Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Main Body ECU Headlight Dimmer Switch Assembly Junction Connector Automatic Light Control Sensor Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Certification ECU Junction Connector Tire Pressure Warning ECU and Receiver (Door Control and Tire Pressure Monitoring System Receiver Assembly) Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Junction Connector Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Luggage Compartment Door Lock Assembly Door Control Receiver Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH HRLY CLTE CLTS CLTB CLTE CLTS CLTB P G B Automatic Light Control Sensor I61 A G HEAD P Headlight Dimmer Switch Assembly I25 1 1 5 2 B B 1 15 22 B 21 B 20 B 28 B 29 B 19 15 20 W-B 3 TAIL Relay B TAIL 30 B 18 TRLY 14 A H T EL T H A AUTO Tail Head Off (*5) DRL OFF (*6) EL Light Control Switch 1 3E 6 P (BAT) 120A DC/DC 1H 1 W * 5 :Canada, Korea * 6 :Except *5 5 Main Body ECU I12(A),I13(B) B B 12 (*7) A 1 (*3) A 4 B 10 A 5 9 A 2 (*3) B 6 (*7) * 7 :Canada (*1) (*1) G Y LG (*1) (*3,*7) * 1 :USA * 3 :Korea (*3,*7) (*3,*7) 15 C RCO G 6 C B P B LG Y L SB SB 11 Courtesy W-B T3 Luggage Compartment Door Lock Assembly LGCY W W-B 3C 9 5 W 3 2 E D+ 4 (*1) B 13 B 1 B 2 B I93(A),I95(C) Junction Connector 14 C 2 C 1 A 1 A 2 B 2 B 1 G 2 G 1 W P RDAM Y 7 C CSEL LG GND +5 DATA CSEL BR Certification ECU I87(B),O2(C) Door Control Receiver O25(A),O38(B) (*3,*7) O33 BR 12 GND 9 10 6 CSEL +5 DATA Tire Pressure Warning ECU and Receiver (Door Control and Tire Pressure Monitoring System Receiver Assembly) Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH N15 O16 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH RCTY B 1 1 B 6 10 1 LCTY 15 2 1 FLCY FRCY B 19 1 Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH N7 Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH O10 3C 15 V Main Body ECU I12(A),I13(B) W-B 7 3B 11 31 ALTB GND1 (BAT) 20A D/L-AM1 V 1 31 3D 30 BECU (BAT) 2 10A ECU-B NO.1 32 29 ACC IG (IG) 2 10A ECU-IG1 NO.2 (ACC) 2 7.5A ECU-ACC W-B W-B 3 A GND2 51 3A 52 3A 2 12 Main Body ECU I12(A),I13(B) (BAT) 30A H-LP-MAIN 1 BR 3 1 H-LP Relay 3D 12 B W L W B W CANL CANH CANL CANH Junction Connector I101(B),I106(G) I12(A),I13(B) Main Body ECU W B W B 12 14 I160 Junction Connector AA1 TN1 IO1 IN1 IO1 I3 I3 I1 T1 O1