Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Certification ECU Assembly Visor Assembly RH Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Map Light Assembly Vanity Light Assembly LH Junction Connector Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH No. 1 Room Light Assembly Junction Connector Back Door Lock Assembly Junction Connector Front Door Lock Assembly LH No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly LH Junction Connector Front Door Lock Assembly RH No. 2 Room Light Assembly Diode (Front Courtesy Light LH) Diode (Front Courtesy Light RH) Junction Connector Junction Connector Main Body ECU Junction Connector Diode (Back Door Courtesy Light) Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Vanity Light Assembly RH Junction Connector Junction Connector No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly RH Visor Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly RH Junction Connector Power Switch Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly RH Junction Connector Light Cut Relay 40 10 22 R W Y L 2D 35 37 1 2B 31 2 1 10 22 2D 36 1 57 1 72 1 16 1 6 A 19 A 45 1 2 23 2 1 U10 7 2 16 1 2 1 2 14 Off Door 2A 52 15 FSPT BCTY FLCY FRCY LRCY ILE No. 2 Room Light Assembly R16 Diode (Back Door Courtesy Light) R30 2 No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly LH L77 Diode (Front Courtesy Light LH) L91 L L W Diode (Front Courtesy Light RH) L90 B B Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH R6 B 26 GR L Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH S5 L Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH S10 G R Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH R13 R Junction Connector R28 4 Y Y L LG V LG BR BE G 3 Junction Connector L92 W-B ACT- D+ Courtesy Door On 2 B CTY E 2 1 Vanity Light Assembly LH U9 Vanity Light Assembly RH U2 R L7(A),L8(B) Main Body ECU Main Body ECU L7(A),L8(B) Main Body ECU L7(A),L8(B) (BAT) 25A DOOR NO.1 31 ALTB BECU 30 18 2C 7.5A ECU-B 1 2 (BAT) Y R SB W GND SWIL 11 5 BR W-B 1 3 Power Switch L43 11 A SWIL Y BR L BR SB SB R R R R G P L R LG 1 LG U3 Map Light Assembly P LG LG Junction Connector L92 Front Map Light Switch RH LG Front Map Light Switch LH B DCTY E LG LG +B1 W-B LG L Visor Assembly RH U1 1 L L GND1 CTY GND1 11 1 3 W-B W-B V11 W-B 6 2B L7(A),L8(B) Main Body ECU 7 10A ECU-IG NO.1 (IG) 10A ECU- ACC (ACC) W-B 1 2 Junction Connector L161 3 B W-B GND2 Main Body ECU L7(A),L8(B) ACC 29 IG 32 CANL On W-B CANH A 2 3 13 A 14 No. 1 Room Light Assembly (BAT) 2 1 L1 No. 1 Interior Illumination Light Assembly RH 10A DOME LG 2B 13 2B 18 2B 17 2 1 2 2 1 1 2B 21 2B 20 2D 21 2C G 9 A 10 A CANH CANL Certification ECU Assembly L62(A) B W 1 1 2 2 Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly LH O10 Front Door Courtesy Light Assembly RH N10 3 1 2 16 B 2 W-B W-B 57 37 27 16 Junction Connector L71 42 62 52 Junction Connector L71 15 11 6 1 7 10 LG LG LG Visor Assembly LH U8 LG 20 40 Junction Connector L71 Junction Connector L161 11 B 5 B 12 B 6 B Junction Connector L132(B) 4 A 5 A 7 A 8 A Junction Connector L94(A) W B 9 8 2 W-B W-B W-B Junction Connector L93 7 1 2 W-B W-B W-B Junction Connector L92 2 3 7 A 18 A GR LG LSFL LSFR LG LG 19 W-B W-B 2B 29 3 49 GR GR GR 5 LSR 19 W-B W-B 2D 25 3 34 GR GR GR W-B W-B W-B W-B W-B 8 7 7 8 Front Door Lock Assembly LH O8 Front Door Lock Assembly RH N8 9 6 9 6 Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH Q1 Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly RH P1 54 24 Junction Connector L70 E LSSR Unlock Detection E Unlock Detection LSSR E Unlock Detection LSSR E Unlock Detection LSSR Back Door Lock Assembly LG LG LG LG R 17 R DOMR 10 2A 20 1 3 2 5 R Y Y Light Cut Relay L162 R R R L70 Junction Connector 50 60 W-B UL1 UL1 LR1 QR1 QR1 LS1 PS1 PS1 NL1 OL1 OL2 NL2 VR2 UL1 LR1 LR1 LR1 LS1 LS1 NL1 NL1 LR1 OL1 OL1 VR1 L3 V1 R2 L1 L3 L3 R3 S3 O1 L3 S1 N1