Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Front Door Courtesy Light Switch RH Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch LH Throttle with Motor Body Assembly E.F.I. Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Junction Connector Engine Oil Pressure Switch Assembly Level Warning Switch Assembly Combination Meter Assembly Spiral Cable Sub-Assembly , Steering Pad Switch Assembly Crank Position Sensor Junction Connector Back Door Lock Assembly Junction Connector Junction Connector Engine Hood Courtesy Switch Transmission Control ECU Assembly Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch RH Main Body ECU ECM Fuel Pump , Fuel Sender Gauge Assembly Front Door Courtesy Light Switch LH Parking Brake Switch Assembly Power Management Control ECU Engine Oil Pressure Switch Assembly Brake Fluid Level Warning Switch (Brake Master Cylinder Reservoir Assembly) Junction Connector Junction Connector Back Door Lock Assembly (Power Back Door) Junction Connector Junction Connector Radio & Display Receiver Assembly Brake Actuator Assembly Fuel Injector Assembly (No. 1) Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Spiral Cable Sub-Assembly , Steering Pad Switch Assembly G 2 110 Crank Position Sensor BR 111 B15 Throttle with Motor Body Assembly B20 1 2 80 B VCTA Y BR 97 B ETHW W A 11 CANL B A 10 CANH (Shielded) (Shielded) (Shielded) A 8 CANP L B 86 #10 A 9 CANN R (*7) W (*7) (*7) W (*7) R 7.5A AM2 NO.2 1 2 (BAT) 20A INJ 1 2 (BAT) (*8) W-B * 8 :w/o Smart Key System 11 (IG) GND1 28 2D 32 IG (BAT) 15A D/L 31 W-B 2D 5 W-B GND2 3 10A ECU-IG NO.1 C 2D 6 (ACC) 10A ECU-ACC 29 ACC 10A ECU-B 2 1 2F 40 30 BECU W (BAT) Main Body ECU D12(A),D13(B),D14(C) ALTB 2H 36 FRCY 4 3 GR 1 Front Door Courtesy Light Switch RH L2 GR 2H 34 FLCY 2 1 Front Door Courtesy Light Switch LH K2 P GR 2 A LCTY 3 10 1 L RCTY GR 6 L B L15 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch RH Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch LH K9 1 12 PKB 22 2F A3 Parking Brake Switch Assembly R 1 A42 Engine Hood Courtesy Switch HCTY 2 1 L W-B 20 2F 23 *10 :w/ Power Back Door *11 :w/o Power Back Door GR B 14 CANH W B 13 CANL 15 4 18 12 7 1 G W V W Junction Connector D180 5 15 B W 7 8 18 19 12 1 W V W P R W 4 3 CANL CANH 14 25 SP1 11 FL+ Y 19 FL- L 18 17 GR W R GR FR+ B 7 FR- Y 6 RL+ R 5 RL- G 4 RR+ LG 17 RR- L 16 Speed Sensors Brake Actuator Assembly A4 3 W B P B 4 6 W ETA VTA1 VTA2 M+ M- GE01 B B B B B B E2 VTA VC VTA2 M+ M- 5 2 1 M 79 78 77 19 18 17 B THW G BR 76 1 B NE- B NE+ R B P W P W GR GR P W P W GR GR P W P W GR GR P W P W GR GR R(*7) R R R(*7) W(*7) W(*7) R L B 24 CAN+ R B 1 CAN- CAN+ 6 CAN- 7 Transmission Control ECU Assembly B2 E.F.I. Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor B5 7.5A IG2 2F 32 (IG) 17 7 GR BCTY 19 B 2 GR GR 15 12 12 14 19 Junction Connector W20 W12 Back Door Lock Assembly W Courtesy 4 3 W-B Courtesy Back Door Lock Assembly (Power Back Door) W11 W-B E 3 CTY 1 (*11) W (*10) (*10) (*11) GR K26 Junction Connector ACT- D+ Junction Connector D179 16 5 W (*7) LG (*7) 8 5 Junction Connector A49 W-B * 5 :w/ Oil Cooler A A 12 Generator Assembly 15 14 B Combination Meter Assembly D145(A),D146(B) Navigation Receiver Assembly (*14) Combination Meter Assembly D145(A),D146(B) Main Body ECU Fold Seat Control ECU LH ECM * 6 :w/o Oil Cooler B 1 A 13 