB W-B 4 28 38 ANTE8 10A ECU- ACC NO.1 17 18 8 (BAT) 1 30A ST G-B P 3 1 5 2 1 ST Relay 1 1 L 1 A ANTE6 SWIL CLGB CLG5 VC5 9 2 1 1 5 B RC0 +5 DATA LG CSEL L RDAM CSEL V 5 2 3 W E115 EFII EFIO GND LIN1 4 +B P 1 CG5B G (BAT) 2 2I 15A STRG LOCK 7 W-B 5 3 1 6 B LIN IGE GND IG2 27 L Park/Neutral Position Switch C19 5 3 36 16 12 R B BE B G LG B E111 2 ID Code Box Engine Switch Junction Connector 4 W-B 11 GND1 1 2J Main Body ECU E95(A),E96(B) R BE R L GR GR L R BE BR V SB Certification ECU Assembly E123(A),E124(B),E125(C) L Back Door Opener Switch Assembly S7(A),S43(B) R L E E26 Transponder Key Coil 2 A 3 C 4 C 1 L B N P W-B B-W B Battery B 1 M SLR+ W 10 A C 24 L STAR K32 G 3 B 4 B GR W W GR CG7B CLG7 L46 ANTE7 CLGB 2 GR GR 5 B 1 B 2 B 14 B 15 B 20 C 21 C 15 C 13 C 14 C 12 C 19 B 20 B 18 B 11 C 23 C SS2 GND Free Full Traveling SS1 SS2 SS1 2 E R (IG) 5A ECU-IG NO.7 IG 32 G R SB GND W G V 1 SB R L TSW5 BR SLP L CG8B CLG8 BR AGND TXCT CODE 1 3 CLGB G ANTE5 LG E122 CG6B CLG6 L45 A 5 A 19 A 12 A 3 V IG +B IG V (BAT) 2 1 10A MPX-B NO.2 BE (IG) 2 5A METER 67 A37(A),C52(B) Junction Connector 14 B 19 A BR BR BR IG+ B ET SI +S Master A 22 A 21 Power Supply Circuit 20 A A 5 A 6 TFT E99(A),E100(B) Speed Sensors V V L SPD 5 ILE SB 18 CTY G 9 5 CTY Dome Light R14 3 32 RILL Dome Light 6 B ILLB G R Overhead Module R7 10A DOME CUT (BAT) R +B3 16 G +B1 R DB RRVT DL 5 2 Dome Light 31 4 DOME CUT Relay 23 DOMR 10 R 30 ACC Starter Assembly D2(A),D3(B) 10A IG2 NO.1 2I 56 2 (IG) 3 P 18 3 R+B RSLP GND 4 5 W-B 10A J/B-B NO.2 2I 22 2 (BAT) 2 SLP1 4 R R R 5A IMMOBI 2I 31 2 (BAT) W 1 V 48 B NSW L L 17 6 C V LIN GR L R SWIL SSW2 SSW1 C 16 C 18 C 17 VC5 CODE TXCT AGND C L L L L GR CANL W A 19 CANH V A 11 A 46 A 12 P STA IMI W 48 A IMO CANL C 7 8 C CANH K3 BE LCTY 13 2K 34 1 23 L2 1 V L1 1 27 FRCY B V V K2 1 6 FLCY B V BE BE E131 Junction Connector 17 7 W BE 13 CANH CANL 14 B B G W 12 2 B W 16 6 B W P C LG 22 28 HORN 1 1 L B 10A HORN (BAT) 1 1 HORN Relay High Pitched Horn Assembly A4 Low Pitched Horn Assembly A5 2H 27 11 P2 Shift Lock Control ECU Sub-Assembly E51 B R R R R ECM A38(A),C53(B) E123(A),E124(B),E125(C) Certification ECU Assembly W BE BE W BE W E95(A),E96(B) Main Body ECU E123(A),E124(B),E125(C) Certification ECU Assembly Steering Lock Actuator Assembly Combination Meter Assembly Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Buzzer