Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Junction Connector Rear Power Window Regulator Motor Assembly LH Front Power Window Regulator Switch Assembly RH Junction Connector Front Power Window Regulator Motor Assembly LH Wireless Door Lock Buzzer Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Junction Connector Front Power Window Regulator Motor Assembly RH Multiplex Network Master Switch Assembly Rear Power Window Regulator Motor Assembly RH Rear Power Window Regulator Switch Assembly LH Junction Connector Junction Connector Rear Power Window Regulator Switch Assembly RH Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Main Body ECU Junction Connector LIN2 P P P P P 29 15 6 9 25A DOOR RR 2A 3 (BAT) L L LIN 9 P W-B 1 S20 Junction Connector 3 10 W-B W-B W-B W-B 19 1 GND P2 Rear Power Window Regulator Switch Assembly RH P4 Rear Power Window Regulator Motor Assembly RH 2 7 6 8 4 B DOWN UP AUTO LED 7 10 4 5 R LED 7 10 4 5 R Y V M IC HALL IC 25A P FR DOOR 2A 13 (BAT) 6 R 3 P LIN 9 P(**) L GR W-B(**) 1 L93 Junction Connector 2 3 W-B W-B W-B(**) W-B(**) 4 1 GND N7 Front Power Window Regulator Switch Assembly RH N2 Front Power Window Regulator Motor Assembly RH 2 7 6 8 4 B DOWN UP AUTO LED 7 10 4 5 R(**) Y(**) L(**) M IC HALL IC G(**) B(**) P P P 7 3A 45 3B 80 3B 46 3B P(**) 4 2A 27 2D 26 16 LIN2 12 1 7 W-B W-B W-B(**) 4 1 GND O2 Front Power Window Regulator Motor Assembly LH 2 15 20 16 18 B DOWN UP LIN LED 7 10 9 5 L(**) W B(**) B(**) 6 M IC HALL IC (BAT) 14 2A 25A D FR DOOR Y(**) V(**) 11 17 L(**) L7(A),L8(B) Main Body ECU P W-B(**) P P P When wiring colors are indicated with (**), either the colored wiring (general wiring) B LIN1 GND UP DOWN LED Control Circuit 12V Driver Side Auto Switch Window Lock Switch Front Passenger Side Control Switch Rear LH Side Control Switch Rear RH Side Control Switch Driver Side Up Switch Driver Side Down Switch Driver Side P/W Manual Output Circuit W-B(**) Junction Connector L92 Multiplex Network Master Switch Assembly O6 12V 12V Auto Up Down GND LED AUTO GR L M IC HALL IC V Y P P P P P 9 15 6 6 25A DOOR RL 2D 8 (BAT) R R LIN 9 P W-B 1 R31 Junction Connector 6 7 W-B W-B W-B W-B 19 1 GND Q2 Rear Power Window Regulator Switch Assembly LH Q4 Rear Power Window Regulator Motor Assembly LH 2 7 6 8 4 B DOWN UP AUTO 65 W-B GND2 W-B GND1 11 W-B 6 2B 7 3 Junction Connector L92 W-B 3B 20 3A 66 BR BR V R6 Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH 2 FLCY 1 54 35 2D R 21 BZR 23 2C 2 1 E B Wireless Door Lock Buzzer A33 W-B P P P P P P 2D 36 35 1 3A 72 3A 10 36 1 3B 24 53 1 6 A FRCY LRCY Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH S5 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH S10 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH R13 4 BR G G BR R R G When wiring colors are indicated with (**), either the colored wiring (general wiring) or the painted wiring is used. UP DOWN DOWN UP AUTO LED GND Down Up Auto DOWN UP AUTO LED GND Down Up Auto or the painted wiring is used. L(**) L(**) P(**) P(**) When wiring colors are indicated with (**), either the colored wiring (general wiring) or the painted wiring is used. 10A ECU-IG NO.1 (IG) 10A ECU- ACC (ACC) 7.5A ECU-B 1 2 (BAT) 2C 18 32 29 30 IG ACC BECU Y 25A DOOR NO.1 (BAT) 31 ALTB 64 3A W-B 3 4 Junction Connector L93 3 B 3A OL2 OL2 LS1 LS1 LR1 LR1 LS1 PS1 OL1 NL2 NL1 NL2 QR1 LR2 QR1 QR1 LR1 PS1 LS1 PS1 L3 L1 A1 R1 L1 S1 L3