Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Parking Assist ECU Junction Connector Seat Belt Control ECU Steering Sensor Junction Connector Junction Connector Airbag ECU Assembly Combination Meter Assembly Power Steering ECU Assembly Junction Connector Driving Support ECU Assembly Power Management Control ECU Junction Connector Main Body ECU Skid Control ECU with Actuator Assembly Junction Connector Yaw Rate Sensor Radio & Display Receiver Assembly , Navigation Receiver Assembly ECM Transmission Control ECU Assembly Certification ECU Assembly Junction Connector DLC3 A/C Amplifier Assembly 34 D CA3P CA3N Transmission Control ECU Assembly * 1 :Navigation Receiver Type * 2 :Radio & Display Receiver Type CA1L CA1H Y BR A24(B) 38 C L27 35 C L61 DLC3 (*6) L65(B) L38(B) Navigation Receiver Assembly Power Steering ECU Assembly L54(B) R W CANL CANH 19 5 A58 Skid Control ECU with Actuator Assembly Steering Sensor Certification ECU Assembly L62(A) W B CANH CANL CANL CANH B W L16(A) B W CANL CANH L51 4 3 A A CA2H 14 W GR B CANH CANL W B L35(A) L94(A),L95(B) Junction Connector ST-Plug 3 2 1 Junction Connector A 14 A 13 A 13 7 B A 9 10 A 22 A 16 B 20 B 2 B 39 B W-B (*6) W-B (*6) Parking Assist ECU B L101(A),L102(B) Junction Connector SB Y R W CANH A67(A),L132(B) Junction Connector LG A57(A) ECM V L B A A W B 11 CANN CANP 12 CANL V Junction Connector 35 P CANL CANH A67(A),L132(B) W 34 P 5 B 11 B CA1L 6 B CA1H 12 B 8 A 7 A 11 A 10 A 2 A 1 A 1 A 7 A 13 A 37 5 A 2 A 4 A 3 A 1 A 9 B 40 B B 1 R L7(A) Main Body ECU 6 15 L70 Junction Connector CANL CANH B W W B 2 3 L12 CANL CANH 1 CA2L 4 12 (*6) B (*6) W (*6) E 2 E 1 A 1 B 2 B 1 (*5) G (*5) 20 100 B CANL D 2 CANH B B CA2L C 2 CA2H C 1 L (*3) L60 CANL CANH B L3(B) Seat Belt Control ECU W 1 D L96(A),L97(B),L98(C),L99(D),L100(E) Driving Support ECU Assembly (*3) 39 (*6) (*4) R 17 (*4) (*6) B (*6) W W GR W B (*6) W CA2H CA2L B CA1H CA1L CANL CANH D 25 D 24 30 D 31 Power Management Control ECU V P B W SB G CANL CANH L5(C),L6(D) 9 A (*1) 10 B (*2) 10 A 1 A 7 A 8 A 2 A 3 B 9 B B 3 B 11 B 12 B 2 B 3 B 8 B 9 B 14 B 15 B 5 B 6 B 5 B 11 B L17(A) 4 B 10 B 6 B 12 B 5 A 4 A 3 A 9 A 4 A 10 A * 6 :w/ Advanced Parking Guidance System, w/ Dynamic Radar Cruise Control, w/ Pre-Collision System * 3 :w/ Advanced Parking Guidance System * 4 :w/ Dynamic Radar Cruise Control * 5 :w/ Pre-Collision System * 6 :w/ Advanced Parking Guidance System, w/ Dynamic Radar Cruise Control, w/ Pre-Collision System A68(A),L133(B) Junction Connector W B B W Junction Connector L94(A),L95(B) Yaw Rate Sensor Airbag ECU Assembly A/C Amplifier Assembly Combination Meter Assembly Radio & Display Receiver Assembly L3