R R R B H-LP HI or H-LP RH Relay 1 1 1 1 3 2 5 40A H-LP MAIN NO.2 or H-LP LH (BAT) 1 2H 30 B HRLY 15 TAIL Relay 14 TRLY (BAT) 140A J/B LH-AM 1R 1 W R 6 7 8 10 M 2 R16 30 2J 1 7 B R STP1 L L 26 CLG3 27 W W CG3B 9 L L CLG1 19 B 8 W W CG1B Certification ECU Assembly E123(A),E124(B),E125(C) 1 5 G 4 ANT2 ANT1 6 L 6 ANT1 G ANT2 4 L R 2 L W-B L 3 1 GND B 5 1 1 A 15 B 22 28 1 * 1 :w/ Tire Pressure Warning System * 2 :w/o Tire Pressure Warning System 6 CAN INPUT 39 A 40 A CANH CANL UL L Open Lock Junction Connector A37(A),C52(B) FL+ V FL- LG FR+ B A24(A) Skid Control ECU with Actuator Assembly FR- L RL+ B RL- W RR+ R RR- G V SP1 18 A 4 A 3 A 17 A 20 A 6 UL1 20 22 13 12 Key Lock Key Unlock 9 10 7 8 13 16 11 1 4 12 L2 L LG R G G G LA-B L I14 9 M M 8 7 11 1 4 18 1 4 9 2K 9 2K 7 9 1 4 18 40 41 R B P SB V GR LA-GR LA-V B LA-R I6 J13 J6 2 UL3 B M 16 LSFL 19 G LA-P LA-SB L M 5 LSWL 16 6 2K 33 L L 10 W-B W 6 9 10 W-B 9 16 38 W LSWR 2 LG LG G B B G 10 C +B P 7.5A AM2 2I 54 2 (BAT) R 2H 29 BZR 21 W-B 2 E B 1 A54 G L 11 B HCTY 1 2 20 Junction Connector A60 3 L L W-B V CUTB A 4 (BAT) 2 1 10A MPX-B NO.2 46 V Door Control Receiver L21(A) L48(B) Tire Pressure Monitor Receiver Assembly (*1) B 6 (*2) A 2 B 2 A 5 B 8 A 4 (*1) B 7 (*2) B 12 A 1 +B Junction Connector L53 2 W-B 10A J/B-AM NO.1 2J 27 2 (BAT) R R 4 3 L W 1 5 R GR 3 L 4 ANT2 G ANT1 6 L 6 ANT1 ANT2 4 G 4 5 1 CG2B R R 10 B 19 CLG2 L L 9 CG4B R R 2 CLG4 1 GR GR B 9 C 2 C 1 10A STOP 1 2 (BAT) Stop Light Switch Assembly A55 62 2 5 1 3 1 1 1 B B 2J 11 TSW6 R B 13 Junction Connector K44 5 E134 Junction Connector 11 1 17 7 V W SB W 1 11 11 10 W V (*1) 2G 1 W-B 1 3 ACT- G 3 S21 Back Door Lock Assembly 2 13 W Courtesy ACT+ + W-B M BCTY 4 2K 31 10A D/L NO.2 2 (BAT) TR+ 6 2K 8 G W BACK D/L Relay RCTY 2 2J 29 B 29 LSSR L E E LSSR UL UL L LSSR L L UL LSSR L E UL UL E E UL L Unlock Detection Unlock Detection Unlock Detection Unlock Detection W-B I2 W-B W-B W-B 9 L LG P P Unlock Lock 3 4 2 2J 26 2J 21 L1 W W L L R V L L W W R W V R W V V V V W W W W V V V V W W W V V W W V W V W V W V W B B W BE W W BE BE W W BE BE W W BE BE W W BE G G Hood Courtesy Switch A56 19 B 14 W-B W-B SUB Wireless Door Lock Buzzer No. 1 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly No. 2 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly No. 3 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly