Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
 Junction Connector Junction Connector Network Gateway ECU Airbag Sensor Assembly Junction Connector Junction Connector Driving Support ECU Assembly Power Back Door Unit Assembly Junction Connector ECM Clearance Warning ECU Assembly Junction Connector Junction Connector Main Body ECU Junction Connector Junction Connector Yaw Rate Sensor Assembly Certification ECU Assembly Parking Assist ECU Outer Mirror Control ECU Assembly RH Door Control Relay LH Steering Sensor 4WD ECU Assembly Position Control ECU and Switch Assembly LH A/C Amplifier Assembly Junction Connector Power Steering ECU Assembly Brake Actuator Assembly Seat Belt Control ECU Headlight Swivel ECU Assembly Outer Mirror Control ECU Assembly LH Power Management Control ECU DLC3 Combination Meter Assembly Door Control Relay RH d=" M 169.97, 375.72 L 169.97, 622.18 L 1376.77, 622.18 L 1376.77, 341.73 L 1359.77, 341.73 L 1351.27, 333.23 L 1351.27, 325.30 d=" M 169.97, 333.23 L 169.97, 27.28 L 637.39, 27.28 L 637.39, 222.75 L 620.40, 222.75 L 611.90, 231.25 L 611.90, 239.75 d=" M 356.94, 400.65 L 356.94, 290.74 d=" M 1079.32, 290.74 L 1079.32, 537.20 L 399.43, 537.20 L 399.43, 384.22 L 365.44, 384.22 L 356.94, 392.72 L 356.94, 400.65 d=" M 382.44, 120.20 L 382.44, 61.28 L 246.46, 61.28 L 246.46, 588.19 L 1351.27, 588.19 L 1351.27, 325.30 d=" M 433.43, 120.20 L 433.43, 61.28 L 611.90, 61.28 L 611.90, 239.75 d=" M 467.42, 400.65 L 467.42, 356.74 d=" M 467.42, 290.74 L 467.42, 333.23 d=" M 467.42, 239.75 L 467.42, 172.32 d=" M 611.90, 341.73 L 611.90, 391.59 d=" M 611.90, 290.74 L 611.90, 326.71 d=" M 705.38, 290.74 L 705.38, 409.72 d=" M 705.38, 138.33 L 705.38, 239.75 d=" M 798.87, 290.74 L 798.87, 400.65 d=" M 892.35, 348.24 L 892.35, 409.72 d=" M 892.35, 290.74 L 892.35, 333.23 d=" M 892.35, 239.75 L 892.35, 188.75 d=" M 892.35, 129.26 L 892.35, 173.74 d=" M 977.34, 290.74 L 977.34, 639.18 L 1818.70, 639.18 L 1818.70, 461.27 d=" M 1079.32, 239.75 L 1079.32, 171.76 L 977.34, 171.76 L 977.34, 239.75 d=" M 1138.81, 290.74 L 1138.81, 417.65 d=" M 1138.81, 163.26 L 1138.81, 239.75 d=" M 1138.81, 129.26 L 1138.81, 61.28 L 1767.70, 61.28 L 1767.70, 230.68 d=" M 1223.80, 365.24 L 1223.80, 426.71 d=" M 1223.80, 290.74 L 1223.80, 350.23 d=" M 1351.27, 172.32 L 1351.27, 230.68 d=" M 1444.76, 399.24 L 1444.76, 460.71 d=" M 1444.76, 384.22 L 1444.76, 325.30 d=" M 1444.76, 163.26 L 1444.76, 230.68 d=" M 1529.74, 399.24 L 1529.74, 460.71 d=" M 1529.74, 325.30 L 1529.74, 375.72 d=" M 1529.74, 172.32 L 1529.74, 230.68 d=" M 1767.70, 460.14 L 1767.70, 424.73 d=" M 1767.70, 356.74 L 1767.70, 409.72 d=" M 1767.70, 299.80 L 1767.70, 341.73 d=" M 1852.69, 299.80 L 1852.69, 409.15 d=" M 1852.69, 188.75 L 1852.69, 230.68 d=" M 1852.69, 129.26 L 1852.69, 173.74 d=" M 1954.67, 409.15 L 1954.67, 350.23 d=" M 1954.67, 299.80 L 1954.67, 335.21 d=" M 1954.67, 195.27 L 1954.67, 230.68 d=" M 1954.67, 180.26 L 1954.67, 138.33 d=" M 2039.66, 460.14 L 2039.66, 418.22 d=" M 2039.66, 356.74 L 2039.66, 403.20 d=" M 2039.66, 341.73 L 2039.66, 299.80 d=" M 2039.66, 188.75 L 2039.66, 230.68 d=" M 2039.66, 144.28 L 2039.66, 173.74 d=" M 2039.66, 129.26 L 2039.66, 95.84 CA3N CA3P R W CANH CANL W G 13 B B 5 B W G W 