A 1 12 18 Junction Connector D172 B W 10A ECU-B 1 2 (BAT) 7.5A GAUGE NO.2 2A 55 (IG) 2D 14 2F 40 14 13 W GR 9 B 10 B B 8 13 B B 7 5 B A Gauge 9 Y (*6) Engine Oil Pressure Switch Assembly B31 Engine Oil Pressure Switch Assembly B32 * 9 :w/o Navigation System *14 :w/ Navigation System Fuel Sender Gauge Assembly g2 4 4 B A 20 A 6 A 4 A A 3 18 A 19 A 8 A 11 A GR Junction Connector D171 Junction Connector A49 ER EL SW HAZ LP Buzzer I/F CHG- Security B/LE MSCH MSCL TIRE ES 5V+B Turn RH Turn LH I/F 5V IC Display Driver 3 18 3 G GR G GR G GR 12 3 2 A 10 BR A 24 9 Tire Pressure Warning ECU 13 8 7 + E 1 2 Y Y W-B W-B A30 S E 1 2 L W-B Level Warning Switch Assembly A25 L GR 2 4 1 1 Y Y Y (*5) (*7) 9 2 B 1 B 8 A AM21 AM22 IG2D 3 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 IG2 Relay B7 Fuel Injector Assembly (No. 1) 1 2 W-L R R (*7) R (*7) R (*7) P (*7) W-B R B 6 GND W-B (*7) B 5 GND2 W-B (*7) B 12 CA3P G (*7) B 11 CA3N W (*7) 14 13 2 Junction Connector D181 3 W-B (*7) 1 7 6 Junction Connector D177 (*7) R W (*7) Power Management Control ECU A35(A),D89(B) 20 R 19 A 22 A Junction Connector A46(A) B (*8) P (*7) V (*8) ECM A39(A),B1(B) B 13 CA1L W (*7) B 14 CA1H LG (*7) * 7 :w/ Smart Key System * 8 :w/o Smart Key System * 7 :w/ Smart Key System 2A 30 2A 29 2F 27 2F 13 2A 28 LG LG LG LG Transmission Control ECU Assembly ECM Tire Pressure Warning ECU LG 16 12 Radio & Display Receiver Assembly (*9) LG 13 14 17 15 Junction Connector D175 LG Power Management Control ECU LG Windshield Wiper Relay Assembly LG DCM (Telematics Transceiver) LG Stereo Component Amplifier Assembly LG Navigation Receiver Assembly (*14) W-B D12(A),D13(B),D14(C) Main Body ECU D12(A),D13(B),D14(C) Main Body ECU ECM A39(A),B1(B) W(*7) LG(*7) W(*7) LG(*7) W(*7) LG(*7) W(*7) LG(*7) W(*7) LG(*7) W(*7) LG(*7) W B W Flasher Circuit I/F Telltales LED Driver CPU I/F CHK E1 FLDS ILL- WLVL S FR FE LR LL B B IG+ SI +S 3 B CAN I/F W P CANL CANH 16 A 17 A B Y BE B P V GR Rear Combination Light Assemblies Headlight Dimmer Switch Assembly A/C Control Assembly Headlight Assemblies Outer Rear View Mirror Assemblies W L W Radio & Display Receiver Assembly (*9) GR G V Fold Seat Control ECU RH GR Illuminations * 2 :6 Speaker, 10 Speaker * 1 :4 Speaker W Combination Meter Assembly D145(A),D146(B) Combination Meter Assembly D145(A),D146(B) CPU I/F P W P W GR GR W P W P * 9 :w/o Navigation System *14 :w/ Navigation System Brake Fluid Level Warning Switch (Brake Master Cylinder Reservoir Assembly) 15A HAZ 1 2 (BAT) 5 W Transponder Key ECU Assembly (*8) * 8 :w/o Smart Key System 3 3 5 4 P GR 3 8 7 (*12) D (*13) 3 C (*12) (*13) A B C 2 10 D 2 C EAU Spiral Cable Sub-Assembly D21(A),D149(C), z2(B),z8(D) Steering Pad Switch Assembly z2(B),z8(D) V Steering Switch LH B Steering Switch RH 11 10 A Top Back Enter Up Down Right Left D B +DP2 +DP 9 A Down Up Back Right Left Enter (*1) (*1) (*2) (*2) (*2) (*1) (*1) Y B 4 A 10 G SW3 24 G B AU3 BR (*1) (*2) (*1) W (*12) (*12) DISP (*1) (*1) Y Radio & Display Receiver Assembly D155(G) P A 22 23 A GR V A 21 MSTI MSM+ MSSL (*2) V *12 :w/ Heated Steering Wheel System *13 :w/o Heated Steering Wheel System * 2 :6 Speaker, 10 Speaker V V GR GR P P (*2) (*2) Junction Connector D98 DK1 WK2 AD5 DA7 BA2 AD6 AD6 gK2 DK4 gK2 DK4 DA7 DL6 DK4 KL1 AD6 AD6 DA4 DA4 DA4 AD6 BA3 DA7 A2 D2 D1 D1 D3 A2 A3 B1 W1 A2 D2