Electrical Key Antenna No. 3 Room Light Assembly No. 1 Room Light Assembly R LR LL 13 B 7 B Rear Combination Light Assemblies Headlight Assemblies Towing Converters Outer Mirror Control ECU Assemblies Option Connector (Remote Engine Starter) E130 Rear Door Outside Handle Assembly LH z51 Front Door Outside Handle Assembly LH z49 Rear Door Outside Handle Assembly RH z50 Front Door Outside Handle Assembly RH z48 L R R 31 BECU 19 2H 10A MPX-B NO.1 1 2 (BAT) 2 L L L L L L L L L L R 2 LA-L * 3 :Before Aug. 2017 Production * 4 :From Aug. 2017 Production (*4) (*3) 24 7 Certification ECU Assembly E123(A),E124(B),E125(C) L B L W B W L R L R W B 3 A 3 (*4) B 1 (*3) A 1 (*4) B 2 (*3) A 2 Back Door Lock Assembly 1 4 Full Latch Switch E CTY S30 W-B (*5) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) (*6) * 3 :Before Aug. 2017 Production * 4 :From Aug. 2017 Production * 5 :w/ Power Back Door * 6 :w/o Power Back Door * 6 :w/o Power Back Door (*4) (*3) 39 46 SLPD R SLP R R 18 15 23 C (*7,*4) A 29 (*7,*4) (*7,*4) (*7,*4) R Telematics Transceiver P2(A) * 3 :Before Aug. 2017 Production * 4 :From Aug. 2017 Production * 7 :Before Mar. 2016 Production W (*5) (*4) (*3) 76 35 2 A LA-GR Front Door Control Switch Assembly RH W-B W-B LA-V W Rear Door Lock Assembly RH Rear Door Lock Assembly LH Front Door Lock Assembly RH Front Door Lock Assembly LH 30A D/L NO.1 (BAT) 2 5 2J W-B W-B 1 2J 2J 6 2J 3 2J 4 D DR UNLOCK Relay ALL DR LOCK Relay L/D DR UNLOCK Relay 2I 9 2J 7 2J 16 8 ACT- 11 GND1 9 ACT+ 10 ACTD 17 LSFR 10 W-B 10 W-B LA-L 2J 19 LA-L 46 V 2I 49 E95(A),E96(B) Main Body ECU Main Body ECU E95(A),E96(B) E95(A),E96(B) Main Body ECU Main Body ECU E95(A),E96(B) E95(A),E96(B) Main Body ECU Main Body ECU E95(A),E96(B) E95(A),E96(B) Main Body ECU E95(A),E96(B) Main Body ECU Main Body ECU E95(A),E96(B) E95(A),E96(B) Main Body ECU Main Body ECU E95(A),E96(B) E95(A),E96(B) Main Body ECU L L L L L L L L L R W V V V V W R V V W R V V W R EA1 zJ3 zJ3 EE2 EA1 SK3 SK4 EK2 AD1 EA1 zJ4 zJ4 JK2 JK2 zI4 zI4 IE5 IE5 EK2 EK2 EA3 SK4 EL1 EL1 EA3 EL1 EL1 EL1 EL1 EA3 EK2 EL1 EL1 EK2 CA4 EL1 EK2 EA3 EA1 EA3 EK2 IE2 IE2 zI3 zI3 JL2 JL2 EE2 RE2 RE2 EE2 EA1 EA3 EA3 SK3 SK5 IE6 IE3 IE3 IE3 IE6 IE6 IE6 IE6 IE3 JK1 JK1 JL1 JL1 EL1 EL1 IE3 JK1 JK1 JL1 JL1 EL1 IE3 IE6 EL1 EL1 EL1 EL1 PF3 FE1 EL1 EL1 K1 C1 E2 E2 E2 A5 L2 K3 A1 L1 A2 E2 A5 E1 E2 E2 L3