Ремонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро МарьиноРемонт автомобилей Тойота в Москве, район метро Марьино
Электросхемы Toyota/Lexus
- AK1
- AK1
- AK1
- AK1
- AK7
- AR1
- AR1
- Brake Booster with Master Cylinder Assembly
- CA2
- CA2
- CA4
- CA4
- CA4
- CA4
- CA4
- CA4
- CA4
- CA4
- Cd1
- Cd1
- Cd1
- CF3
- CF3
- CG2
- CG2
- Cn1
- Cn1
- Cn1
- Cn1
- Cn1
- Cn1
- Cn1
- Cn1
- Combination Meter Assembly
- Crank Position Sensor
- Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
- Engine Oil Level Sensor
- Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH
- Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH
- Fuel Injector Assembly No. 1
- Fuel Injector Assembly No. 1 (for Direct Injection)
- Fuel Suction Tube Assembly with Pump & Gage
- Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU Assembly
- Kp1
- Kp1
- Kp1
- Kp1
- Kp1
- Kp1
- Kp1
- Level Warning Switch Assembly (Windshield Washer Motor and Pump Assembly)
- Main Body ECU
- Meter Mirror Sub-Assembly
- Network Gateway ECU
- No. 1 Ground Junction Connector
- No. 1 Junction Connector
- No. 13 Junction Connector
- No. 14 Junction Connector
- No. 14 Junction Connector
- No. 15 Junction Connector
- No. 17 Junction Connector
- No. 18 Junction Connector
- No. 2 CAN Junction Connector
- No. 2 CAN Junction Connector
- No. 2 Junction Connector
- No. 3 CAN Junction Connector
- No. 3 Junction Connector
- No. 35 Junction Connector
- No. 4 CAN Junction Connector
- Radio & Display Receiver Assembly
- Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH
- Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH
- Rear Seat Inner with Center Belt Assembly LH
- Rear Seat Inner with Center Belt Assembly LH
- Rear Seat Inner with Center Belt Assembly RH
- RK1
- RK1
- RK1
- RK1
- RK1
- RK1
- RK4
- RK4
- RK4
- RK4
- RK4
- RK4
- RK4
- RK5
- RK5
- Shift Lever Position Sensor
- Spiral Cable Sub-Assembly
- Steering Pad Switch Assembly
- Trip Switch
 Main Body ECU Steering Pad Switch Assembly Spiral Cable Sub-Assembly ECM Combination Meter Assembly No. 15 Junction Connector No. 14 Junction Connector Rear Seat Inner with Center Belt Assembly LH Rear Seat Inner with Center Belt Assembly LH Rear Seat Inner with Center Belt Assembly RH Engine Oil Level Sensor Fuel Suction Tube Assembly with Pump & Gage Level Warning Switch Assembly (Windshield Washer Motor and Pump Assembly) No. 1 Ground Junction Connector Trip Switch Radio & Display Receiver Assembly No. 17 Junction Connector Meter Mirror Sub-Assembly No. 14 Junction Connector No. 18 Junction Connector No. 13 Junction Connector Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH No. 35 Junction Connector No. 3 CAN Junction Connector No. 1 Junction Connector No. 2 Junction Connector Network Gateway ECU No. 3 Junction Connector No. 2 CAN Junction Connector Brake Booster with Master Cylinder Assembly No. 4 CAN Junction Connector Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU Assembly Shift Lever Position Sensor No. 2 CAN Junction Connector Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Crank Position Sensor Fuel Injector Assembly No. 1 (for Direct Injection) Fuel Injector Assembly No. 1 KE KB KC AF KD RA RD AK1 Cd1 Cd1 CF3 CA2 CF3 CG2 CG2 Cd1 AK1 Cn1 Cn1 Cn1 Cn1 Cn1 Cn1 Cn1 Cn1 CA4 CA4 CA4 CA4 CA4 CA4 CA4 CA4 AR1 AR1 RK1 RK1 RK1 RK1 AK1 RK4 RK4 RK1 RK5 RK1 