Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Un-Lock Warning Switch Assembly Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Junction Connector Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Back Door Lock Assembly Junction Connector Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Door Control Switch Assembly LH Map Light Assembly Door Control Receiver , Tire Pressure Warning ECU and Receiver (Door Control and Tire Pressure Monitoring System Receiver Assembly) Theft Warning Indicator Light Assembly Security Horn Power Window Regulator Master Switch Assembly Junction Connector Engine Hood Courtesy Switch Assembly (Hood Lock Assembly) Junction Connector Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly RH Junction Connector Combination Meter Assembly Main Body ECU Front Door with Motor Lock Assembly RH Front Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH Fusible Link Block Assembly Door Control Switch Assembly RH Key Lock Key Unlock Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly RH Unlock Detection * 4 :w/o Power Window 6 * 9 :3-Door Door Lock Control Switch Lock Unlock Lock Unlock Unlock Lock A 18 6 7 L Main Body ECU D143(A),D144(B) * 3 :w/ Power Window * 8 :5-Door G22 Door Control Switch Assembly LH F22 Door Control Switch Assembly RH SB BE D148(A),D149(B) Junction Connector 17 A 2 A 16 A A 1 B 11 4 2 E L UL 3 BR BE V 4 8B 4 17 3 G UL3 G A 24 B 2 B 9 8 10 (*8) B G20(A) Power Window Regulator Master Switch Assembly 2 4 V E UL L BE (*9) (*8) (*9) (*8) (*3) W-B (*3) V (*3) BE A 7 A 1 (*8) E (*8) (*8) (*8) W-B UL L Front Door with Motor Lock Assembly RH A 9 1 3 UL1 L1 (*4) BR (*4) V (*4) BE BE V 3 7B (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) W-B (*8) W-B 10 10 6 7A BR UL BR 5 7B 5 8B 14 14 3 2 W-B W-B 6 7A L 21 3C L (BAT) 2 1 5A ECU-B NO.1 17 4 A 10 A 9 B G L L Unlock Detection BE B LSSR E 9 Front Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH 9 R3 H12 Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH 7 E F23 LSSR W-B LSSR UL2 L2 A 12 A 11 Y L 11 24 3D BR E LSR 5 V L 11 25 3D LSSR BR 30 BECU Unlock Detection 3B 8 LSFR LSFL LG L A 18 A 7 G23 6 E A 9 A 11 GND1 8 2 A D143(A),D144(B) Main Body ECU D143(A),D144(B) Main Body ECU D143(A),D144(B) Main Body ECU A 7 A 5 40 3A 54 3A 5A ACC (ACC) ACC 29 5A ECU-IG NO.1 (IG) 32 IG L L Y D148(A) Junction Connector Main Body ECU D143(A),D144(B) Unlock Detection Key Unlock Key Lock L 5 UL 3D 26 3B 8 3C 4 BCYL 3 G (BAT) 2 1 15A DOME 3A 5 8 7 ILE 1 13 6 3B SB B SB B 1 7A 1 2 W-B W-B B 17 A KSW Y E 3 Off On Off On Off Door On 3A 17 3A 39 2 1 8A 1 W-B P Theft Warning Indicator Light Assembly CTY A 2 Map Light Assembly K10 CANL W 14 A CANH R Junction Connector D146(B) 7 10 18 21 Junction Connector D147 1 B 12 B 4 B 15 B Combination Meter Assembly D100(A) W SB W G 32 A 31 A CANH CANL L (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) R 14 3D 36 19 A FRCY Y 1 Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH J60 L FLCY 2 J61 Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH 1 G L L J63 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH J62 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH LRCY A 6 1 1 8 L L 5 5 B HCTY GR + E 1 2 A63 W-B 9 B BCTY B Back Door Lock Assembly T5(A),T8(B) ACT- D+ Courtesy 6 R W-B B 5 (*6) A 2 (*5) A 3 (*5) (*6) 4 B 3D 35 20 V HRLY 3C 18 15 5 1 3 2 2 2 (BAT) 2 2 7.5A H-LP MAIN B B H-LP/ US-DRL Relay TRLY 14 TAIL Relay 120A ALT 1 B B (BAT) Fusible Link Block Assembly A78(B) 3E 1 2 GND W-B R +B L 21 3D 36 3C (BAT) 1 5A ECU-B NO.2 W R PRG RDA 7 18 GR P A RDA PRG 26 25 Door Control Receiver J68(A) A B 4 A 2 B 5 A 3 (*1) B 7 (*2) A 5 (*1) B 12 (*2) A 1 J69(B) Engine Hood Courtesy Switch Assembly (Hood Lock Assembly) Main Body ECU * 1 :w/ Tire Pressure Warning System * 2 :w/o Tire Pressure Warning System 1 2 SB SB SB L W-B Security Horn A49 GR 2 2 2 2 EU-DRL/ S-HORN Relay 5 2 3 1 (BAT) 2 2 10A S-HORN 17 SHRN 20 3C LG W-B 1 8A D141 Tire Pressure Warning ECU and Receiver (Door Control and Tire Pressure Monitoring System Receiver Assembly) 2 6 D148(A),D149(B) Junction Connector 11 A 1 B IND SB B 22 * 8 :5-Door * 5 :w/ Back Door Opener * 6 :w/o Back Door Opener D143(A),D144(B) Main Body ECU D143(A),D144(B) Un-Lock Warning Switch Assembly D111 25A D/L (BAT) ALTB 31 FD3 GD3 JD6 JD6 ST1 SJ1 AD9 JD6 JD6 KD1 KD1 KD1 RJ1 HJ2 FD3 FD3 HJ2 RJ1 FD3 GD3 FD3 GD3 GD3 GD3 D1 A1 D2 D2 D2 D1 D1 D2 A5 D2 J4 T1 D1