5 16 L Y 14 8 20 6 17 3 9 19 Junction Connector 21 10 4 15 13 2 12 1 D126 7 18 BR D35(A) W Power Steering ECU Assembly CANH CANL A 2 A 1 LG (*2) LG (*1) W (*2) W (*1) CANH CANL 14 6 D16 DLC3 R W B W CANL D22 CANH Steering Sensor 4 3 L L6 Yaw Rate Sensor Assembly 2 P CANL W 3 CANH 2 6 P W W 8 19 L W CANL K1 CANH AWD ECU Assembly 14 16 GR W CANH CANL GR W 18 CANH R CANL CANH 25 14 A4 C 9 GR 12 W R J9(B) MPX2 MPX1 W W CANP CANN H2(A) P LG MPX1 L I8(A) MPX2 W W CANN G3(B) V CANP W A 1 2 R C 10 Junction Connector Door Control Relay RH Outer Mirror Control ECU Assembly LH Outer Mirror Control ECU Assembly RH Door Control Relay LH 3 1 14 D117(A),D118(B),D119(C),D120(D), D121(E),D122(F),D123(G),D124(H) 11 B 5 B G D40(A) CANL CANH W 13 A A 22 Airbag Sensor Assembly 10A ECU-IG NO.2 2A 35 (IG) 10A ECU-IG NO.1 2D 38 (IG) 21 12 6 2 17 15 15 12 L L L L L W-B W-B IG2 IG1 GND 4 9 10 Junction Connector D99 Junction Connector D106 Junction Connector D97 Junction Connector D106 CA1H 16 CA1L 15 CA2L 12 CA2H 13 W (*2) LG (*2) W (*2) V (*2) Network Gateway ECU D90 R A39(A),A55(B) CANN CANP 13 W 3 14 8 A 2 A 9 Junction Connector ECM D127 V D75(A) CANL CANH W 1 12 11 A A 12 A/C Amplifier Assembly W CA1H CA1L LG 13 B B 14 (*1) (*1) Power Management Control ECU D89(B) 11 B 12 B V CA2L CA2H W 26 B B 25 (*1) (*1) W W D88(A) P CANH 7 12 W CANL BR 1 14 3 CANL 18 12 Brake Actuator Assembly Certification ECU Assembly MSCH 29 30 W G 13 2 8 19 V W Combination Meter Assembly D18 13 MSCL GR W 19 W R ST-Plug A 1 F 1 F 2 1 C 2 C 2 3 1 G W 1 G 2 G L E 1 E 2 V (*1) W (*1) D 1 D 2 R W 1 B 2 B D86(B) W Parking Assist ECU CANH CANL B 22 B 21 B D83(A) W Seat Belt Control ECU CANH CANL A 1 A 2 W R2 BR R1 3 5 Clearance Warning ECU Assembly D77 V (*2) W (*2) 17 CA2H CA2L 17 39 A44 Driving Support ECU Assembly 16 R W CANL A45 12 CANH 13 Headlight Swivel ECU Assembly G W Junction Connector D110(A),D111(B),D112(C),D113(D), D114(E),D115(F),D116(G) 12 13 Junction Connector D105 W-B W-B A 1 F 2 F 1 B 2 B 1 C 2 C 1 E 2 E 1 D 2 D 1 H 2 H 1 G 2 G W BR W 8 17 GR W 9 B 8 B 7 3 4 3 L W R W 8 A 2 A 16 17 Y9(B) 8 B B 7 Position Control ECU and Switch Assembly LH R W B W BR W 9 A 8 A 8 17 W P 4 3 R W Junction Connector D125 W(*2) W(*2) G(*2) G(*2) (*2) (*2) 13 2 CANL CANH 6 5 Power Back Door Unit Assembly K14 13 B 14 B V(*1) W W V V V(*1) W(*1) W(*1) V(*2) V(*2) W(*2) W(*2) W W GR GR * 1 :w/ Smart Key System * 2 :w/o Smart Key System * 1 :w/ Smart Key System * 2 :w/o Smart Key System * 3 :2GR-FE * 4 :1AR-FE (*2) G W (*2) (*1) (*1) (*2) (*2) (*2) (*2) (*2) (*2) (*2) CANN CANP Main Body ECU D13(B),D14(C) ECM A39(A),A55(B) Junction Connector D110(A),D111(B),D112(C),D113(D), D114(E),D115(F),D116(G) W(*2) W(*2) V(*2) V(*2) W(*1) W(*1) V(*1) V(*1) G(*2) G(*2) W(*2) W(*2) LG(*1) LG(*1) W(*1) W(*1) LG(*2) LG(*2) W(*2) W(*2) GR GR W W GR GR W W 15 5 10 A 9 A (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) 10 A (*3) 11 A (*3) (*4) * 5 :Before Apr. 2010 Production * 6 :From Apr. 2010 Production 14 14 (*6) (*5) 13 13 * 5 :Before Apr. 2010 Production * 6 :From Apr. 2010 Production 16 16 (*6) (*5) 17 17 DK2 DK2 DA6 JK2 JK2 HD2 HD2 KY1 KY1 IL2 IL2 DL1 DL1 GD2 GD2 DA4 DA4 DA4 DA4 DK2 DK2 DL1 DL1 DK2 DK2 DK2 DK2 AD3 AD3 DA5 DA6 DA5 DA6 DA5 DA6 DA5 D3 D7