Kp1 Kp1 Kp1 Kp1 Kp1 Kp1 Kp1 AK7 RK4 RK4 RK4 CA2 AK1 RK5 RK4 RK4 Vehicle Approaching Speaker Controller Outer Rear View Mirror Assemblies Headlight Assemblies Headlight Light Control ECU Assemblies ECM Tire Pressure Warning ECU and Receiver Monitoring System Receiver Assembly)(Electrical Key and Tire Pressure Telltale Light Assembly Hazard Warning Signal Switch Assembly Rear Combination Light Assemblies Stereo Component Amplifier Assembly Certification ECU Telephone Transceiver Assembly Navigation ECU Radio & Display Receiver Assembly Brake Actuator Assembly Vehicle Approaching Speaker Controller 16 15 2 12 1 2 14 13 4 5 4 3 6 7 1 2 15 8 3 11 20 16 10 19 18 9 9 2 5 9 10 11 6 4 13 12 8 2 3 4 7 9 6 1 10 4 4 8 10 9 5 5 6 21 2 (BAT) 10A HAZ 3A 9 2 (BAT) 10A ECU-DCC NO.2 3B 22 2 (IG) 5A METER-IG2 3B 32 2 13 11 3D 24 3A 31 3B 3 31 30 32 2 (ACC) 5A ECU-ACC 2 (IG) 10A ECU-IG1 NO.4 2 (BAT) 10A ECU-DCC NO.2 3B 22 3B 30 (IG) 10A INJ 2 1 1 E2 2 THW C44 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 22 11 21 10 20 9 A67 No. 2 CAN Junction Connector DB1 Shift Position Terminal B D N R P DB2 R +B PNB PR N P 1 6 9 7 4 3 2 8 n1 Shift Lever Position Sensor B 9 B 20 B 11 B 22 A 1 A 12 K127(A),K128(B) No. 4 CAN Junction Connector K127(A),K128(B) No. 4 CAN Junction Connector 2 13 12 1 A67 No. 2 CAN Junction Connector 10 21 22 11 R99 No. 3 Junction Connector 1 12 13 2 R97 No. 2 Junction Connector 4 15 14 3 R94 No. 1 Junction Connector 6 17 9 20 5 16 14 3 K126 No. 3 CAN Junction Connector 22 20 R123 No. 35 Junction Connector 1 R6 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH 1 R7 Rear Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH 1 R5 Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly LH 1 R4 Front Door Courtesy Light Switch Assembly RH 21 22 K119 No. 13 Junction Connector 22 19 K129 No. 18 Junction Connector 22 17 K120 No. 14 Junction Connector 21 22 10 11 K125 No. 17 Junction Connector ODO Up Down 1 E 3 A/B 4 RV K111 Trip Switch 2 A72 No. 1 Ground Junction Connector M 1 S 2 E A3 Level Warning Switch Assembly (Windshield Washer Motor and Pump Assembly) Hall IC 1 FV 2 FE 3 FS R44 Fuel Suction Tube Assembly with Pump & Gage 1 C38 Engine Oil Level Sensor 5 RBR+ 4 RBR- R72 Rear Seat Inner with Center Belt Assembly RH 1 CBR+ 2 CBR- R74 Rear Seat Inner with Center Belt Assembly LH 5 LBR+ 4 LBR- R73 Rear Seat Inner with Center Belt Assembly LH 22 21 K120 No. 14 Junction Connector 22 15 17 16 19 18 13 20 K122 No. 15 Junction Connector A 10 +DP2 A 4 EAU A 11 +DP K22(A),z1(C) Spiral Cable Sub-Assembly +DP2 +DP EAU Steering Pad Switch LH Right Down Left Back Up Enter C 5 C 4 C 10 z1(C) Steering Pad Switch Assembly *1 :w/ Vehicle Proximity Notification System *1 :w/ Vehicle Proximity Notification System *3 :w/ Safety Connect *6 :w/ Audio System (Separate Type Amplifier) *6 :w/ Audio System (Separate Type Amplifier) *15 :w/ Navigation System *7 :w/ Headup Display *7 :w/ Headup Display *7 :w/ Headup Display *18 :Before Aug. 2018 Production *19 :From Aug. 2018 Production *16 :Before Sep. 2018 Production *17 :From Sep. 2018 Production F2 Fuel Injector Assembly No. 1     1     #1     2     #10 G1 Fuel Injector Assembly No. 1 (for Direct Injection)     1     #10     2     #1 d4 Crank Position Sensor     1     NE+     2     NE-     3     VCNE