Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 No.1 Room Light Assembly Back Door Lock Assembly Back Window Lock Assembly Junction Connector Junction Connector High Pitched Horn Assembly Junction Connector Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH Integration Control and Panel Assembly Junction Connector Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Map Light Sub-Assembly RH Door Control Receiver Junction Connector Junction Connector No.2 Room Light Assembly Junction Connector Junction Connector Certification ECU Assembly Front Door with Motor Lock Assembly RH Front Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Back Door Lock Assembly Turn Signal Flasher Assembly Junction Connector Low Pitched Horn Assembly Roof Console Box Assembly Map Light Sub-Assembly LH Junction Connector Junction Connector Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly RH Engine Hood Courtesy Switch Main Body ECU Security Horn Assembly 7 9 6 11 9 6 5 LSWP 27 A 10 5 11 SB B LG LG W-B W-B G8 K4 J4 W-B W-B LG O O B (*4) +B1 O Q3 7 1R 5 SB B 10A DOME 2 2 LG (BAT) ILE 21 5 (*7) (*4) Y 4 Y Q4 CTY 3 Y Q2 10 1 O O 6 1R 3 1D 13 B 2 E23 W-B W-B 3 2 4 5 1 1A 1 1F 10 TRLY 7 B TAIL Relay HAZ C O GND1 W-B Junction Connector 4 4 E 5 IND+ 22 11 2D 6 14 1 2 A8 LG BR W-B 2 W-B 15 3 GND2 4 Map Light 2 21 7 Y Q9 No. 2 Room Light Assembly SIG BR A58 Junction Connector (*6) C 15 (*6) CANN 18 W 1 B B 2 W (*5) B B (*5) 19 B 2 C 1 C 10 9 W B W W (*5) (*5) CANP C 16 W 9 LG W-B G 7 21 15 24 LCTY 17 L 17 SB 1 9 1 GR L DCTY B PCTY A RCTY A G 1O 7 SB B SB 17 GR 19 Detection OFF ON DOOR B E CTY Security Horn Assembly Engine Hood Courtesy Switch Front Door with Motor Lock Assembly RH Front Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly RH Rear Door with Motor Lock Assembly LH 8 OFF Map Light Sub-Assembly RH Map Light Sub-Assembly LH No. 1 Room Light Assembly W-B 1M 9 Battery 5 2A S-HORN Relay W 2G 1 W 1 L A15 7. 5A S-HORN P 9 2D HRLY 8 3 1D 2 Detection V UL3 Key Unlock Key Lock 9 10 7 8 6 15 12 1K 16 L2 10 5 5 5 4 GR BR BR W-B W-B H6 Detection Detection 8 * 5 : w/ Power Back Door * 6 : w/o Power Back Door * 7 : w/ Rear Reading Light * 4 : w/o Rear Reading Light O (*7) Junction Connector O23(B), O24(C) Junction Connector D58 LG 9 10 Back Door Lock Assembly T3 (ACC) 7. 5A ECU-ACC 22 ACC 15 IG 10A ECU IG NO. 1 (IG) W W W W W W W W W SB W W W W Junction Connector D52 W-B 11 2 10 3 B W Junction Connector D54 2 A 6 (BAT) B 7. 5A AM2 1 2 AM1 GR B AM2 GND3 1 C W-B 15 B B W-B Note : Please refer to the Multiplex Communication System - CAN section for information regarding the shielded communication lines. 13 W (*1) (*1) W-B 1P LSWL 20 G A 5 LSWR B 1 1 B V DOOR ON 1 2 2 O CTY DOOR ON Security Indicator Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH O8 B E N7 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH O2 OFF Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH N2 B CTY CTY E O GR GR 10A HORN 10 2D 2B 6 1 1 GR HORN Relay 1D 11 HORN P GR GR P Back Window Lock Assembly 11 T5 T14 Junction Connector 2 Junction Connector T15 20 B 12 8 1 8 (*3) P P 2 (*3) (*3) Courtesy 4 W-B (*3) (*3) P GCTY P (*3) W-B Integration Control and Panel Assembly E19 Junction Connector D57 V 14 14 GR 1 L A 1 2 3 GR BCTY (*6) LG 25 (*5) Back Door Lock Assembly W-B T4 3 4 Courtesy (*6) W-B (*5) W (*5) Courtesy 1 B (*6) (*6) 6 Junction Connector T15 7 (*5) Roof Console Box Assembly Q1 8 HAZ Turn Signal Flasher Assembly D12 (BAT) 140A DC/DC 2F 1 5 W-B 9 11 3 6 Junction Connector Door Control Receiver O36 B RSSI Y RDA R 2 RSSI Y 5 DATA +5 RC0 V V 4 W-B 1 GND O26 11 A 29 A 38 A 39 D7(A), D8(B), D9(C) Main Body ECU Main Body ECU D7(A), D8(B), D9(C) Main Body ECU D7(A), D8(B), D9(C) D7(A), D8(B), D9(C) Main Body ECU D7(A), D8(B), D9(C) Main Body ECU Main Body ECU D7(A), D8(B), D9(C) Certification ECU Assembly D39(B), D40(A) W B B W HSW CANL CANH IND SH- R W B W W B 24 A 28 A 27 A 2 B 20 W O O(*7) Y(*7) Y Y Y(*7) O O(*7) FL MAIN 3. 0W * 3 : w/ Glass Hatch Opener * 5 : w/ Power Back Door * 6 : w/o Power Back Door 25A DOOR1 2 (BAT) 1D 16 ALTB W GR P W 25 6 2 H-LP (RL) Relay H-LP (LL) Relay Low Pitched Horn Assembly A5 High Pitched Horn Assembly A6 H-LP (LL) Relay H-LP (RL) Relay (*2) (*2) (*1) (*2) (*2) (*1) (*2) (*2) (*2) (*2) (*1) (*1) * 1 : w/ Daytime Running Light * 2 : w/o Daytime Running Light LSWD GR 10 B 9 B GND BDCY Map Light HD1 HD1 AD3 AD3 OD1 OD1 OD1 XT2 DO1 XO1 XT3 XO2 HD1 HD1 GD1 KO1 JN1 DN3 KO1 JN1 QE1 QE1 AD3 GD1 DO2 DN2 DN2 DO3 DO3 DO3 DO3 ED5 DO2 XO2 XT3 O2 D4 N1 A3 T1 N2 T1 D4 D3 O1 E1