A29(B),K70(D) Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU Assembly     B     1     PSFT          B     14     DB2          B     15     R          B     17     PR          B     20     N          B     21     P          D     24     CA1L          D     25     CA1H          B     26     DB1          B     34     PNB      A40 Brake Booster with Master Cylinder Assembly     11     SP1     29     CA2L     30     CA2H     42     CA1L     43     CA1H K76 Network Gateway ECU K76 Network Gateway ECU     15     CA5H     16     CA5L     17     CA4L     18     CA4H     22     CA2H     7     CA2L p1 Meter Mirror Sub-Assembly     1     IG     12     MPX1     13     MPX2     14     TX+     15     TX-     2     B     4     ES K3(C) Radio & Display Receiver Assembly     C     1     GND1          C     24     SWG      K20(A),K21(B) Combination Meter Assembly K20(A),K21(B) Combination Meter Assembly K20(A),K21(B) Combination Meter Assembly K20(A),K21(B) Combination Meter Assembly K20(A),K21(B) Combination Meter Assembly K20(A),K21(B) Combination Meter Assembly     A     1     ODO          A     10     TRNL          A     11     LL          A     13     TRNR          B     14     FR          B     15     FV          B     17     WLVL          B     18     RLMT          B     19     RCMT          A     2     TR          B     2     EP          B     20     RRMT          B     21     ES          B     24     RLSB          B     25     RCSB          B     26     RRSB          B     27     OILW          B     28     MSM+          B     29     MSTI          A     3     HAZ          B     31     CANL          B     32     CANH          B     33     FE          B     34     LST1          B     36     TX+          B     37     TX-          B     39     IG+          B     4     INT          B     40     B          B     5     SI          A     5     SW3          B     6     +S          A     7     LR          A     8     B          B     8     IND      A22(A),C100(B) ECM A22(A),C100(B) ECM     B     115     NE-          B     116     VCNE          B     124     ETHW          B     125     THW          B     16     #1D+          B     17     #1D-          A     18     CANL          B     76     #10          A     8     CANH          B     93     NE+      K51(A),K52(B) Main Body ECU     B     1     FLCY          A     19     GND2          B     4     CANL          B     5     CANH          B     6     FRCY          IG     ACC     BECU     RCTY     LCTY     GND1 L L L L W-B (*19) W-B (*19) B LA-R LA-R LA-B LA-GR W W (*7) (*7) W (*7) W (*7) W (*7) W (*7) G G (*7) (*7) G (*7) G (*7) G (*7) G (*7) GR GR GR GR R R R R R (*7) W (*7) L (*7) GR (*7) P (*7) LA-R (*7) LA-R (*7) LA-B (*7) LA-R (*7) LA-B (*7) L (*7) W-B (*7) R (*7) P (*7) BE BE W W BE W BE B B G V V LG W G W L W B W P P W W LG (*7) LG (*7) LG (*7) W W (*7) (*7) W (*7) W (*7) G W G W LG W R W Y W BE G R B L LG V W P G R B L LG V W Y B R L W G L G SB W L W G W L W B B W W P LG LG LG LG G W W W W L L L P V L P V BR W B B W W B R R R GR G W W W W W W W W W B B B B B B B B W W W W W W W W BR BR LA-B LA-L L L W-B W-B W-B B LG GR GR BE LG BE LG W-B W-B W-B W-B W P P LG B SB W W L BR (*18) BR (*18) B (*1 *6) G G LG LG LG LG L L R BE G LA-R BE BE G (*6) G (*1) L LG BE (*15) GR (*3) R W-B (*19) W-B (*18) W-B (*18) W-B (*7) W-B W-B W-B (*17) W-B (*17) LA (*16) LA (*16)